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Okada Man, Mapoly Graduate Commits Suicide In Lagos Days After Motorcycle Was Stolen

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Sept 6, 2016 – Father Of Two, Mapoly Graduate Commits Suicide In Aboru Lagos Days After Motorcycle Was Stolen

A very frustrated father of two beautiful kids has killed himself in Aboru area of Lagos because of his inability to provide for his family.

The suicide victim identified as 30-year-old Yusuf Olubu took his own life at an uncompleted building inside Acquisition Estate in Lagos on Sunday morning.

The deceased who graduated from MAPOLY became a commercial motorcyclist (Okada rider) due to his inability to secure work.

Sadly, his motorcycle was stolen last week, a sad development that forced his wife to pack out of his rented apartment at 22 Tokyo Street.

His landlord added to his last suicide mission when he threatened to arrest him because his rent was 6 month overdue.

After losing his only source of livelihood and a family to call his own, Mr Olubu stayed with a friend and watched Nigeria-Tanzania match on Saturday and on Sunday morning, he walked to an abandoned building in the area where he allegedly hung himself.



  1. Metu Nyetu

    September 6, 2016 at 6:50 AM

    THE LANDLORD demanded what was due to him. He should not be blamed. God created the woman to be the man’s helper. For this woman to have left her husband in the lurch means she was never truly a helper. But nothing will ever justify sucide.

  2. betty

    September 6, 2016 at 7:49 AM

    may God have mercy, with d way things are now suicide is not the best option. u wld stayed nd fight no matter how long it takes a graduate is never useless will definitely get a job someday.

  3. fifelomo

    September 6, 2016 at 9:08 AM

    Mchew, has that solved his problem? Mchew oponu ayirada!

    • huchennar

      September 6, 2016 at 2:40 PM

      partially yes… his body no longer feel the pains but he forgot about the soul

  4. Ray Arnold

    September 6, 2016 at 9:21 AM

    So sad…suicide should never be a last option for you will surely meet your maker when you die to give account.R.I.P

  5. Thricy

    September 6, 2016 at 9:33 AM

    May God have mercy on his soul. But this his wife sha. Some women can be very wicked. In this age now dea is nothing like for better for worse. For better they stay, for worst they run with both hands and legs. Its a shame it has to end like this for him.

  6. Endure

    September 6, 2016 at 11:29 AM

    This suicide is simply the result of the height and the level of extreme poverty,hunger and lack of job opportunities that marked the era of our government. The level of suicide and homicide in the country today is alarming. The reality is,people can no longer meet their daily needs in what many in the country now consider as a “critical time”that is very much harder to deal with. Many reasons that led to the committing of suicide among people in advance country is what we in nigeria consider as trivial issues. But reverse is the case in our country today,it is so shameful to know that the leading cause of suicide here is inability of people to meet their ends means to cater and care for their families when we have an existing and functioning government in placed. Many have been forced to make bad decisions and take all kind of drastic actions resulting in an increase in armed rubbery attacks,kidnappings,ritual,419 and so many other illegal and inhuman means of making money just to survive. Some who can longer withstand the life pressure,take to suicide just like this 30-year-old yusuf olubu. One good thing is sure in democratic system of government, that the power to determine any leader remains in the hand of people. No doubt,the suffering nigerians will exercise that right in few years to come unless their is a reverse in the level of adversity,mischance,misfortune and regular distressing occurrence confronting the country people.

  7. Big Aunty Koks

    September 6, 2016 at 11:45 AM

    See wetin thief caused ? Thieves deserve no mercy.
    RIP to the dead!

  8. sola olaniyi

    September 6, 2016 at 11:55 AM

    he just ended his life unnecessarily

  9. huchennar

    September 6, 2016 at 7:23 PM

    the yoruba will say cutting off the head is never a cure to headache.. he was totally frustrated and see no reasons why he should continue to live on earth only if he has taught that there was more to life… he forgot he got children who can still make him somebody tomorrow but now he has quenched the fire ????..
    the dead is gone and gone forever i pray for his living children that the Lord guide and bless them so they can achieve what their father couldn’t achieve (Amen)

    #clueless human

  10. Martha

    September 8, 2016 at 2:55 PM

    Amen o huchennar, he shouldn’t had take his life o, better days ahead. Life became hard like this sometime but by the help of God and your own effort, things can get better. I’m crying already. RIP my dear.

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