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Nigeria’s Oldest Mother Gives Birth To First Child At Age 67 As Atoke Medical Centre Records IVF Breakthrough

nigerian woman gives birth 67

Nigeria’s Oldest Mother Delivers First Child At Age 67 As Atoke Medical Centre In Abeokuta Ogun State Records IVF Breakthrough

After 39 years of waiting, a Nigerian professor and his wife  have welcomed their first child together.

67-year-old Ajibola Otunbusin delivered  a baby boy at Atoke Medical Centre, Abeokuta on Saturday.

Read Mrs Ajibola’s testimony below:

“This might be hard to believe but I am 67 years old and I have been married for over 39 years. I have done several IVFs both in India and in Nigeria that failed.

“At several points, I had said to myself: ‘So I will die without a child of my own?’

“But I never gave up on God. I held on to the belief that at the appointed time, God would remember me. And my husband kept encouraging me.

“In 2018, I was directed to this Fertility Centre by the Holy Spirit. I started the procedure with joy and I ended it with joy from above.”

The new mother  urged women to remain positive and try all medical methods while also looking up to God for the fruit of the womb.

Here is what the father of the baby Professor Samuel Olu Otunbusin said about the bundle of joy.

“God revealed to me 35 years ago about the birth of my son Oluwatobi”..

Mrs. Otunbusin may be the oldest mother in Nigeria according to reports.



  1. DB

    October 21, 2018 at 2:35 PM

    Wow. May your joy be permanent. Congratulation

  2. Flavour

    October 22, 2018 at 7:09 AM

    Wow That’s unshakable faith and Congrats

  3. Modupe

    October 22, 2018 at 5:54 PM

    God is simply awesome

  4. Fifelomo

    October 22, 2018 at 10:50 PM

    Wow…….so apy, Congrats

  5. joan

    October 24, 2018 at 10:37 AM

    Can we see pictures of the pregnancy? This lady was pregnant for 9 months!!! Surely someone will have a picture of her during those 9 months…

  6. Abi

    October 24, 2018 at 4:20 PM

    The God we are serving is Faithful, Great is thy Faithfulness, Congratulations! The will multiply your years in the Land of the living IJN AMEN.

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