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Daily Health Tips - Healthy Living Column

Natural Way To Cure Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn & Indigestion

home remedies heartburn nausea indigestion

Not all irritations or inconveniences in the body system are caused by infections or diseases, most times these conditions are just they body’s way of correcting itself from our excesses. Heartburn, Indigestion, nausea and vomiting are examples of those experiences in which every adult has most likely experienced one time or the other in their life time.

Fortunately most times the body corrects itself without any external measures but there are also natural ways to ease these inconveniences and help recover faster.

Below is the list of home remedies that can be used to treat heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting.


Heartburn is a common condition in which almost everyone of all ages is likely to have experienced in their lifetime. It is characterised by a burning sensation in the chest area and sometimes throat, and it is caused by a backwards movement of fluids from the stomach to the oesophagus. Most times heartburn is caused by little things such as bad diet, stress and dehydration but also it is caused by more serious health issues such as ulcer. Nonetheless there are quite a number of methods to treat heartburn at its mild stage without having to go over the counter.


Aloe Vera juice is very useful in dealing with heartburn because it contains some elements which help reduce inflammation in the stomach. The juice can be taken along with meals and result is guaranteed within minutes.


You might be wondering how chewing gum helps relieve heartburn when you don’t even get to ingest anything but it is actually one of the most efficient and easy ways to relief heartburn.

The way this method works is that chewing gums increases the quantity and flow of saliva within the oesophagus, a flow of saliva in high quantity helps to surpress the degree of acidity in oesophagus hence reducing heartburn. It is a method that can be used for adults and teenagers.


Vegetables are very efficient in reversing heartburn because naturally they are mostly alkalic substances. This property makes them efficient in balancing the highly acidic stomach and reduce the inflammation of the digestive tract hence stop heartburn.

Vegetables such as potato can be consumed as normal meals and one should begin to see results in only a few hours. Although it is preferable to prepare this vegetables and ingest them in the form of juice as this would enable faster absorption by the body and thus faster ending of the incommodiousness associated with heartburn.


Chamomile juice is an ingredient used by many to cure the problem of mild diarrhea but it can also be used to cure heartburn as it is very useful in correcting stomach irregularities and thus balancing the PH in the stomach making it less acidic and calming down irritations that persist as a result of such.

Chamomile is mostly prepared in from of tea and can be sipped on in between meals through out the day.


When talking of conventional methods that have existed for centuries ginger is certainly one of them and has been proved to work 90 percent of the time. Ginger can be taken along with meals as a sauce, ginger can be eaten raw or a tea can be made out of it.

Any if these methods and it remains equally effective. Another advantage of using ginger to treat heartburn I that it can be used for teenagers.


Almond is an edible seed which is gotten from the popular Almond tree. Almond is very useful in treating heartburn because it helps reduce acidity in the stomach.

It can be consumed directly and raw along with meals or can be eaten at any time during the day.


Indigestion is a common phenomenon among people of all ages but it is most prominent in people with bad eating habits. It is simply a disorder in the digestive system of the body and it is followed by a lot of irregularities such as bloating, uncontrollable bowel movement, weakness and a host of other symptoms.

Although the condition is mainly caused by bad eating habits it could also be as a result of food allergies, reaction to drugs and many other things. All the same it can be treated at its mild stage using some home ingredients and relief is guaranteed within a short period of time.


Baking Soda is one of the easily acquirable home ingredients that can be used to used effectively treat indigestion. This is because it contains some elements which make it suitable for reducing the acidic content of the stomach and also aids digestion.

To use baking soda, the ingredient is mixed with water and is ingested a few times daily, it is although important to note that baking soda should not be consumed in high quantity at regular intervals as this could lead to further upset in the stomach. Continue reading.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Metu Nyetu

    August 4, 2018 at 6:29 AM

    WHEN I FEEL heartburn, I just buy coconut and chew. It gives instant relief. No exaggerations!

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