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Online Store Owner Travels 500 Miles To Beat Up Customer Who Left Bad Review

online store owner beat customer bad review

January 10, 2018 – Online Retail Store Owner Travels 500 Miles To Beat Up Customer Who Left Bad Review In China

An online retail store owner accused of delivering a product late to a female customer named Xiao Li in China is currently under investigation for beating up the customer who left bad review for his company online due to late delivery.

CCTV footage shows the suspect identified as Mr Zhang as he viciously kicked and punched the woman to the ground while he walked away in Zhengzhou, eastern China.

The victim was rushed to the hospital where she was treated for concussion.

The man who travelled 500miles from Suzhou to Zhengzhou later messaged his victim that he did it to teach her a lesson.

The incident is still under investigation.



  1. Big Aunty Koks

    January 10, 2018 at 7:00 AM

    Chaaaaiiii! The poor lady got the full wrath of a Kung fu fight from this online trader. And travellling 500 miles to deliver the kick…… that gives new meaning to the expression “hating with a passion” .
    So after late delivery the lady should not complain? Na wa! I hope the lady has justice sha.

  2. uzoma

    January 10, 2018 at 5:32 PM

    Let someone related to the lady track down this human trash and take him out. If he can travel 500 miles to beat up a woman, imagine what he would have done if the complainant was a man.

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