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Photos: Lagos Chief, Leader Of 7-Man Robbery Gang Arrested By SARS

Sept 23, 2014 – Pictures: 7 Armed Robbers & Sponsor, Chief Jude Dike Arrested In Lagos

The suspected leader of a robbery gang, Chief Jude Dike, has been arrested by the police and paraded along with six other suspected members of his gang in Lagos, western Nigeria.

The 55-year old Dike, who resides in Ajegunle area of the state, was paraded along with his gang after men of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS, arrested them.

The police alleged that Dike sponsors robbers by providing arms for them for operation and he sells the proceeds from the robbery operations to businessmen.

Those arrested along with Dike are Joel Eghon, 38, Ifeanyi Onwuegbuchi, 34, Solomon Igwe, 32, Emmanuel Ifeanyi, 34, Ejike Emegwo, 31, and Leonard Afoaku, 39.

Dike confessed that he actually arms robbers for robbery operation and thereafter contacts his agent to buy the stolen goods.

He also confessed that he joined the business by accident and because it is lucrative, he stayed put until he was arrested.

While parading them on Tuesday, the State Commissioner of Police, Cornelius Aderanti, said on 20 September information got to him that some armed robbers who had earlier snatched a Toyota Hiace bus around Ebute Metta were planning another operation.

On his instruction, SARS led a decoy team to the area which led to the arrest of the suspects and recovery of the Toyota containing engines female bags, shoes and motor gear.

Also, a Barretta pistol with serial number P17531 and ammunition were recovered from the suspects.

After the alleged goods receiver, Leonard Afoaku, a businessman, was arrested, some goods were recovered from him.

[Reported By PM Lagos]



  1. Pretty Joyce

    September 23, 2014 at 3:51 PM

    What is this old man doing with dirty business like this


    September 23, 2014 at 5:17 PM

    Nigerians shouldn’t be under any illusions some particular ethnic group who have credited themselves with business acumen are actually armed robbers disguised as traders and business men. These same ethnic group have abandoned their territorial homeland of the South Eastern corridor of the country to constitute into nuisance of sort all over and everywhere, even beyond the borders of Nigerian to perpetrate same criminal activities under the guise of trading. Nigeria is surpposed to be a place that offers equal opportunities to all hard working Nigerians under a free and secured envioroment, but when one particular tribal group becomes notorious for violent armed robbery to create wealth and are continously buoyed by the successes of their compartriots in criminality; choose to display public affluence and worship material possesions the likes Nigerians see exhibited in everyday of our lives, certainly the end to robbery by these same group is not soon. Get across Nigerian borders and you’ll be shocked at the large number of these same group involved in all manner of criminality, from Benin Republic to Togo, Ghana, Cote D’Ivore etc. It’s a sad story indeed for Nigeria.

    • JOHN

      September 23, 2014 at 6:26 PM


      • MANNUEL

        September 23, 2014 at 9:15 PM

        John, I agree with you crime doesn’t reside in any particular tribe only but the frequency and intencity at which certain tribe’s men; particularly those from the South Eastern Nigeria are involved in criminality is what is most worrying. Truely, crimes of all shades and colours cut across all tribes the lenght and breath of Nigeria but your attempt to equalise the criminal orientations of the people of East with other tribes in Nigeria in a bid to make them less guilty is what encourages your compartriots from Eastern Nigeria to become unrepentant armed robbers and very daring criminals. Violent crime statistics in Nigeria and across West African countries of Ghana, Togo, Benin Republic, Cote D’Ivore shows overwhelming pattern and disgraceful record that points in one direction in majority, this inimical pattern of criminal orientations of this same ethnic tribe that never accepts its own criminal geneology. Question is, how do an average South Eastern youth with little or no education aspire to become a trader or business man without capital to start with, gets pushed on the street by his parents from the village to sourght himself up, encouraged by his parents to raise the profile of the family back in the the village by following the footstep of the next door neighbour’s son. He suddely becomes an economic normadic migrant roaming every street corner in the cities in search of everything to do that include violent armed robbery; he brings home a car in less than one year of his sojourn in Lagos, Kano, Abuja, Ibadan and the village errupts in jubilations. John, do find this facts out, every robbery that involves Nigerians in Ghana, Togo, Benin Republic, Cote D’Ivore etc. are 90% most likely to be jobless hoodlum migrant youth from South Eastern Nigeria.

  3. Aliyu Gombe

    September 23, 2014 at 7:37 PM

    Nigeria is blessed with many things, but some of our leaders are occupying everything for them selves. Many of our youths are educated with no work to do, I don’t know what is wrong with our leaders they know what to do, but they don’t.
    Thing of your children and grand children and make the country men think of you even if you passaway.
    Gov’t. Should find a way of making the youth ingage, so that all there knowledge will be used to help the country.

  4. Uzoma

    September 23, 2014 at 8:16 PM

    Mannuel, you sound like somebody who harbor hatred and jealousy for this particular tribe you are referring to. Crooks and criminals abound everywhere both in Nigeria and outside the shores of Nigeria. Criminality is not resident in any one group. If so one can equally say that stealing government money and burning down the building to avoid detection is resident in one particular group in Nigeria. You forgot the ingenuity and hard workings of this particular group that you loath. Why not say all the positive things they have been doing both inside and outside Nigeria? Your hatred will not lead you anywhere but eternal hell.


      September 23, 2014 at 10:04 PM

      Uzoma, unfortunately there’s nothing to be jealous about these people who are virtually outcasts in the Nigerian relevant equation. I am proud to be who I am as I don’t see anything good in a tribe that is barely tolerated by the rest of Nigeria. I can understand your frustrations as a tribe whose ego has been punctured and deflated for the failed attempt to create a territorial hegimony outside your Eastern corridor enclave and your long struggle to remain relevant in the social equation of present day Nigeria. Uzoma, is it not a pathetic story that of the three major ethnic tribes in Nigeria; it is only your ethnic tribe that has remained normadic even after 55 years of Nigerian independence, migrating everywhere like the Roma tribe of the Eastern European countries, albeit to the neglet of your own home country. How comfortable are other tribes settling and owning properties in your territory as you and your kids and kins been accepted and tolerated elsewhere even with the criminal activities of your hoodlum and jobless youth who are all armed robbers parading as traders. Hell rather awaits you and your cohorts criminal tribes.

  5. Akuwax in Mongu, Zambia.

    September 23, 2014 at 9:08 PM

    He looks decent because he is looking for leniency. When giving out guns to robbers, he is so harsh. So take him to jail.


    September 23, 2014 at 9:20 PM

    John, I agree with you crime doesn’t reside in any particular tribe only but the frequency and intencity at which certain tribe’s men; particularly those from the South Eastern Nigeria are involved in criminality is what is most worrying. Truely, crimes of all shades and colours cut across all tribes the lenght and breath of Nigeria but your attempt to equalise the criminal orientations of the people of East with other tribes in Nigeria in a bid to make them less guilty is what encourages your compartriots from Eastern Nigeria to become unrepentant armed robbers and very daring criminals. Violent crime statistics in Nigeria and across West African countries of Ghana, Togo, Benin Republic, Cote D’Ivore shows overwhelming pattern and disgraceful record that points in one direction in majority, this inimical pattern of criminal orientations of this same ethnic tribe that never accepts its own criminal geneology. Question is, how do an average South Eastern youth with little or no education aspire to become a trader or business man without capital to start with, gets pushed on the street by his parents from the village to sourght himself up, encouraged by his parents to raise the profile of the family back in the the village by following the footstep of the next door neighbour’s son. He suddely becomes an economic normadic migrant roaming every street corner in the cities in search of everything to do that include violent armed robbery; he brings home a car in less than one year of his sojourn in Lagos, Kano, Abuja, Ibadan and the village errupts in jubilations. John, do find this facts out, every robbery that involves Nigerians in Ghana, Togo, Benin Republic, Cote D’Ivore etc. are 90% most likely to be jobless hoodlum migrant youth from South Eastern Nigeria.

  7. jd

    September 23, 2014 at 9:34 PM

    Point of correction The topic should have be “IGBO CHIEF,LEADER OF 7 MAN ARMED ROBBERY GANG ARRESTED IN SARS IN LAGOS” he is not a Lagos chief,he was made chief in his village & not on in Lagos.

  8. Concerned -citizen

    September 23, 2014 at 10:07 PM

    @Mannuel, I hail u!!!!.

    “Gbosa”!!! for U x 3!!!.

    U are very on point with what u have said.

    All those people criticising your comment are nothing but armed robbers themselves or perhaps they are accomplices by virtue of their relationship to the aforementioned group of bandits that refer to themselves as so called- business men. Perhaps they are related to these groups of people by blood or by default.

    How else do you explain these atrocities perpetrated by these groups of individuals…..Imagine the article mentioned that the man said and I quote “He joined the business by accident and because it was lucrative he stayed put in the business until he was caught”.

    Please when did stealing and robbing people at gun point become business?-Please I want all those shameless individuals criticising, Mannuel to answer the question…

    Stealing is stealing, armed robbery is armed robbery there is no other name for it. Please in the name of God STOP calling stealing and armed robbery business!
    Uzoma and John …I’m waiting for your comments..If you people support these acts of robbery. Then please don’t come here to criticise the politician again, cuz charity they say begins at home.

    And the truth they say is always bitter.

    What has Mannuel said that is wrong? Let the truth be told.
    @Uzoma…u said this group are ingenious .Please enumerate there ingenuity for us to read…..Is it business as usual or armed robbery u meant to say????


    September 23, 2014 at 10:08 PM

    Uzoma, unfortunately there’s nothing to be jealous about these people who are virtually outcasts in the Nigerian relevant equation. I am proud to be who I am as I don’t see anything good in a tribe that is barely tolerated by the rest of Nigeria. I can understand your frustrations as a tribe whose ego has been punctured and deflated for the failed attempt to create a territorial hegimony outside your Eastern corridor enclave and your long struggle to remain relevant in the social equation of present day Nigeria. Uzoma, is it not a pathetic story that of the three major ethnic tribes in Nigeria; it is only your ethnic tribe that has remained normadic even after 55 years of Nigerian independence, migrating everywhere like the Roma tribe of the Eastern European countries, albeit to the neglet of your own home country. How comfortable are other tribes settling and owning properties in your territory as you and your kids and kins been accepted and tolerated elsewhere even with the criminal activities of your hoodlum and jobless youth who are all armed robbers parading as traders. Hell rather awaits you and your cohorts criminal tribes.

  10. Gerald Stephen

    September 23, 2014 at 10:59 PM

    He’s just bittered,probably he’s somewhere languishing in poverty and now wants to blame his poor lazy ass on some ethnic group, grow up and get a life,ppl like u struggle all through due to hatred of ur fellow human. Crimes are everywhere and no ethnicity is spared, we should all join hand to kick this deadly menace out of our society instead of waiting for the govt alone or trading blames….long live Nigeria

  11. Eze911

    September 24, 2014 at 2:03 AM

    Chief and thief rhymes.
    Nigeria with many chiefs and thieves in power like the commander-in-thief of the armed forces.

  12. UZOMA

    September 24, 2014 at 2:05 AM

    concerned citizen, nobody said armed robbery is accepted anywhere in the world let alone Nigeria. Anybody caught doing armed robbery should be made to face the music. Anybody who calls armed robbery business is devil incarnate and belongs to hell fire. I never said what the so called chief did is right but to subscribe armed robbery to this particular group is absolutely wrong. If you say everybody from the tribe this idiotic so called chief is from is an armed robber like you and Mannuel are ascribing to then everyone from the particular tribe that burn down buildings after stealing money to avoid detection is a thief. If so all those from a particular tribe the specialize in human sacrifice to make money is equally guilty. You know this can’t be possible. Please try to read and digest before commenting. Do not let your hatred for a particular tribe overtake your sense of judgment. Maybe you know Mannuel because you referred to him as a politician. If indeed he is a politician, then he is not doing the work his constituency sent him to do. He must be one of those politicians who are there to stuff their pockets with public funds. Concerned citizen, you challenged me to name a few of the achievements of this group. There are many and I will advice you to go back to history or go back to the civil war and read how they were able to stand your British masters and Russian and Egyptian and Sudanese pilots and their armaments for 3 years in what what billed to last for 48 hours. They did this with locally made arms. The cholera vaccine that Nigeria now imports was made by a professor from this group. The vaccine was swept under the carpet by then minister of health, Aminu Kano. America bought the patent and now Nigeria imports it from America. Come over here in America and see the stride this group and the Yorubas are making to make Nigeria proud. Come and see the positions we occupy at different levels. Look around you there in Nigeria especially in the East and see their industrial handwork. I will not sit here to list all. Go back to history or if that is too far for you, go back to the civil war history. I wait for your reply if you have anything of substance to say other than spew hatred. Armed robbery is armed robbery and the penalty should be death penalty irrespective of who commits it. Put sentiment aside and reason well. I schooled here in America and I know a lot of boys(then) who were not from the tribe hated by you and Mannuel who duped federal government and Nigeria Airways in order to get money from Nigeria to pay their school fees. Will that make me say other people from the same tribe are criminals? the answer is absolute NO.

    • Concerned Citizen

      September 24, 2014 at 10:36 AM

      @Uzoma, many thanks for letting us know u schooled in the USA…Lol!
      Anyway jokes apart, Uzoma u come across like a broken record-player, full of very ******.

      I have heard all these arguments before now…I’m flabbergasted you are still referring to the civil war of yester years (1967) !…and your arguments sums you up. You have argued that because a particular group might have achieved these supposed fit –it’s a license for them to be creative in the act of armed robbery….sorry “business trade “like u would refer to it.

      “listen now”…If u continue this argument people like the great late Nnamdi Azikiwe would have been so ashamed of you, if he were to be alive today. By the way for the records my father is from the Eastern part of Nigerian, but that does not make me to condone, harbour or defend the cruel acts of armed bandits.
      Mannuel, is merely stating facts. You do not have the right to come here to castigate his opinion that is so full of facts …the facts are so glaring that even the blind can see it (no pun intended to blind people).
      Remove the sentiments & tribalism from your augments hence you can see the gravity of your laborious argument.Your arguments for me constitute bridge to nowhere. You have argued that it is ok to ignore and not mention the atrocities of certain group of people because they come from certain tribe or ethnic group….why are you stating the obvious -we all know that everybody has the tendency to steal but,Mannuel is saying that this acts are more prevalent amongst certain group of people in Nigeria. Remove sentiments from your myopic and parochial thoughts and call a spade a spade!
      Please tell me how many people (non-indigenes) can settle and trade successfully in the part of the country that u come from if they are non indigenes?.And yet everyone tolerates them wherever they go to settle in.
      I have not come here to invoke tribal sentiments, rather I have come to this forum to buttress and corroborate facts. Let the truth and facts be told hence the truth shall set you free.

      Again you have outlined some supposed achievement of certain group in the country …What do you want people like Wole Shoyinka to say or do after he won the Nobel laureate… I also acknowledge the fits of the likes of Chinua Achebe…these great people have not turned to armed robbery in the name business trade.
      For the records again I didn’t know Mannuel, before now-but now I know him from the facts he has stated.I only read his contribution and I also read the way you attacked him for daring to state facts.

      Uzoma, my advice to you is for all of us to come together regardless of tribes and ethnic affiliations –to call a spade a spade. Charity they say -begins at home.
      This argument is not about tribe or ethnicity its statement of facts. I’m also from the Eastern part of Nigeria.

      • Uzoma

        September 24, 2014 at 5:17 PM

        Concerned citizen, you keep reading my write up upside down and without digesting. If you had taken time to read and digest my comments, you will realize that I never condoned armed robbery. Fact is armed robbers should be executed as was done in the days of Oyenusi and Anini (excuse if I did not get his correct name). Whether you are from the Eastern part of Nigeria or not is not the case. The case is Mannuel accused all Igbos to be armed robbers. Please read his initial comment slowly so you can digest it. You mentioned my taking you back to civil war era. For you to know where you are going, you must know where you are coming from. America and Russia are great today because they used the intelligence of Germans after the second world war to build on where they were before the war. If Nigeria had assimilated the Biafran Scientists after the civil war, Nigeria would have been very far ahead of where we are now. But heeding to the advise of their British pay masters (who never wanted a Black nation to rise)the Nigeria government then and the subsequent ones simply let them rot away. Either that or they wanted an avenue to steal money by inflating the cost things to purchase overseas. I am happy to know that your father is an Ibo man and that makes you an Ibo person like me lest
        some people will read tribal sentiment into this unless your claim is not true. By interjecting the names of Wole Soyinka and Chinua Achebe into this argument, you are veering off course. I said in my initial reply to you that those of us here (meaning still here in the US)and in that I said the Igbos and the Yoruba. I mentioned these two names. (tribes). I really like your last paragraph. Let us look inwards to assess ourselves and find out why the Igbo is hated by other tribes. It is time for people back home to stop worshiping wealth they do not know how it was gotten.


    September 24, 2014 at 11:40 AM

    UZOMA, Your long tale of story points to the same direction you people from the East are good at. You continue to look for escape route out of your people’s criminal behaviour by pointing fingers at other tribes in an attempt to equalise the dastardly armed robbery menace perpetrated largely by your compartriots Easterners. You live in America so you hardly can feel the pulse of ordinary and innocent Nigerians who are being denied their hard earned possesions daily by your people in their homes and on the highways. UZOMA, you credited Cholera Vaccine and industrial development of the East to the ingenuity of your people and the facts you fought Biafran war for 3 years. Your assertions amount to intellectual dishonesty to have claimed credit for Cholera vaccine when no such record exist anywhere. If you visit Nigeria often which I suspect you do, pls. take a trip to all major Nigerian cities outside your South Eastern corridor enclave of Nigeria, sample out the density of youth on the balance of non-indeginous tribal migration, you’ll discover the multitude of migrating youth of the East virtually in all towns and villages looking for non existent jobs and doing all manner of things including petty thievery. What then is your purported ingenuity and industrialised South Eastern Nigeria meant to achieve if it cannot provide jobs for your people and hold them down to develop their home territory as done by people of other zones in Nigeria. Apart from Lagos which was unequally developed because of its position once as a federal capital and now economic capital of Nigeria, thus becomes an economic nerve centre for Nigeria as a whole; Lagos understandably is a hotbed of equal opportunity for all tribes in Nigeria, irrespective of how remote or small your tribe is. UZOMA, how do you explain the massive migrations of your youth to other parts of Nigeria to the neglet of the development of the home front South Eastern Nigeria. Unfortunately, your youth of today have not been taught the post civil war lessons so are on the same dangerous path of their forebeares who fought the botched civil war you claimed to have held on for 3 years. Thanks the Yorubas were more accomodating, lenient and very reconsiliatory post civil war events but the lessons of the north needs be learnt and learnt very hard. UZOMA, FOOD FOR THOUGHT.

  14. Tm

    September 24, 2014 at 1:26 PM

    @UZOMA am glad you talk like a man not like that boy ranting without thinking…if you are jealous of successful business my ethnic is doing in lagos…baba that does not make you a wise boy…this your ethnic always overlook your bad eggs and focus on others,your ethnic sell human parts as legal business,how many uncomplete building in the forest have been discover in your south south forest where they chain people,raping women,selling blood and human parts…but your over zealous hatred makes you to forget it all…how many people have been cut with human head,human troat,human blood and other part of the body in just lagos and ogun state within a year? Could you posiblely challenge me on public debate manuell and co? it not your ethnic boys conspired and kill a british soldier in england?,is it not your ethnic boy kill her mum in USA and dress like a woman to ran away? Manuel if you think its only you that is enlighted to screen other ethnic i have many point to make you cry like a baby if you can challenge me on public debate…grow up and learn how to talk…this is my number +24105828555 i urge you to challenge me on public debate ,race does not belong to runners…uzoma nwannem you can add me to whatssap or facebook with the number lets talk more,i believe in association like yours..

  15. Proudly igbo

    September 24, 2014 at 1:39 PM

    Dear uzoma we igbos ar knwn for something all around the world….which is hardwork…the greatest armed robber of all time in nigeria is/was nt an igboman..mannuel should go and read history and *****…***…anyways dear mannuel u ar spiritualy and physically **** keep*****

    • Uzoma

      September 24, 2014 at 2:48 PM

      Thank you Proudly Igbo. It is not that we are condoning armed robbery but what got me riled was him saying that every Igbo man is an armed robber. I believe that anyone convicted for armed robbery should be executed to teach others a lesson. I remember when they were being executed at the Bar Beach in Lagos during the time of the dare devil armed robber called Oyenusi. Did Nigeria finally do away with executing armed robbers? I am a proud Igbo man like you but we need to look inwards to see what is wrong and cleanse ourselves. Why do other tribes in Nigeria *****?

      • Saphire..proudly igbo

        September 25, 2014 at 9:39 AM

        In mannuel’s comment i saw pure hatred…concerned citizen who claims that his dad is an igboman mst av criminal blood runing in his vain..since all igbos ar criminals..his dad also is a criminal…and blood used in making him (concerned citizen) is a criminal blood..that makes him a criminal…so pple beware of Concerned citizen..beware bewarn dnt fall a victim to his criminality….hateless and live long….live lets live according to pope francis…God bless nigeria

  16. Great

    September 24, 2014 at 3:22 PM

    My stomach is filled wit d gramma am reading here. Mannel,i like ur gramma.keep it up by telling them the truth.let them go nd hug wet transforma

  17. Uzoma

    September 24, 2014 at 6:56 PM

    Mannuel, you have finally exposed your ignorance concerning the happenings in Nigeria. For you to say that it is not true Cholera vaccine was invented by an Ibo man is to say the least annoying, the same way your British pay masters made the government in charge then not to assimilate Biafran scientists then. A move that would have helped catapult our Nigeria to greater heights. If you do not know ask those who do. The name of that scientist is Professor Njokuobi from Uratta, Owerri in the present day Imo state. May his soul rest in peace. He passed on a few years back. The name of the commissioner for health then was Alhaji Aminu Kano. He was the one who condemned it. Yakubu Gowon was the head of state then. In anger the erstwhile professor sold the patent to an American company and today Nigeria imports this same vaccine from America. This is the naked truth. This shows you are very ignorant of facts. The only thing you do well is condemn the whole tribe for a sin committed by some unscrupulous individuals. You should put your mind in a neutral state when reading and commenting on issues. In this way you will arrive at a positive conclusion.


      September 25, 2014 at 10:16 AM

      UZOMA, No need responding to you anymore, readers have seen through your divectionary tactics shifting attention away from robbery story of your people to finger pointing and now Cholera Vaccine. You can continue to live in self denial and revel with self conceited ideas; none of these can change the perceptions of Nigerians towards people of the East. Present day generations of Eastern youth probably may be suffering from the sins of your over-ambitious past leaders, hence the disarray in the East and lack of leadership since the demise of the only most revered leader Nnamdi Azikwe. The evil of the past has to be ostracised by the present generations, unfortunately however with the skewed mentality of people like Uzoma who continually are stuck in the past, salvation is not yet in sight for the people of the East. I rest my case.

  18. sharton

    September 24, 2014 at 8:06 PM

    Tufiakhua I waka pass.

  19. DILO

    September 24, 2014 at 11:56 PM

    in dis debate of robby…up manel and to say d fate ***** boy are some thing every funy.


    September 25, 2014 at 10:19 AM

    UZOMA, No need responding to you anymore, readers have seen through your divectionary tactics shifting attention away from robbery story of your people to finger pointing and now Cholera Vaccine. You can continue to live in self denial and revel with self conceited ideas; none of these can change the perceptions of Nigerians towards people of the East. Present day generations of Eastern youth probably may be suffering from the sins of your over-ambitious past leaders, hence the disarray in the East and lack of leadership since the demise of the only most revered leader Nnamdi Azikwe. The evil of the past has to be ostracised by the present generations, unfortunately however with the skewed mentality of people like Uzoma who continually are stuck in the past, salvation is not yet in sight for the people of the East. I rest my case.

  21. Uzoma

    September 25, 2014 at 5:58 PM

    Mannuel,you have resorted to calling names after you have exposed your ignorance to the happenings in Nigeria. Go to today’s issue about the armed robbers who shot the Pastor in the mouth. Can you then say all their tribes men are armed robbers?. People in this forum have seen through your writings that you are a hardcore tribalist. Answer the questions posed to you by some commenters on todays issue (the armed robbers). You can only talk for your tribe (even in that case not all your tribes men will agree with you). The leaders have come to realize that for us (Nigeria) to move forward, we must come to grips with our past. It is people like you, Mannuel) if that is your true name, that Nigeria is where we are today- full of corruption and denying history. I will not engage you in name calling. That is for small minds. You can hate the East the much you can, you are only eating up yourself. Your **** is there for everybody to see. Nigeria can move forward if we all can come together in peace and harmony.

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