Crime News
Picture: Housegirl Who Kidnapped Masters Children In Magodo Lagos Caught On CCTV Camera
Dec 11, 2014 – Photo: Housemaid Who Kidnapped Masters Kids (Boys) In Lagos Caught On CCTV Camera
The heartless lady who kidnapped two young children from her master’s home in Magodo Estate over the weekend has been identified.
The maid simply called Juliet was caught by CCTV camera hours before she snatched the innocent boys from their parents home on Sunday, the 7th of December 2014.
As at the time of this report, the fate of 2-year-old Rafael and his baby brother Michael (18months) is still unknown.
Please if you recognise her face, call 08037071370 or report at a police station near you
May God deliver these young boys from the evil housemaid. May the angel of the Lord guide them and keep them safe from danger.

December 11, 2014 at 4:20 AM
She is evil.they should contact d pple dat is from her place
Don Omoniyi
December 11, 2014 at 4:24 AM
I hope they have not succeeded in killing these babies
Stories like dis reveal dangers associated with being a lazy mother of what use is a nanny
Correct espy
December 11, 2014 at 2:48 PM
**** like you should not be allowed on the net, whats lazy about a woman who can pay someone to look after her young kids while she is out working? She has employed someone to give that person a chance of employment of some sort and also so that she can properly take care of the kids financially but **** like u just use the net to cover your coward face to write out nonsense..again **** think with ur head not ur fingers!!!!!
correct talk
December 11, 2014 at 2:50 PM
***** like you should not be allowed on the net, whats lazy about a woman who can pay someone to look after her young kids while she is out working? She has employed someone to give that person a chance of employment of some sort and also so that she can properly take care of the kids financially but *****like u just use the net to cover your coward face to write out nonsense..again **** think with ur head not ur fingers!!!!!
December 13, 2014 at 7:13 AM
Don Omoniyi, always think b4 u open ur mouth to talk or write. I pity ur wife that’s if u can afford to marry one.
December 11, 2014 at 4:53 AM
Give us her real picture not cctv it cant be as clear as that of her photogragh, pls apply wisdom for ones.
December 11, 2014 at 4:57 AM
All the contacts on her phone should be contacted If she has a phone the kids will be found.
Akuwax in Mongu, Zambia.
December 11, 2014 at 8:23 AM
House maids have gone too far, this will deter a lot of them from finding employment.
Last time we read about that one (maid) in Uganda who almost killed a baby and today it is about kidnapping the same children you are employed to take care of why?
My plea goes to those who have maids and those who are about to employ these maids to come up with a scrutiny criteria that will help assess these so called maids.
December 11, 2014 at 11:23 AM
Sometimes it is necessary to employ housemaids.. it is not about laziness.secondly how are we sure the maid and the children were not kidnapped. I pray no one is harmed.
December 11, 2014 at 12:03 PM
Just an advice to all of you on this page. Always take a picture of your house helps the minute they step into your house and also the picture of whoever brings them . Finally , take a picture of them together so they can’t deny knowing each other. I have been robbed by a house help before and that was what helped me a lot.
Don’t employ people from Ogoja , Cotonou , Togo and Igede. The Ogoja girls bring men in to rob you , they Cotonou girl can go it all alone. You should also search their bags before they start work because in most cases they come with charms. I have also experienced that before .she said it was for her protection. I made sure she followed my family and l for digging deep service the next day and they following morning , she insisted she was leaving . When asked why , she said she can’t stay around our house. I think all the ‘kabash’ in church affected her evil spirit. Sometimes they try to use the juju to lure the man to bed. It happened to my neighbour before and he almost fell for it. She later confessed that she wanted to use that to blackmail him . May God bless and protect us all.
December 11, 2014 at 4:53 PM
The parents of the kids should go to the office of her Net-work provider, I belief they will be able to trace some numbers she contacted before switching of her phone. I pray God Almighty will protect the children from any harm.
December 13, 2014 at 6:30 AM
Sometimes,d action of someone,depends on how yu treat them.everyone is special not just yur children.treat d maids as if dey r yur children nd dey will find it hard to plan evil aginst yu.make dem believe dey can confide in will gv dem rum to always open up to yu.thou there r d bad ones,but play yur own role first .I pray d kids r safe .God of d kids will surely rescure dem.Amen