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Chris Oyakhilome Suspends Lagos CEC Pastor Michelle Okojie Over Divorce, Calls It Blasphemy

pastor chris banned female pastor lagos

Sept 16, 2014 – Pictures: Female Lagos Christ Embassy Pastor Suspended By Chris Oyakhilome For Blasphemy Michelle Okojie

Chris Oyakhilome Sacked Female Lagos CEC Pastor, Minister Michelle Okojie Over Divorce, Calls It Blasphemy

Pictured above is another casualty of the divorce drama rocking Christ Embassy First Couple, Anita & Chris Oyakhilome.

The female minister identified as Michelle Okojie was suspended recently over what Pastor Chris Oyakhilome called Blasphemy.

He cited Romans 16: 17-20 and Titus 3:10 warning all members to stay away from Miss Okojie and avoid taking counsel from her.

The once beloved woman of God has become an outcast from her church.

Check out her photos below:

Below is a statement read openly during Sunday Service by Ray Okocha, CEC Secretary General to disgrace her:

“It has come to our attention that Pastor Michelle Okojie has been visiting church members in private and slandering the ministry, engaging in subversive activities that are against the scriptures.”

    “The church is not a social club where you can walk in and walk out at will and live disorderly. Pastor Michelle is hereby suspended from the fellowship.

    Avoid her. Do not fellowship with her. Do not try to counsel her or receive counsel from her.

    All you can do is direct her to her pastor. Do not be a partaker of another man’s sin.”

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome who is now in South Africa conducted the service via a telecast from his base in Pretoria, South Africa.

Pastor Michelle was accused of Blasphemy because she allegedly spoke against the divorce drama going on in the church and moved against the new policy banning couples from worshipping together.

Some sources in the church who opposed her sack said no confirmation was received before they fired her.

Pastor Chris said she blasphemed by speaking against his divorce.

Blasphemy is supposed to mean speaking out against God and not against mere men. The founder of Christ Embassy Church, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has given it a new meaning.

Dear Pastor Chris Oyakhilome,

With due respect to your sir, Blasphemy is speaking against God and not man. This woman did not blaspheme since you are a mortal man and not God.

Her close friends in the ministry who wrote me few hours ago said some people in the ministry ganged up against her when she moved against the new policy banning husband and wives from worshiping in the same branch of the church.

Her friends said she didn’t discuss Christ Embassy divorce with anybody.



  1. Mavama Onyeka

    September 16, 2014 at 2:33 PM

    Christ embassy is a cult people need to get God into their head and not man
    You need to visit thier church to see how dis brainwashed f*** worship the man. they have turned him into a demi-god.
    I pity many christians. Are you serving God or man?

  2. Mavama Onyeka

    September 16, 2014 at 2:33 PM

    I was once a member but left on my own when their teachings contradict my scripture

  3. Ify

    September 16, 2014 at 2:39 PM

    I don’t like pastor christ he is too full of himself I can never attend that church again, Michelle is my blood sister, she brought me and most of our family members to Christ

  4. Pretty Joyce

    September 16, 2014 at 2:52 PM

    @poster you should so respectful to Chris oya are you a cec member like me?
    At readers every church have their individual set of rules and policy. Michelle has broken the edge, she has left her place and has become an outcast only God will forgive her

    • Sarah Eshili

      September 16, 2014 at 4:05 PM

      May God deliver you **** Joyce

    • joyce

      September 17, 2014 at 7:59 AM

      you have to fine a living church not a native doctor in the house of God,

  5. bodesam

    September 16, 2014 at 3:04 PM

    Don’t judge any man, God is the greatest judge.

  6. ajponpin

    September 16, 2014 at 3:26 PM

    @pretty joyce,am sorry for u .u are blind follower of an are not in position to judge.

  7. nkiru

    September 16, 2014 at 3:49 PM

    @pretty joyce be careful and read ur bible well beside hw can someone stop couples from worshipping together? hmmmmmm may God help us Oooooo!

  8. Hj

    September 16, 2014 at 4:33 PM

    Pretty Joyce@ You reminds me of one Joy in my campus days. She also attended “Belewu”, she claimed to be devoted but ended up in my bed.

    You said only God can forgive her?, can’t your Pastor forgive?????


  9. prince solomon

    September 16, 2014 at 4:57 PM

    i think we should stop judging men of God and allow their God to be thier judge.watever happen and all the remours its part of the Devil plans to disrupt the work of God.please rather than getting who is wrong or right,who blasphem or not.pray for this ministry,pray for the pastors,pray for pastor chris and wife so that the gate of hell shall not prevail against this wonderful people.satan is working tirelessly to distroy the advancement of God kingdom here on earth.
    pls my friends pray for this great men and women of God that satan wants to pull them down

    • Favour Manasseh Samson

      September 22, 2014 at 6:30 PM

      God bless U! We all need prayers in one way or the other. Its time to pray, even a time came when Christ himself needed prayers. He prayed until his sweat turned to blood. Ref: Matt 26:36-45.

  10. prince solomon

    September 16, 2014 at 5:01 PM

    i think we should stop judging men of God and allow their God to be thier judge.watever happen and all the remours its part of the Devil plans to disrupt the work of God.please rather than getting who is wrong or right,who blasphem or not.pray for this ministry,pray for the pastors,pray for pastor chris and wife so that the gate of hell shall not prevail against this wonderful people.satan is working tirelessly to distroy the advancement of God kingdom here on earth.
    pls my friends pray for this great men and women of God that satan wants to pull them down in times like this

  11. prince solomon

    September 16, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    i think we should stop judging men of God and allow their God to be thier judge.watever happen and all the remours its part of the Devil plans to disrupt the work of God.please rather than getting who is wrong or right,who blasphem or not.pray for this ministry,pray for the pastors,pray for pastor chris and wife so that the gate of hell shall not prevail against this wonderful people.satan is working tirelessly to distroy the advancement of God kingdom here on earth.
    pls my friends pray for this great men and women of God that satan wants to pull them down in times like this…

  12. naturedozit

    September 16, 2014 at 8:00 PM

    No one is judging anyone. The truth is when u leave God and worship ur pastor,he thinks himself God. And that is exactly what is playing out here. Am not praying anyone,me self need prayers. Mtcheeewwww. Continue worshipping ur pastors and prophets

  13. Metu Nyetu

    September 16, 2014 at 8:45 PM

    Most times we hear ppl quoting “Dnt judge! Dnt judge!” Anybdy who uses those words really wants somthn 2b hidden. Dat’s d plainest truth.

    D bible is not against our judging, odawise II Thes 5:21 wdnt hav encouraged us 2 “judge all things, bt hold unto wat is good”. D bible is only afta d motive wherewith we judge. Dat is Y it says, “4 wateva measure u use in judging, dat would b used 2 judge u.”

    Dat tels me I hav2b frank&not biased wit my judgements. U dnt expect me2c somthn wrong & keep quiet 4 fear of being branded as judgemental. No way! I will keep judging, provided I’m as sincere as can be. & here d/4 is my judgemnt:

    I commentd somtym ago abt Pastor Chris’ endorsment of masturbation &d wonda I feel abt it. Bt there is anoda issue dat chills my spine faster: If u closely observe dat loveworld symbol, u would notice somthn like a human skull blended kraftfully in2d design. It is hidden, &u may hav 2 squint sevral times b4 u c it. D skull is akin 2d symbol of d Bones & Skull cult, a sister of Illuminati.(Let me pause here2absorb d shock, cos I knw dat dis must cause sombdy 2 scream.)

    I showd one of my uncls dis skull-like thing wen I first noticed it, but he, trying hard 2 appear enlightend @d expense of his old time religion, brushd it aside as mere optical illusion.

    I cdnt tel. Hence I kept quiet. Bt dis latest news of Pastor Chris saying smbdy blasphemed against him, thereby assuming himself a deity, makes me revisit d memory of dat skull. Could it b dat dis pastor who has groomd such enormous followership as many pastors envy their whole lives, is a memba of d Bones & Skull, servants of d devil?

    My ansa 2 dat question is 97% on d affirmative.


    September 16, 2014 at 9:21 PM


    • TEE

      September 21, 2014 at 8:56 PM

      A bi o sis, i dey laugh follow them o. married but single. hahhahha… yeye people.

  15. oshodin lucky

    September 16, 2014 at 10:01 PM

    let us watch and see!

  16. Conscience 1

    September 16, 2014 at 11:08 PM

    When a mere mortal man, bans you from his church and not the world in which you live in, that means that there is still hope!

    Jesus Christ encouraged fellowship of the church, he never castigated anyone or banned anyone (Christians) from the church…I really don’t know where this teaching is coming from…Could it be that someone has a different bible content from mine.

    I will say to the lady not to have sleepless night over this….for its all vanity at the end of the day.

    Let’s all be encouraged to read our bibles and understand the religion which we practice-not to always wait for our pastors to come and tell us what is in the bible…..which can sometimes be misinterpreted.
    Let us stop the attitude of worshiping our pastors and giving less time to God!

  17. magicb

    September 17, 2014 at 5:53 AM

    you people should leave pastor Chris alone he is not the first pastor to have problem with his wife,why pastor Chris do this pastor Chris do that he is a human like us not God

  18. Trichy

    September 17, 2014 at 9:03 AM

    I’ve neva luvd ds church ryt frm day 1.

  19. princewill

    September 18, 2014 at 8:14 AM

    my dear friends .
    please, be mindful of how and what you say about anointed people of God . remember NUMB 12 vs 1-11. in the holy bible. please , read it. shalom.

    • TEE

      September 21, 2014 at 8:58 PM

      go and sleep princewill.

  20. TEE

    September 21, 2014 at 9:10 PM

    how can a so called man of God pastor in Kotangora and his so called wife pastor in the south. Is that the way God said it should be. Married pastors living seperately, both accumulating this worldly wealth i the name of God. They both hve deceived their congregation, they both thought they are deceiving and playing God. It is time to do the right thing Chris and Anita, denounce the devil and all the wrong teachings. Why would i as a pastors wife open my eyes and allow such a terrible policy or rules to be alowed in the church?. WHY could married pastors cannot worship in the same churcH?. Anita shiuld have cried out early enough to save some marriages in that church, she kept quiet for too long. Now is time to reap what they have both shown….REPEEEEEENNNNTTTTT AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS. This wrong doctrine entwined with pride.#crazyworld#.

  21. chosen1

    September 11, 2015 at 8:39 PM

    Lol. I make it my business to mind my own. #weLoveUpastors

  22. Uwen Edem Asana

    May 16, 2016 at 8:25 AM

    pls let us call a spade a spade, what is the problem with us so called Christians, why do we like to use the name of God to cover up for our foolish act? pastor Chris is my pastor but but he has done something wrong, if he likes let him accept it of not. what ever anybody or the wife says about him is the truth, i am a member of that church in south Africa and not just a member but a leader so we know what is going on here.

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