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Omar Mateen Was Gay: Orlando Florida Shooter, ISIS Gunman Active On Gay Dating Sites – Ex-Classmate

omar mateen gay

June 15, 2016 – Omar Mateen Was A Shy Gay: Orlando Florida Shooter, ISIS Gunman Active On Gay Dating Sites – Ex-Classmate

The American-born Islamic State terrorist who opened fire on gay party-goers at Pulse Night Club in Orlando Florida on Sunday has been identified as gay himself.

According to his former classmate, Omar Mateen was a regular visitor to gay bars and clubs around Florida in the past 10 years.

orlando florida shooter gay dating site

His father, Seddique Mattenreportedly accused him of being gay on several occasion in front of his wife Satori Yusufiy.

Some gay men claimed that Omar was active on gay sites like Grindr and Jack’d few days before the terror attack.

He was a regular face at the nightclub where he shot over 100 gay people over the weekend.

Critics say his sexuality and shame could have forced him to carry out the attack.



  1. OLA

    June 15, 2016 at 1:39 AM


  2. betty

    June 15, 2016 at 6:04 AM

    rubbish his business tho

  3. fifelomo

    June 15, 2016 at 6:19 AM

    @ Ola thank you. As if you knew what I wanted to say. Who cares?

  4. Cutie

    June 15, 2016 at 7:16 AM

    Watched CNN’s interview of his ex-wife yesterday and she was asked the gay question.
    The way she hesitated before answering that she doesn’t know and wasn’t sure if Mateen was gay, proved to me she knows he was gay.
    Muslims are such hypocrites (apologies to the Yoruba muslims. They’re the only ones I respect. They’re not hypocrites. By the way, I’m not Yoruba.)
    Here in Europe (especially the Turks and Arabs), they drink alcohol, fornicate, party hard, eat pork in the confines of their homes and numerous other supposedly “forbidden” or haram stuffs and then come out and condemn the exact same behaviour in others, even murder perceived offenders.
    Mateen killed more than 50 people, but only he was killed!
    Western leaders will not fold their hands and watch forever-They did not stand by and forever watch Hitler!
    Justice seems slow now, and that is because terrorism, mass shootings and bombings are new world development.
    But quote me: These blood-thirsty people will one day bite more than they can eternally chew, since they cant’t live and let live.

  5. sola olaniyi

    June 15, 2016 at 7:39 AM

    it doesn’t matter whether he is gay or…he is a murderer and must be killed too

  6. Danti

    June 15, 2016 at 9:01 AM

    I don’t think so, he did not dated any of these Gentiles. I think he went there severally to ascertain his strategy. His last statement to his father was ” I hate it when two men are kissing”

  7. A.z

    June 15, 2016 at 1:36 PM

    Rubbish them no see woman nah man them wnat. Who cares

  8. A.z

    June 15, 2016 at 1:41 PM

    obama thank you.who will say that u are not a true christian

  9. Bernard Udoh Bob

    June 15, 2016 at 2:06 PM

    Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest!!!!!!

  10. D Hunter

    June 15, 2016 at 3:24 PM

    So he is a hypocrite all long? It then means he has to be killed 7times.

    I take a stroll…

  11. Sharon stone

    June 15, 2016 at 3:48 PM

    All i know is that, he is a bloodly bastard and a murderer

  12. Maryf

    June 17, 2016 at 12:33 PM

    So he’s one of them and he kill 100s of gay, may God judge him

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