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Nigerian Woman, Travel Blogger Fat-Shamed By Husband Quits Marriage Of 10 Weeks

 nigerian woman fat shamed by husband

Chiamaka Obuekwe Tells Estranged Hubby To Date Slim & Pretty Girls

Popular travel blogger Chiamaka Obuekwe has quit her marriage over emotional abuse.

Obuekwe who got married about 10 weeks ago took to the social media few hours ago to reveal why she quit her marriage.

The moderate size lady married her business partner Aniefiok Ntia who according to her social media posts has been fat-shaming her since t they got married.

She said throughout her short lived marriage, she battled with depression, rejection and suicide.

Her words:

I am a queen and I am worth it. I am beautiful and not overweight. And @aniefiokntia does not value me so he does not deserve me. He is free to date all the slim and pretty girls now.

I have broken loose from needy validation and depression. I am now Chiamaka not Obuekwe not Ntia. I have no family and friends now except Jesus and social prefect tours. Jesus loves me and I am beautiful and sexy in his eyes.

See God punish society. I have been depressed because of him for sooo long and I have thought of suicide but not anymore. Everyone says be strong. I am ready for peace. I want to be happy and single. I want to breath.

I am even ready to loose social prefect tours. At least have small money saved and I will go away for a year. At least I would not be worried about dressing up because I am fat and unattractive to a man. Nobody cares. I started gyming because of a man. Not anymore.

Everyone has failed me. All brands can come and collect their money if they aren’t comfortable. I will be broke and poor in Peace. I am ready to loose it all for peace. I don’t want to add to the suicide statistics like so many women who have gone before me. 
If you call me or text I will send a police to you.
God bless you.

I am not afraid of death. I am ready for Jesus kingdom. But I don’t want to be married anymore

Chiamaka Obuekwe

If everything she said here is true, then she has no reason to be in such marriage. A man that can’t add value to a woman doesn’t deserve her.

Happy Freedom Life Chiamaka. Hope you choose right next time.



  1. Mike

    April 30, 2018 at 8:42 AM

    My sister I so much love your stand about it, in as much as I don’t know what really happened, but from what you have just said,I will advise you follow your instincts and never displease your self for any human being on this Earth cos it doesn’t worth it at the end.
    So keep it up, I wish you the very best in life
    Take care.

  2. Pat

    April 30, 2018 at 9:37 AM

    Bastard , his whole family are probably as far as elephants. He should go after the slim ones, . The grass always looks greener on the other side. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Smile and walk away. You are healthy and blessed.

  3. uzoma

    April 30, 2018 at 1:02 PM

    Chiamaka, going from what you said here, you made the right decision by walking away from the marriage. Was he in a trance when you were boyfriend and girlfriend only to wake up when you are husband and wife? He is a player only out to deceive as many females as possible by promising marriage. Maybe he is the type that like only bones in his meat. God will send you somebody who will love and cherish you the way you are.

  4. DB

    April 30, 2018 at 5:39 PM

    Your brain matter is very intact. You even tried tolerating such a bully for 10weeks. Maybe his eyes were closed during courtship

  5. Faith

    April 30, 2018 at 7:14 PM

    Love ur self dear

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