Crime News
Nigerian Pastor Who Sucks Women Breasts During Deliverance Claims God Gave Him The Call
January 30, 2018 – Nigerian Pastor, Sharp Sharp Claims God Sent Him To Deliver Women By Sucking Their Breasts
Nigerian Pastor Arrested For Sucking Women Breasts During Deliverance Claims God Gave Him The Call
A controversial church founder in Ikotun Lagos who is fond of sucking breasts of female miracle seekers has been arrested.
The suspect, Raphael Obi aka Pastor Sharp Sharp was arrested last week after he allegedly slept with his church member’s wife under the guise of delivering her from evil spirits that cause diseases.
In his confessional statement, he told police:
“I received this call from God and I have delivered many women in the past”.
He added that after sucking his female victims thoroughly , they will not experience such diseases in the future.
Police accused him of engaging victims in marathon sex for faster deliverance in addition to sucking their breasts.
The house of Pastor Sharp Sharp who hails from Enugu state was raided over the weekend where police found charms he tied on baby dolls.
According to police he will soon be charged for misconduct.

January 30, 2018 at 6:30 AM
Laughing……some gullible women have suffered. Only God know how many breasts he has sucked with his wide mouth. That pix above looks as if he’s about to suck another breast. Werey man!!! As if that’s not even enough, you will hear them calling him Daddy, and he will respond my children. Mchew, may God have mercy….
jeremy king
January 30, 2018 at 7:51 AM
Like seriously u got me laughing there my friend.
with his mouth wide opened he is ready for another suckathon.
August 17, 2018 at 6:45 PM
I can’t find the pic u talked about. If u have it please share ????
January 30, 2018 at 6:55 AM
Were are those prophet who used the name of God in vain? Get ready as the judgment of God is coming.what an insult to my heavenly father! U claimed that u received the calling to suck women breast? From which God? Am sure is from this god and not this still have the opportunity for repentance now that is still available to u.
J. B. Hunter
January 30, 2018 at 7:10 AM
SO AFTER Sucking their breast, what else there is for him to suck just to complete his Adult Film deliverance style?
MAYBE In some serious cases he may even decide to go down a little bit lower than their Navel‘s region to suck the ultimate (P***y)!
Useless aldulterer claiming to be called by God.
May the worst grade of MONKEY POX catch that your toilet mouth with which you‘re accusing God Almighty.
I‘m outter here…
jeremy king
January 30, 2018 at 7:52 AM
Get back in here friend am enjoying ur comment.
Dt foolish pastor is demonic
January 30, 2018 at 7:23 AM
Oloriburuku somebody! You had carry over of breastfeeding as a baby. Pstor sharp sharp, more like quickie pastor. Agent of hell
January 30, 2018 at 7:47 AM
End time pastor
iron bar
January 30, 2018 at 12:35 PM
Crazy guy and dumb congregation.spits
January 30, 2018 at 1:50 PM
Remember the Nigerian pastor that was called out in Kenya for sucking women’s breast? is this the same guy or a copy cat? Some pastors are taking advantage of gullibility of women seeking deliverance or whatever they are looking for. God will hear you if you earnestly kneel down and pray to him. So many self acclaimed pastors are demonic. Tell me a man of God who will tie charms to baby dolls. There was another pastor who lined up about 25 women on the beach butt naked while he smells their buttocks all in the name of praying for them. There was another one who baths women (both married and single)naked. God will forgive them if they will come out and say they are porn actors instead of using Gods name to commit sin.
Queen Esther
July 18, 2018 at 1:55 PM
Hmmmm, but on a serious note, most women are foolishly desperate. What are these so called women looking for in the name of miracle?. Are they that gullible? I m highly disappointed @these ladies indeed. But as for that son of a bitch, who portrays himself as a MOG. God will judge him.