Crime News
Photos: Nigerian Drug Dealer Daniel Enemuo Executed In Indonesia By Firing Squad
Jan 18, 2015 – Pictures: Nigerian Drug Dealer Daniel Enemuo Executed In Indonesia By Firing Squad
All the prisoners, who had been sentenced to death between 2000 and 2011, were executed shortly after midnight, the attorney general’s office said.
A 53-year-old Brazilian, who was caught with drugs stashed in the frame of his paraglider at Jakarta airport, and 62-year-old Dutchman were executed on Nusakambangan Island, home to a high-security prison, off the main island of Java.
A Nigerian, Daniel Enemuo; Namaona Denis, from Malawi; and an Indonesian woman, Rani Andriani, were executed at the same location.
The sixth convict, Vietnamese woman Tran Thi Bich Hanh, was executed in the Boyolali district in central Java.
They were all caught attempting to smuggle narcotics apart from the Dutchman, who was sentenced to death for operating a huge factory producing the drug ecstasy.
All had their appeals to the president for clemency rejected last month.
Jakarta had an unofficial moratorium on executions for several years from 2008 but resumed capital punishment again in 2013. There were no executions last year.
Following Sunday’s executions, the number of people on death row for drugs-related offences stood at 60, around half of whom are foreigners, said a spokesman for the national narcotics agency.
The six were the first people executed under new President Joko Widodo.
Widodo on Sunday defended the death penalty in a Facebook post.
“The war against the drug mafia should not be half-hearted measures, because drugs have really ruined the good life of the drug users and their families,”“There is no happiness in life to be gained from drug abuse. The country must be present and fight with drug syndicates head-on,”“A healthy Indonesia is Indonesia without drugs.”

January 19, 2015 at 1:13 AM
Painful truth. Gen. Buhari and Idiabgon scared the hell out of Nigerians with similar method in the 80’s.
January 19, 2015 at 1:26 AM
Very unfortunate indeed but, how did Nigerians get to the brink of getting rich at any cost, even if it’s undignifying and likely to cost a life. Why must we gamble with our lives thus far and who do we intend impressing with the wealth if we ever succeeded in a risky gamble of our lives.? Its a pitty it has to come to this in a foreign land where Daniel Enemuo’s body may never be seen by his family forever. Very very sad indeed.
January 19, 2015 at 7:47 PM
You are right Mannuel. Who do they want to impress back home but the gullible ladies and idiotic men who hardly question the source of such wealth. I have no sympathy for such people. They know the penalty for such offence in the Asian countries, yet they foolishly went ahead.Now what will his people back home think or how will they feel? It is a pity and a shame. Like someone rightly said, Buhari tried to stop it when he was Military head of state but Nigerians were saying the punishment was excessive. Now they are having a rethink.
Barr ike
January 19, 2015 at 10:15 AM
Youthful avarice, sharp-sharp cash are all fallout of impatience and laziness. Mennnn.. Thumps up 4 this execution! Many Naija youths are pulling latest exotic cars from proceed of this nonsense. The govt must rise to the occasion and penalize all patronizers stiffly.
Omachoko Joseph
January 19, 2015 at 2:24 PM
@ Mannuel, Can you see how desperate some Nigerians are all in the name of getting rich? How I wish he made his way right with God before his execution knowing fully well that he was going to die.
May God have mercy on his soul. this should serve as deterrent to those that are still in this type of evil business.
February 15, 2015 at 7:59 PM
100% of Nigerian drug dealers are ****, they should be described as biafran nationals.
Nigeria is not the poorest country on earth so no excuse for poverty and hunger.
These are greedy criminals going by the code of “get rich or die trying”
Igbo people are the most endangered species in Nigeria, the ones who escape Islamic terror end up getting killed for drugs abroad.
All Igbo people in Asia are drug dealers and should be rounded up on the streets and shot.
The ones walking the streets freely have not been caught for drugs yet.
May 2, 2015 at 2:23 AM
I don’t know what you call your self,jim,you are the most stupid,and ignorant person i ever came accross,how can you be so foolish to say that all the Ibos are drug dealers,i don’t know the tribe you are from,but i tell you here that,your tribe are cursed,all of you envy the Ibos,Yoruba man was among the executed,but you can only lay emphasis on the Ibos,shame to you<ONYE NZUZU<.
March 10, 2015 at 8:44 AM
@Jim u’re a fool for saying that all Igbos in Asia are drug dealers. where are ur evidence to justify this. Please be very careful with wat u say here, don’t cause problem for innocent people. May the soul of Mr. Enenmou rest in perfect peace. Though no body forces anyone to buy drugs, if no one buys no one will sell. Wat is the punishment for those patronizing drugs, or is it only the dealers that are purnished?
June 27, 2016 at 11:36 AM
what will happen to the souls that he destroyed with his drugs.. please let the dead bury themselves.
Mr Kings
April 27, 2015 at 5:38 AM
@Jim you are not xpected to come out here and make some stupid, irrational, uneven, centralized and biased speech. So be very careful not to steer up trouble and commotion…. I pity their families, for them, I’ve gat no fucking pity.
April 29, 2015 at 11:45 AM