Crime News
Photos: Kenyan Man Who Slept With Primary School Student & Bragged On Facebook Arrested
Oct 4, 2016 – Pictures: Mohammed Alfayo Kenyan Man, Pedophile Who Slept With Primary School Student & Bragged About It On Facebook Arrested
The mentally unstable man who took to the social media on October 1st to brag about his sexacapades with women has been arrested.
Kenya-based Mohammed Alfayo told his Facebook friends on Saturday that he slept with a Primary 4 pupil and shared photos of the minor in compromising position online.
The moment the story reached the media, Police immediately launched a manhunt for Alfayo.
According to media reports from Kenya, Alfayo was picked up at his hideout in the wee hours of today.

October 4, 2016 at 6:13 PM
Rotten in prison idiot
October 4, 2016 at 9:02 PM
I didn’t read anything about bail. In na naija they would have bail me with the sum of 1000,000 and set free that same day. Bastard
October 4, 2016 at 9:07 PM
This guy is mentally unbalanced. How could sleep wiv a minor and still brag about it?
sola olaniyi
October 5, 2016 at 10:11 AM
sure this guy is mentally sick