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NEMA Faults ‘Boko Haram Plane’ Attack At TB Joshua’s Church Says Construction Code Of Ethics Broken

Sept 14, 2014 – NEMA Faults ‘Boko Haram Plane’ Attack At TB Joshua’s, SCOAN, Synagogue Church Says Construction Code Of Ethics Broken

Controversial Prophet TB Joshua today linked a deadly building collapse at his church to a suspicious plane but rescue workers ruled out the theory of foul play.

Joshua, dubbed “The Prophet” by fanatical followers because of his purported predictions and healing powers, showed footage of the moments leading up to the collapse on his tv network.

plane attack tb joshua church

Nigeria’s National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) said 40 people were killed in Friday’s incident, while 130 escaped or were pulled out alive from the rubble.

In the security camera footage, apparently from opposite the vast church compound, what is described as an aircraft is seen over the building four times at 11:30 am (1030 GMT), 11:43 am, 11:45 and 11:54 am.

The uncompleted building, five floors of which are visible above a high wall, is then seen to collapse at 12:44 pm, throwing up huge clouds of dust into the air.

“After the incident, the strange aircraft does not return,” a commentary accompanying the images adds.

There was no independent verification of the authenticity of the footage but Joshua has said he would make it available to Nigeria’s security agencies.

His Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) is located in Ikotun, near Lagos international airport.


Joshua’s theory about the low-flying plane featured in a number of Nigerian newspapers on Sunday.

But NEMA’s southwest coordinator Ibrahim Farinloye rejected claims of sabotage and said extra floors were being added to the building without changing the foundations.

“If it were an act of terrorism or sabotage, it would have gone into rubble,” he told AFP at the scene.

Building collapses are common in Nigeria because of the use of sub-standard material and flouting of construction regulations.

NEMA rescue workers were only able to access the site properly at 9:00 am on Sunday and the emergency services and media had previously complained of being attacked by church security.

The Lagos state building control agency also complained that its officials were obstructed and Farinloye indicated more lives could have been saved had rescuers been able to get to the building sooner.

Rescuers wearing protective facemasks and boots used excavators to remove slabs of flattened concrete and were hunting for anyone still trapped under the wreckage of twisted metal and masonry.

The building was believed to be a guesthouse for foreign members of SCOAN and green mattresses were clearly visible among the debris.

It was not known how many people were inside the building when it collapsed.

But Joshua preaches to massive crowds at the megachurch every week and, according to his website, SCOAN “hosts thousands of national and international visitors” each year.

“People travel from around the world to witness and receive from the mighty work that God is doing in the life of Prophet TB Joshua,” it states.

Joshua said on his Facebook page TB Joshua Ministries that reports that the church auditorium had collapsed and that there had been heavy casualties were not correct.

“The few people that were there are being rescued,” he said on Friday.

[Reported By PM News]



  1. Alakada

    September 14, 2014 at 8:25 PM

    Please tell that to kids which plane attack
    From the pictures am looking at substandard products was used to construct the building. Give us another story dis one no sell Pastor Balogun

  2. **BeZo

    September 14, 2014 at 8:28 PM

    This is just the beginning Let God confirm himself as God if you Prophet TB Joshua is real or not why didn’t God show this to you? This has put an end to all your demonic predictions.

    • amaechi

      September 14, 2014 at 9:05 PM

      Well said my brother.

  3. Margaret Tavenaga

    September 14, 2014 at 9:47 PM

    I’m from Italy I lost my son at his church in 2011 please pray before you step your feet to that place. There are too many demons inside

  4. Jilo

    September 14, 2014 at 10:26 PM

    As this age, i still wonder how people can be allowed to be deceived with all these fake miracles. Lack of adequate knowledge religious wise make people become a prey for these fake Pastor. The way i’m looking at this is,the game is over for this man with all these deceit. God has not created any man he cannot punish. it is time for accountability.

  5. OmoKehinde

    September 15, 2014 at 1:02 AM

    Condolences to the families and friends of those that dead of untimely death at the collapsed building. There are lessons to learn from this ugly incident. The first lesson is that property owners and building developers in Lagos state and the rest of the nation should stop adding extra stories or levels to a building in which the original foundation was never design to accommodate or holds. This collapsed building according to the report was once a story building, and later the church added four levels to it that the original foundation of the building was not to designed to handle. The civil engineer and the state officials who certified the building to be safe for people to occupy should be questioned and prosecuted in case there was fraud or bribery involved.

    Secondly, Nigerian people should let God Almighty be God and let men be men. It is fact that prophet only see and prophesy in part according to the word of God as written in the Bible. Prophet TB Joshua is not God but man, therefore, he cannot see himself. Our people must stop worship men and start serving and worshiping God of all flesh. People expect TB Joshua to be all knowing, that notion amounts to pure ignorance. The Bible says, ” My people perish for lack of knowledge. ” God says, my own and not others. Yet they perish for lack of common sense and spiritual understanding of God’s Word.

    The final lesson is the separation of state and the church along with government responsibility to protect her citizens from imminent dangers. Government ( both the state and federal) have no rights to enter into any religious sanctuaries without invitation or a reasonable cause to do so. But in this case or any emergency situations, the emergency rescue teams need no permission from Synagogue Church or any church for that matter to commence their life saving mission immediately the building went down. Nigerian police force should have play a noble role of maintaining peace and order as the rescue mission began at the building collapse site. Condolences to the prophet TB Joshua, his church followers, and most importantly to the families of those that lost their lives in that ugly incident. This calls for both the state and federal government to come up with policies for all buildings that are going above one level. Lagos state government has a major role to play in this regard in order to prevent the repetition of such building collapse in the future.

  6. T

    September 15, 2014 at 2:57 AM

    God knows what we don’t know

  7. fairjudge

    September 15, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    Let’s assumed this was a natural disaster but then why will a great man of God like him that i know who also said he listern to God first before he says something, came out with such an unfounded assumption of a plane hovering over the building and causing the collapsed of it.And why will he not as a man of God tell the world truthfully that many people were trapped underneath that building and a good number were actually dead and pay condolences the bereaved families.Yes it is an accident but the truth must be told and that truth will set peoples’ minds free.Without the truth from him people might be begin to think that actually everything about him and his miracles are fakes.But then he is in africa where money speaks and corruption progresses and the truth will never come out,that i am very sure.
    Anyways RIP to the bereaved families and let God’s GLORY shines and show the light to everyone living in darkness AMEN

  8. Metu Nyetu

    September 15, 2014 at 7:17 PM

    TIME: 45mins.

    1) (i) Dis mysterious plane we’re talkn about, is it spiritual or physical?
    (ii) Draw & label d plane.
    (iii) Was d plane piloted by a robot or a deamon?
    (iv) Wat is its name?

    2) (i) Did d plane throw any bomb on d buildn b4 it collapsd?
    (ii) If yes, wat was d colour of d bomb?
    (iii) Draw d bomb & paint it d colour u answerd in (ii)

    3) Giv 2 reasons why d building collapsed by 12:45pm instead of 12:46pm.

    4) D strange aircraft wz seen four(4) times b4 d buildn collapsed by 12:45pm. Using Newton’s Gravitational Interpolation Method, calculate wen d buildn would hav collapsd if d aircraft wz seen only two(2) times. (pi = 3.142)

    4) Write a short note on Brainwashing.

    Good luck!

    • Jay

      September 15, 2014 at 9:15 PM


  9. Asiwaju Olu Mayungbe

    September 15, 2014 at 11:50 PM

    Should NEMA conclude that TB Joshua violated Construction Code of Ethics that led to collapse of his Church, he should be prosecuted squarely. He should also be dealt with for lying at the detriment of lost souls. This idiot of a fake pastor does not have remorse for human life. Look at his shenanigan about the whole issue. Who made this man of ‘devil’ man of God? The brain washed congregation should wake up and smell the coffee. This man has just the love of money not them or God. If tried and guilty, he should be sentenced to life because the lost souls are worth more than his hopeless life. Family members of the dead should also take him to court if indicted for violation of Construction Code of Ethics. His time of judgement has come.

  10. ad

    September 16, 2014 at 10:45 AM


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