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Oge Okoye On Marriage: How I Met My Husband Stanley Duru

oge okoye husband

Nov 28, 2012 – Oge Okoye On Marriage: How I Met My Husband Stanley Duru

Beautiful Nollywood actress Oge Okoye, a mother of two who claims she got married to her husband Stanley Duru in 2005 has finally opened up on how they met.

In this recent interview with Entertainment Express, the actress speaks at length on their ‘love at first sight story’ among other issues.

Interview excerpt below:

So when and how did you meet your husband?

It was really not love at first sight, I personally don’t believe in love at first sight. I believe in working it out, knowing ourselves, to see if we are compatible, so that is what exactly happened between me and my husband. We were friends at first and it was going on like that till we got married in 2005.

How does he feel about the romantic scenes you play in movies?

He has never complained. I really don’t know if he feels bad, but I know that being a human being like I am, he might be feeling bad inside but he is not showing it. He encourages me a lot; he is always there for me. Besides, he doesn’t watch my movies.

So where is that lucky man from?

He is from Imo State and I am from Nnewi, in Anambra State.

What is one good thing that marriage has done to you?

I think it has made me more mature.

Your last born is about two years, how soon are we going to be celebrating the arrival of the third one?

I believe God’s time is the best.

But would there be anyone by this time next year?

Actually, we are not ready for any other one now. We are taking a little break from child bearing.

After two kids, you still look youthful; what is the secret behind this?

Really! Maybe because I’m slim naturally. Apart from that, I exercise a lot. I do all kinds of exercises from cycling to normal stretching. I think that is what has been helping me to stay in shape.

How far can you go to interpret a role, especially explicit roles?

I do everything within my capacity to ensure that I perfectly interpret my roles. But one thing I cannot do is to go stark naked. But I could do other sensual roles but for nudity, I wouldn’t. Our society abhors it.

What about such things as smoking, as some of your colleagues do?

Why should I smoke? Has anybody told you that I smoke? I don’t have to do that, I don’t do it and I don’t think I will ever indulge in that if that is what you are asking.

But some of your colleagues do; do you see anything wrong with it?

I think that is their personal business. I don’t have anything to say about that. I don’t interfere in someone else’s private life, as much as I don’t want anybody to interfere in mine.

Most of your colleagues are said to be into each other, how have you been coping with their amoral advances?

I’ve never encountered one. I don’t want to doubt the existence of such but I’ve never encountered anyone. So I can’t be talking about what I don’t know about.

Generally, what is your view about the act?

You and I know it’s wrong; I don’t think it’s something anybody should be practicing.

If given the opportunity to erase anything in your past, what would you’ve erased?

I think the only the thing I would’ve loved to erase is the death of my father. It was such a bad experience that haunted me for years. He was such a lovely father anybody would pray to have. It’s been long, so I’ve tried to put it behind me.

What kind of man epitomizes your ideal man?

My ideal man should be hard working, must look good, and at same time have the fear of God

Are those things what attracted you to your husband?

I won’t talk about what attracted me to my husband. What attracted me to him is not something I would want to start talking about. It’s personal.

What are the secrets to sustaining a happy marriage?

It’s all about loving someone unconditionally, trusting the person and at the same time being tolerant. These are the ingredients of a lasting relationship, and I think they are part of what has sustained mine as well.

Unlike your colleagues, you got married back in 2004; were you under pressure to marry since you are the only child of your parents?

It wasn’t because of that. I fell in love with a man and we ended up getting married. Nobody ever pressurized me into marriage.

If you had known all that you know today, what did you do in the past that you would you’ve done differently now?

I don’t really know what I would have done differently; I think I did everything I’ve done based on the prevailing circumstances. I don’t regret anything I did in the past. I know I must have made some mistakes, but I try not to remember them because I have already forged ahead. Whatever mistake I made in the past has been confined to history, I’m now looking ahead to what the future has got to offer.

Share with us what life has taught you over the years?

Frankly speaking, life has taught me to be independent, to never give up no matter what I’m facing, to always believe in myself, to work hard and always remain focused. I’ve come to understand that everybody can be a better person, and everything anybody needs to succeed in life is in that person.

Most producers are currently lamenting on the evil effect of piracy; does the menace affect what you are currently paid for jobs?

It hasn’t. I feel that whatever I’m getting is what I’m supposed to get. But the menace is a very big challenge to the industry; you find out that before one’s film is released someone somewhere would have already released a pirated copy, it’s painful. I believe there will be a change if the government finally puts an end to it; it’s something that must be collectively fought against.



  1. Rawheemath abdullahi oluwatodimu

    November 28, 2012 at 7:55 AM

    God will help both d industry nd actrist

  2. lanre

    November 28, 2012 at 8:09 AM

    I am really happy for u Oge ,pls put all effort to make sure ur marriage keeps going,be patient nd tolerance.keep it up

  3. Michael O. Okoli

    November 28, 2012 at 3:23 PM

    9ice one

  4. Benedicta

    November 28, 2012 at 5:40 PM

    I am happy for u o, keep it up, i like ur style


    November 28, 2012 at 7:36 PM

    I really like the good work u r doing to work ur marriage and ur relationship with ur husband, so keep the good work and never allow anything to separate both of u. I am a fan of urs and I love ur movies.

  6. Edimu Katerine

    November 29, 2012 at 7:14 AM

    I like ur style.

  7. Amara nriamah

    November 29, 2012 at 7:20 AM

    I realy lyk u Oge.. Ur movies, everytin.. Kip it up

  8. Pst John

    November 29, 2012 at 12:02 PM

    Great one 4 Ogeh! With d fear of God d ability 2 forgive in marriage,dis is just an introductn 2 yr marrital bliss. I wish u all d best. Kip up yr good works Ogeh.

  9. lovertnelly

    November 29, 2012 at 6:41 PM

    I lv u oge nd i lv ur movies also ….i will u lng lyf in ur marriage nd d grace of God shall strenght u abaundantanlly nd u will enjoy d fruit of ur labour nd u parent are enjoyin u nw…..remain bless nd cum close to God

  10. Chuks Gift

    November 29, 2012 at 9:39 PM

    She tried to keep her words, keep it up.

  11. favour .v. akor

    December 5, 2012 at 10:37 AM

    stay tight dearie not minding what people are saying. the lord is your stregnth.

  12. Tito marks

    February 11, 2013 at 9:14 AM

    Oge u were attracted to ur hubby becos of his “big dick”.Thats what u told friends even b4 u got married.

  13. Mkpuruoma Calista

    February 18, 2013 at 11:43 AM

    Oge keep it up, i love your lyf, no mind them,u are blessed i wish u lng lyf and happy marriage lyf

  14. onyii ibekwe udoh

    June 27, 2013 at 8:57 PM

    Oge I lk u as person and also for d fact that my sis and friends told me that we look advise to u is for u to keep ur marriage intat.I won’t lk to hear Divorce as ur colluages do.

  15. kennedy

    August 15, 2013 at 10:09 PM


  16. portia

    August 1, 2014 at 9:04 AM

    Happy married life my beautiful actress and I wish a blissful home and prosperity.

  17. chinenye

    November 3, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    Oge m so happy for you.

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