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Commentary: Obasanjo’s Coalition For Nigerian Movement Copyright Infringement Claim

Obasanjo's Coalition For Nigerian Movement Copyright Infringement

Feb 5, 2018 – Commentary On Obasanjo’s Coalition For Nigerian Movement Copyright Infringement Claim

COMMENTARY ” Obasanjo’s CNM is a group of failed politicians.He stole our name-CN

By Benjamin Alli

I am writing this commentary as enlightenment to Nigerians regarding the dispute statement “Obasanjo’s CNM is a group of failed politicians.He stole our name-CN”

Please note that Obasanjo is perhaps a conservative pundit politician. Politics is about what he knew best..He feels it in his own body and properly in the body politics.

While I believed that everyone is entitled to his/her opinion,I do not believe that everyone is entitled to his/her own fact.

We have to be above reproach and not above the law in every thing we do, accountability is very important..

I am a retired distinguished professor of medicine and surgery with a .J.D degree and not a professor of politics. My reconnecting with the claimant of the statement above is not to be taken as a challenge or a defense of Obasanjo.

He has the right to use the name CNM under the law. Any negative statement attributed to his use of the name-CNM constitutes defamation and a gross disrespect.

To a person who is not familiar with the law of patent and trademarks, It is false narrative to falsely accuse Obasanjo of infringement. However,Obasanjo can infringe the word CN as he has added another letter to it..

In the language of law, establishing infringement requires interpretation of the claim of using the word CNM. Please note that infringement can be sought literally and by doctrine of equivalent”.

There was not a substantial equivalent of every limitation element of the claim of infringement of CN. He added another letter “M” to it to make or constitutes as a new acronym CNM instead of the original CN..

There is a difference between CN or CNM without confusion. Therefore there is no infringement by Obasanjo either literally and by doctrine of equivalent.

Therefore Obasanjo can sue under defamation and win big in court. For further reference see; Larami corp v. Amron 27 USPQ2d 1280 (E.D.PA.1993)

Please take it easy. Apologise and let by gone be by gone. Peace belongs and must be enjoy by everyone.

It is Obasanjo’s desire to shape the life of his country in his perception of what is wrong or right in economy and insecurity in the country and with what he feels in his own body and the body politics is a nuance of meaningful leadership and critical concern for citizen of Nigeria.

About the author:

Benjamin A.Alli,MD,Ph.D,J.D
P.O.Box 36081
Grosse Pointe,Mi 48236

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Jubril

    February 5, 2018 at 4:59 PM

    My issue with Obasanjo is this.
    Why can’t he pick another name, must he use coalition

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