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Nigerian Woman Adaobi Obih’s Killer Arrested: Ryan Klug Charged For Columbus Murder

ryan klug arrested adaobi obih's murder

Adaobi Obih’s Killer Arrested: Ryan Klug, Murderer Of Nigerian Woman In Columbus Indiana Caught

Nigerian Woman Adaobi Obih’s Killer Arrested: Roommate Ryan Klug Charged For Columbus Indiana Murder

This is an update to the murder of Adaobi M Obih, a Nigerian lady who was brutally murdered last week in Columbus Indiana by her roommate .

In the latest findings by police, the PhD student was the landlord in this case and the man who murdered her was her tenant.

She reportedly interviewed a lot of people for a room in her leased apartment before making up her mind on Ryan Klug, the man who eventually killed her.

As we speak, Ryan Klug has been arrested by Police in Texas. He was caught on Saturday the 23rd of November, 2013.

Run-away killer, Ryan has been taken into Police custody in Galveston, Texas.

According to her work mate, late Adaobi Michaella Obih was a full-time test engineer at Cummins Inc in Columbus. She started her PhD degree last year.

She recently moved out from family and friends to her own leased apartment where she rented out one of the rooms to her killer.

As a dedicated employee of Cummins, her sudden disappearance from work raised a red alert at her work place after several calls to her cell-phone were not returned.

Out of curiosity, her work mates and family members stormed her apartment to later discover her lifeless body.

Her condition was terrible, family sources told police her throat was cut with a knife and multiple stab wounds was found on her.

Police documents said Ryan Klug sent a text message to his boss Sunday evening, saying he was going to be sick on Monday and then take a two-week vacation.

Bond was denied for Ryan Allen Klug, 36, following his 6:25 p.m. Saturday arrest in the 100 block of 24th Street. Klug was wanted on a homicide charge by authorities in Columbus, Ind., Galveston police Lt. Michael Gray said.

What a painful way to die.

May God receive her soul and bring her killer to justice.

Rest in peace Adaobi.

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  1. Elize

    November 26, 2013 at 11:09 PM

    At last this evil man has been arrested before he take another innocent soul
    This will bring relieve to Columbus community.
    RIP Ada

  2. Painful

    November 26, 2013 at 11:10 PM

    What a painful death.
    This man is possessed by a demon and I won’t blame adaobi
    Ladies stop renting out your apartment to men please and please
    This death could have been avoided if not for her hatred for fellow black
    I hear she turned down several black people

    • Alex

      August 29, 2019 at 10:57 PM

      You’re an actual ***** for this comment. You heard?

  3. Yewande Ilori

    November 26, 2013 at 11:20 PM

    @naija gist thanks for giving us update on this case
    May you die in jail Ryan
    I’m sorry my dear Adaobi

  4. joyce williams

    November 26, 2013 at 11:23 PM

    This story is very painful to read
    Why cut her throat when she is not an animal
    I fear some whi** men they are evil demons and blood-sucking vampires

  5. Banke Osu

    November 26, 2013 at 11:26 PM

    OMG this is the height of evil
    may be he is jealous of her achievement
    Here is my problem with these abroad ladies.
    They care more about money than their own lives
    I have a blood sister in the same state that gets rent money from me like an outsider.
    If I missed any rent, she will threaten to send me packing

    She is my blood sister and not a stranger
    This is what abroad has turned some Nigerians into.
    RIP Sha

  6. Oluseye Thompson

    November 27, 2013 at 12:09 AM

    Warning to other ladies beware of wh**e men
    rip adaobi

  7. D Hunter

    November 27, 2013 at 1:46 AM

    Oh! Wat a saaaad story? Wat a gr8 loss 2 d World as a whole? N wat a baseless rzn 2 truncate d lyf of an innocent n promising sister of mine 4rm anoda moda?
    No punishment wld b 2 much 4 dis Ryan of a vampire. In fact, i feel lk avenging Adaobi‘s death rt away by subjecting her killer 2 a slow death 4 three whole mths.

    I rily tnk God 4 his capture. Wt fingers crossed, d whole World is eagerly waiting 4 Justice 2 prevail FAST on dis case.

    • Joanna

      November 27, 2013 at 2:17 AM

      Yes I support slow death for him
      He should get immediate execution
      He is an evil vampire man

  8. D Hunter

    November 27, 2013 at 1:57 AM

    My sincere condolence goes 2 all dose who hv read d story n most esp, 2 d entire members of her beloved family… May God grant u d fortitude 2 bear d irreperable n unfathomable loss……….!

    Adieu Adaobi. May u find Eternal rest in d bossom of d good LORD (Amen). Surely, u‘ll b gr8ly missed.
    D Hunter.

  9. red

    November 27, 2013 at 2:47 AM

    Adaobi,now you can rest in peace where nothing will ever stop that beautiful smile from your face,may the good Lord bless and protect her family from any form of pain ever again.Am very sorry for your lost. If i may answer the question many asked her having a male room mate,I think she did it to have the protection of a male figure in the house and to scare off those that pry on ladies that leave sister advised me about same issues when i wanted to get my own house.Hers is just a sad,sad case.RIP ADA NNAA .

  10. blaze_boy

    November 27, 2013 at 8:16 AM

    Dis bloody demon shud be not die immediately he should be dealt with b4 dying he deserve to be cutting parts of his body on daily basis R I P adanne

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