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Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Never Run Away From Problems…The Only Way To Have Lasting Peace Is To Deal With Them

how to have lasting peace

Never Run Away From Problems…The Only Way To Have Lasting Peace Is To Deal With Them

I rarely write book reviews because that is not the focus of this column. Nevertheless, aside from inspiring people to live a limitless life, I also advocate that effective communication is essential for a successful life and career.

Hence, it is always a delight to encourage people who are making their marks in communication. Today, I am pleased to introduce to you a fiction titled “Where the Lotus Grows”, the work of one of my promising students, Oyinkansola A. Ogunyinka.

Among the most desirable elements of a good fiction are a good story, clear theme, vivid description and suspense. The book, “Where the Lotus Grows” is no doubt an example of a good book. The author’s fluid and conversational writing style makes it a natural page-turner. Considering how engaging the narrative is, it is not surprising that an intended cursory look will end up as a dedicated focus until the reader sees the story to its conclusion.

In this captivating piece, the author introduced us to life-like characters that were not idealistic but realistic. Readers will not meet untouchable heroes but people who faced challenges that they will be able to relate with and who reacted in ways they probably would. The characters were not without super abilities, however, as they found strength in their humanity to rise above their challenges.

Where the Lotus Grows is a story of what comes next when life deals unexpected blows. What more can precipitate a rude awakening than to lose the valuable elements of life and yet be forced to live through it, as in the cases of Taiwo and Karen in the novel? What more can make life take on a whole new meaning than to experience what can be likened to a nightmare, yet there is no waking up from it, because it is reality? The novel depicts how we tend to self-destruct when we pass through moments of pain and we push people away instead of drawing strength from fellowship with loved ones.

The novel is also a story of the search for meaning, when suddenly one of the protagonists, Karen, discovered that the life she had always valued and revered was actually not what she thought it was. The realisation sent her on an adventure that would bring her in contact with another destiny that was in a search of his own. While one would have expected the collusion to be the resolution of the search by the characters, it only opened up another dimension of intrigue in the story.

One of the most significant attributes of the story was how the author, like an expert story-teller, followed the experience of each character until there was a resolution that could make the reader emotional. The book Where the Lotus Grows is full of life lessons that I would love to recommend to everyone. Despite its intense moments, it is written with a unique light-heartedness and humour that makes it very entertaining.

One of the greatest lessons we can learn is that life is made up of choices. While we face circumstances that are beyond our control, we can determine our reaction to them. A very simple reaction would be to give up or run away.

Simple but costly; because the effect will always come back to hunt us. The more difficult but wise decision would be to wait and face them. Never run from problems because if you look over your shoulder, you will realise they are right behind you. The only way to have lasting peace is to deal with them.

Thanks for reading my article today. I would really love to hear from you. So, do share your views with me by sending SMS to 07034737394, visiting and following me on twitter @lanreamodu. Remember, you are currently nothing compared to what you can become. This can be your year if you want it to be!

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Omoh Israel

    August 21, 2019 at 3:49 AM

    Life is full of ups and downs. It takes strength from the inside to survive

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