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Photos: Nigerian Pastor Joshua Iginla Gives Nollywood Actors Hummer Jeep, G-Wagon & 30 Cars
May 23, 2016 – Pictures:Abuja Pastor Joshua Iginla Gave 32 Cars, SUVs To Aluwe, Jide Kosoko & 4 Other Nollywood Actors As He Marks 50th Birthday
Wealthy Joshua Iginla Gives Nollywood Actors Hummer Jeep, G-Wagon & 30 Cars
The founder of Champions Royal Assembly in Abuja, controversial Prophet Iginla yesterday gave out 16 cars & 16 SUVs to 6 veteran Nollywood actors, entertainers and members of his church as he marked his 50th birthday.
Celebrities who got Hummer Jeep, G-Wagon & CL550 Mercedes and several other cars from Iginla yesterday include Sunday Omobolanle aka Papiluwe, Francis Duru, Jide Kosoko, Ngozi Osondu and Thelma Nwosu.
Last year, Iginla gave out 18 cars as birthday gifts to Nollywood actors and selected members of his church.
Critics said it is a yearly ritual the pastor must perform while others said he is doing it out of a pure conscience.

May 23, 2016 at 5:50 AM
thats wonderful, a good work that will be cherish by some people for the rest of their life’s
May 23, 2016 at 6:03 AM
why the G wagon foto was not taking?
D Hunter
May 23, 2016 at 6:05 AM
I dont understand. What‘s his aims? Why not help the poor instead? Why adding to the rich when so many out there are struggling to barely afford 3 square meals a day?
Like I said earlier, I still don‘t understand. So I am not condemning nor praising. Maybe there is something we need to know. Hummer jeep SUVs Cars are not just some loaves of bread.
I take a stroll…
Metu Nyetu
May 23, 2016 at 6:28 AM
If this was coming from a politician, I might not have care so much as to drop a comment. But here is a Christian cleric who should understand Heaven’s own principle of giving. If he spends this much on the rich, how much then does he keep aside for the poor? Or are the people of humble estate not remembered at all by his generous hands? Jesus teaches that we should give to those who cannot pay us back, so that our reward would be great in heaven, for even sinners give to only those who can pay them back.
This pastor did this last year, and repeated it this year. I make bold to say this is not generousity at all. Abuja is not rid of the poor. The money spent on this worldly ostentation could have changed their lives and brought them to Christ if he was really concerned about winning souls for Christ. The RCCG G.O. would never do this, neither will Winners’ and a few others. Real men of God have there signatures; so do the fake ones.
May 23, 2016 at 7:05 AM
Good observation @D Hunter! I too don’t understand the motive behind this gesture.
May 23, 2016 at 7:14 AM
Why pouring water in the ocean? There people out there that can benfit from your charity work. Anyway, the boy is good……………. Am not moved by his show of………..
May 23, 2016 at 7:22 AM
Why pour water in the ocean? There are people who needs help and pastor Iginla is here declaring unnecessary suplus. I refused to be moved with this act of yours.
rotten apple
May 23, 2016 at 7:55 AM
Abegi,r we dumb,why must he target nollywood and others,this is a clear evidence of end time pastors,remember days ago when a redeem pastor was said to have been distributing meat,dis,dat to members of d public,dat happened cause hez a poor pastor,nw dis one sharing cars runnin into say 600million yearly,yet efcc can’t probe him,his followers n nollywooders can’t reject his gifts.even tb joshua sef,no dey dash ppl luxury cars.
This is a ritual,to renew his life,riches,and exchange of ppls destiny. D devil gives you 10 mil,he takes back 600million from you.
End time everywhere.
Pastors no more do bloody hidden spiritual sacrifice,its now done in the disguise of giving gifts for exchange of extended life and riches.
We are all trapped.Jesus abeg when you dey come,mowi rapture together.
May 23, 2016 at 8:46 AM
Humm What a shame.i am flabbergasted! see what Nigerians have turned Christianity to, just lost for words. This is clear misapplication of charity in contradiction of Christian doctrine, people pay tithes to help charitable causes not for publicity stunt, this is inversion of the robin hood principle: take from the poor give to the rich.How about of empowering people and alleviating poverty and sickness, Are these people able to maintain these cars? in the end most of these car will be abandon on the driveway due to lack of maintenance and difficulty of getting parts for them. This is the same way that most of the churches have universities that even members of their congregation cannot afford to enroll their children in them.This is an affront to the dignity of charity by creating elitism and nepotism.Don’t give people fish show them how to fish, it will sustain them for ever. so many graduates and school leavers roaming the street not knowing what their future will bear; so many families without food , this is totally twisted and definitely not christian, it lends weight to the suggestion that this act is some sort of ritual. i know due to state of the nation some will support him ans hail him; but this is not in line with Jesus teachings.
May 23, 2016 at 8:49 AM
I quite agree with you @D Hunter! I wonder what motive he has for this gesture,cus it could have been channeled to more appropriate places.
May 23, 2016 at 8:58 AM
Why not use your wealth to help the less privileged people. They need your help, please help them and let God bless. except there is a motive to your giving
May 23, 2016 at 8:59 AM
Why not help the less privileged people except there is a motive.
May 23, 2016 at 9:18 AM
what matters is that , he gave cars
sola olaniyi
May 23, 2016 at 9:42 AM
will be better if he donates such money to charity
Justin B
May 23, 2016 at 10:18 AM
God bless you for the gift, i also need one.
May 23, 2016 at 10:25 AM
Givers never lack. God loves a cheerful giver. it is an act of kindness.
James Brown
May 23, 2016 at 10:31 AM
This is a mis-place priority giving and helping the already have. Even our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said He did not come for the save rather He came for the unsaved souls. In the same manner a rich man giving to the rich people is a misplace giving just for the show of it. Take for example why did Bill Gate not give out all his money to the Bush family, Clinton family, or Harrison Ford the America Actor.. Not even his own child, Rather he gave it all to help helpless children / People worldwide as charity help. Mchwweee!!!!
May 23, 2016 at 10:38 AM
give to the poor not nollywood actors,
May 23, 2016 at 10:47 AM
Why giving out cars/cash gifts to already made celebrities while so many less privilege in Nigeria are suffering and can not even eat good 2 square meal everyday?
May 23, 2016 at 12:49 PM
only God knows.
Good perish
May 23, 2016 at 1:05 PM
i can see thats why some nollywood actors and actress are dying like a foul they dont know the mind of this pastor , heart is bag everything is caring his or he own.
May 23, 2016 at 1:12 PM
Pastor Joshua Iginla, God bless you sir. Am waiting for my own share of the money sir.
full baby
May 23, 2016 at 1:13 PM
I dnt get it, y is dis man given to d rich? While d poor are dying of hunger. I see mothers selling pure water on d street I began to feel for them. I only as God to bless me becos I wnt to help d poor. Dia is dis woman she is blind but can sing her voice is soooo sweet dat u will be force to give her money, and is her son dat carry her {d mum} to bag. So one day I called d little boy to ask him some questions. He said dat they cum frm Enugu to bag dat d dad is late they are just two him and his little sis dan I ask him wht of his skul he said, {asking me if I hav seen them for week now? I asid no}becos they do cum always. He said ok dat he and d mum wnt to register him in a new skul dat so d money they have is dat much dat they to beg for money so dat he can go to skul. My God Throughout dat day I knw get myself I said to myself{ hw I wish dat am rich} and someone is out dia given to d rich when d poor is dying. God pls bless me to help others becos if u hear dat woman voice u must turn back to look at her and ask God y
ayo emmanuel
May 23, 2016 at 3:02 PM
why talking of the car gifts to nollywood,when 7 was giving to nollywood and the rest to the church members including a 80 plus old woman, motherless home babies windows and some women in the church that are into petty trading, he gave deep freezers, bags of rice, scholarships to motherless babies,haba,must u chastise good work. last year, he gave money and employment to abandon dwarfs, cripple. Elder Maya, whom Nollywood could not rescue with just 1m naira, he gave the family the I.M NAIRA through Bruno Nwoha and ask for a follow up. whoever does not appreciate what this man of GOD HAS SINGLE HANDEDLY DONE,then u are wicked.Like he said,’Don’t thank me, thank God who made it possible” How many Pastors or G.O. in Nigeria has done this to there members, rather than buying Jets, establish schools members cant afford, and we see one that believe in GIVING,WE said its ritual, may God forgive u
D Hunter
May 23, 2016 at 3:24 PM
@ Gloria, I do not agree with you on this. It is true that God loves cheerful giver no doubt, but the question here nobody seem to be asking is…
What did the beneficiaries do to warrant this generous gesture in the first place?
If your giving someone a gift one whom you know will give you something in return, what you are doing is BUSINESS not KINDNESS.
I take a stroll…
Bassey Eno-obong
May 23, 2016 at 7:35 PM
Giv to those who can not pay u back. No point addg to d already “well to do”
dat u giv to dos mention is no news.
lola O
May 23, 2016 at 8:06 PM
sharon stone
May 23, 2016 at 8:38 PM
his motive is best known to him.
May 23, 2016 at 10:32 PM
This is how life and given should be define not buying a private jet building university so ur kids can take off from when u die stupid wealth sick pastors. opportunist pastors who never believed they will fly someday now owns jets and willing to buy more say its church properties why ur junior pastors no get personal access to the jet abi them no dey use church chairs and table waiting come make the jet different. god help u money hungry pastors and hope wen u die fire and many more will get all that your wealth down so we see how ur kids can keep up. church business pastors. the only mentor they have is the pastor who owes an airport……..
May 24, 2016 at 3:32 PM
May God forgive u all so givg nw has nw turn to sin bible says more shall be collected fm those who do nt have an be added to those dat hv moreover he also gav to d needy.orphan.an d Lee privileged as well so why ar u criticising dis great man of God pls be careful d way u talk about d men of God must u talk if u don’t like wot he does pls keep queit for God sake. Pst iginla well dome may God bles an incease u in all side pls remember me in prayers o I lov u an tb. Johua
May 26, 2016 at 10:34 PM
Amebo people he also gave #1m for a man dying if liver disease. Your president can’t do that sef
August 24, 2018 at 12:00 AM
Pastors make lots!!! Feed the children!!!