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Prophecy On Jonathan: Ejike Mbaka Is A True Prophet Of God – Catholic Faithful
March 31, 2015 – Catholic Faithful Hails Rev Ejike Mbaka For Speaking Up Against Jonathan
Prophecy On Jonathan: Ejike Mbaka Is The Only Prophet In Nigeria That The True Spirit Of God – Catholic Faithful
Mbaka Mbaka Mbaka how many times did I call him? Believe it or not Mbaka is the only Prophet in Nigeria that has the spirit of God.
He is the only Man of God in this Country that stands with the truth in the presence of masses who always betray him.
Nigerians rain abuse and curses on him while some said a prophet should not be political.
Let me make it clear, if your pastor,reverend father or bishop could not speak up when things are going wrong in the society, who will ?
We can’t trust politician yet we can’t support those protecting us against bad governance.
Mbaka Mbaka you not a politician neither do you have private jet to run around Nigeria for connection but you have the spirit of God.
From today, your name is TRUTH.
Written by Izu George.

March 31, 2015 at 7:28 PM
March 31, 2015 at 7:30 PM
May God be with you & guide you Sir.
March 31, 2015 at 7:45 PM
U r indeed a born prophet. A true prophet of God. May d Almighty God continue to bless n guide u.
March 31, 2015 at 7:53 PM
He is a born prophet. A true prophet of God. May d Almighty God continue 2 bless n guide u.
March 31, 2015 at 7:57 PM
Reverend Mbaka should be made president of CAN. Christians need a new sense of direction and not the political religious entrepreneurs
lukman, USA
March 31, 2015 at 10:38 PM
As of this moment, as of today, reverend Mbaka, from the spirit of God vested in me, you shall be ordained the new president of CAN.
March 31, 2015 at 8:10 PM
yes indeed he is.
March 31, 2015 at 8:12 PM
all we want now is change lets give buhari a chance .for just 4years and see what he will
March 31, 2015 at 8:56 PM
On point. Mbaka is a true man of God. No dout at all
March 31, 2015 at 8:57 PM
Thank God we have people like miciah in our time God would continue to promote your ministry in Jesus name unlike the so called men of God who move around with private jet while their subject can not afford a meal
March 31, 2015 at 9:00 PM
This is the miciah of our time unlike those fake oversea who flood in private jet and their follower could not afford a meal
March 31, 2015 at 9:06 PM
Whom God truly send nor dey had to knw, indeed u r th chosen my able Man of God, we need many of ur type in ths our beloved con3
Otoijamun Iredia FreD
March 31, 2015 at 9:27 PM
Where are those that were to open the gates of hell?
March 31, 2015 at 9:39 PM
You better minimise your self.
How can u condaim d great men of God just because of one who has changed d glory of uncoruptible God to a graven image. read Rome 2:21-24 and see that Mbaka is an idol worshiper b/c he is serving God with vain imagination. He better repent and stop serving d hand made of d creature and fully serve d creator.
Never u repeat that mistake. For this one has just fallen for him just b/c Nigerians has already been tired of his leadership b/c of bokoharam.
If he is a real man of God let him convert his dad from idol worshiping.
April 2, 2015 at 12:54 PM
U don’t open ur mouth and alter nonsense. His dad is late. Mind the way u talk about anointed man of God before you get the wrath of God upon ur self.
April 11, 2015 at 1:13 AM
u are d **** *** I hav ever xperince since I was born.
never u try to open ur******to talk rubish wit Fr. Mbaka dat is more dan ur ******
March 31, 2015 at 10:50 PM
Thank God for mbaka.Buhari remember to always go to mbaka for spiritual guidance
March 31, 2015 at 11:20 PM
In God, we trust. I appreciate your rightness. All the respects to you.
April 1, 2015 at 12:06 AM
Mr or Mrs Goodnews: there is a difference between the image of the dead gods and of that of the of living God, Isaiah 19:21; again, the only woman recorded in the bible who died of her barrenness was Michal (saul’s daughter) simply because she mocked King David who was dancing for the sake of the Ark of Convenant ( a graven image). “God blessed Obed Edom and his family so much, simply because he agreed to keep the Ark of Convenant (a graven image) in his house for three months,2Samuel 6:11&16. Are you part of those false prophets who have no respect of the Glorious beings above; instead, they cast insults on them 2Peter 2:10. for these people have abandoned the straight path and have lost their way; they have followed the path taken by Balaam son of Beor, who loved the Money he would get for doing wrong, 2Peter 15. i want to use this medium to urge all Catholic faithfuls to be steadfast, and continue to pray for our dear Priests working in the Lord’s vineyard all over the world, that they will hold unto they Vows through Christ our Lord, AMEN.
April 1, 2015 at 7:44 AM
Proud to be Catholic.. the Spirit of the living God shall guide Rev Father Mbaka.
Gracie, Atlanta GA
April 1, 2015 at 12:26 AM
Thank you Cosmas, you have said it all. Goodnews, or what did you call yourself, you need to stop.
I rest my case
April 1, 2015 at 12:37 AM
Mr goodnews sorry for you
john okafor
April 1, 2015 at 3:40 AM
buhari is a winner after susponsoring boko harram n his groups n killing many souls..GOD will judge all of u people for wasting many souls all in d name of boko harram to fall jonathan..mbaka leave igbos alone n join buhari..go n join d muslim..u will still lose at d last..d boming of d north n boko harram will stop now..IGBOS SHINE UR EYES..WE NEED BIAFRA..
April 1, 2015 at 7:47 AM
stupid talk…bush man to the core. nigerians are better than your way of thinking. no one wants wars in my country. we need good life. so pack urself in my friend or go and fight urself in your village. mtcheww.
April 1, 2015 at 4:40 AM
john, John, john my many times did I call u? dis is our country. where ever the leader is from, let’s pray he’s d ryt man…. Notin like biafra my friend. Jonathan should lead down and given 24 strokes if d cane. he fucked up…. and for the man of God mbaka ogwu, u are d man of God I will continue to adore. God bless ur ministry. amen.
April 1, 2015 at 7:47 AM
Amen brother Jude.
April 1, 2015 at 5:55 AM
April 1, 2015 at 7:08 AM
April 1, 2015 at 7:28 AM
@Dave …i laugh @ur ignorance cos ure just a fool.Lets see hwfar with his tenure and what he would do 2d yoruba’s who are bunch of betrayals right from time immemorial.
April 1, 2015 at 7:57 AM
Nna ika di, chineke ke yere gi aka. Let his holy name be praised…… I LOVE U GOD, u dnt allowed shame to catch ur prophets…….. ALL GLORY TO GOD. MBAKA IS JUST AN INSTUMENT used by the MOST MOST MOST MOST HIGH GOD
April 1, 2015 at 8:35 AM
Rev fr Camilus Ejike Mbaka is from my village in ituku awgu local govt of enugu state. If u go through his biography nobody will tell u dat he is really a prophet of God. We are lucky to have somebody like him
April 1, 2015 at 11:09 AM
Mr.Good news,watch your mouth before you incure the wrath of God.
April 1, 2015 at 12:30 PM
Retired Catholic Archbishop of Lagos, Cardinal Olubunmi Okogie, explains why the clergy should not mix religion with politics. He speaks against the backdrop of the statement by the Enugu-based Catholic priest and founder of Adoration Ground, Father Ejike Mbaka, that members of his congregation should reject President Goodluck Jonathan in the general elections.
How do you see the statement credited to Rev. Father Ejike Mbaka?
Any serious priest will not speak the way he spoke. I am not saying that he is not serious. I will not agree with the things he said. According to what I read in the newspapers, a few weeks earlier, the First Lady, Mrs. Patience Jonathan, visited his Adoration Ground in Enugu and he prayed for her. At that occasion, he was said to have lambasted the opposition party, APC, and now to turn around overnight and start lambasting President Goodluck Jonathan shows that there is something wrong somewhere.
Personally, I felt bad because it is not the place of a priest to go to that extent. He can have his personal opinion, but to go to the extent that he went is abnormal. I want you to know that he wasn’t speaking for the church. He said he was moved by the spirit, and I wonder what kind of spirit was that.
He said he was under the inspiration of the spirit. If he was under the inspiration of the spirit, I wonder if the spirit is that of God. I don’t think the spirit he’s referring to is the spirit of God. He must have been under the influence of another spirit. He must have been listening to a wrong spirit.
wee @ R
April 1, 2015 at 12:34 PM
Father you are trully a GOD servant pray for us in the Nigeria police force and other security agencies on the fight agains bokoharam we love you
April 1, 2015 at 3:01 PM
Mbaka did not commit any atrocity from the onset. He said d truth bt the blindness that covers the eyes of most of us would not allow them to see it clearly. Do you have steady electricity? Is education improved? What of infrastructure? Can u boast of security? Are there no more corruption in the system under jonathan? What of naira value? What do u say to these and others? Mbaka said d truth as it is. We welcome change in this country for our progress.
john buffer
April 1, 2015 at 3:34 PM
To God be the glory.Lord almighty have vindicated you courageous never mind what the decietful mouth will always talk.truely you are serving a living God.God bless ejikemeuwa Mbaka.longlife and divine protection equiporated with sucess and prosperity is your portion Amen.may God also bless Adoration ministry Enugu nigeria. Amen i love you sir.
April 1, 2015 at 3:43 PM
Mbaka carry go.blessed nwa ikuku si gi gwa,divien take over.u re a real man of God.
April 1, 2015 at 4:14 PM
Ndubuisi Ominyi
April 1, 2015 at 10:28 PM
Honesty mbaka is a true man of God am proud to be an adorer
April 1, 2015 at 11:42 PM
The Bible says,My people are perish bcos of lack of knowledge).I speak to Mbaka at this moment.Jonathan may loose the election,but he remain the best civilian president so far in history. If Mbaka will publicly abuse Jonathan, calling him names,then he has a case to answer before God to our past military and civilian presidents. Everybody wants a change,but change begins with you. Beloved, be wise and always Depend on God for change.A watchman Watchet in vain if God does not watch the city. I love Buhari, but he will do but nothing if God is not in his agenda.The Bible says,the people rejoice when a righteous man is on the throne. Mbaka,reserve some comments and watch your own private life. Jesus is Lord.
onyeaka daniel obinna
April 2, 2015 at 3:18 AM
My people perish because of knowledge! God has done great by instituting His son Rev Ejike Mbaka whom I believed from the first day I went to his ministry as a true man of God. I was there on the 31st night of 2014 and heard all that he said, he never made any mistake because he neither needs your money nor your contract! Peole who play politics in thee church without seeking the facee of God know themselves but not the likes of Rev Ejike Mbaka. I am not here to call names because God has already done great for our nation Nigeria by uniting us thereby proving the apocalyps wrong. Nigeria has come to reign as one united Nigeria and whoever wants a separation can enter inside river niger or river benue and carve his own Country! Thank you the Most High God for doing this great work of peace in our nation and we pray that your extend it to other african countries and the world at large!
April 2, 2015 at 4:20 AM
The vindicator, i hail you most high.
April 2, 2015 at 6:04 AM
Those who rained insults on our DADDY shall appologise publicely just as they abuses and insulted him publicely.
April 2, 2015 at 10:45 AM
Only God knows those who are His.
April 2, 2015 at 8:52 PM
D Fr Mbaka i know started this talk about bad governance right from the reign of late former pres Abacha. With the little i can remember,i think he prophesied Abacha’s death which later happened.He even talked during the reign of former pres Obasanjo.Fr Mbaka is such a person who hails the govt when they do the right things but when they start doing otherwise, he doesn’t shut his mouth not minding how much you have given him in the past. Fr Mbaka, our Spiritual Daddy, you are a true man of God n a priest forever.#proudtobeacatholic
April 2, 2015 at 9:04 PM
Where is Prophet BBC, i think the reverse should b d case now. Prophet BBC WHY??????????????????. U Better go and ask Fr Mbaka 4 forgiveness b4 d wrath of God befalls u.
April 2, 2015 at 10:02 PM
I don’t have much to say here, but the truth remains that we should always be thankful to God almighty in any situation. who knows what could hve happened if goodluck had emerg as the president but to God be the glory. secondly to my fellow nigerians, we still hve some real men of God in this country. hear the voice of the prophet voice n be set free…
April 4, 2015 at 9:46 AM
Dear Goodnews.
, Most of you rely on what your pastor told you about the Holy Catholic Church. Have you taking your time to resarch about the Mother of all Churches. After Pator Enoch Adeboye visited the holy land his attitude about Catholic Church changed. Becouse he saw the actual history of the Christian faith. I don’t want to go into the Bible. But if you pick your Bible and read it with good intention. You will find the truth that will set you free. Ask anybody who has visited Jerusalem his view about Catholic Church. For Fr Mbaka I have nothing to say. God is the only wise judge. God bless Nigeria and may the souls of those killed by boko haram rest in the Lord through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Jude Uchenna
April 4, 2015 at 9:47 AM
Dear Goodnews, Most of you rely on what your pastor told you about the Holy Catholic Church. Have you taking your time to resarch about the Mother of all Churches. After Pator Enoch Adeboye visited the holy land his attitude about Catholic Church changed. Becouse he saw the actual history of the Christian faith. I don’t want to go into the Bible. But if you pick your Bible and read it with good intention. You will find the truth that will set you free. Ask anybody who has visited Jerusalem his view about Catholic Church. For Fr Mbaka I have nothing to say. God is the only wise judge. God bless Nigeria and may the souls of those killed by boko haram rest in the Lord through Christ our Lord. Amen.
April 5, 2015 at 6:33 PM
i wonder why people like that so called goodness by name that commented that if mbaka is really a prophet of God should convert his father who according to his statement is an idol worshipper……….for me its better to trust a prohet who voiced out before an event takes place and it happened the way he echoed it than to stick to those who can speak out in due time…real prophets speak out
April 13, 2015 at 9:44 PM
I bless d name of God 4 His intervation. Pls, 4 dose who r saying nonsense about fr.Mbaka, should look 4 his talk titled Vengance is Coming, where he said God will raise a Goddy 4rm Niger Delta. And dat wz b4 gudluck bcome a president of Nigeria. Y must u say nonsense now? Just bcos d prophesy wz against Gudluck. Pls watch ur tongue, especially when it has 2 do with an anointed man of God
chukwu kingsley
April 16, 2015 at 9:38 AM
yes he is
May 5, 2015 at 10:25 PM
fr. Mbaka man of wisdom and truth i Bless ur name
June 3, 2015 at 1:14 PM
Goodnews,I will advice u not speak against man of God like Rev. Nmbaka. the Holy Catholic Church remains strong no matter the attack from anywere and will continue to be. Thank God I am a Catholic.
June 8, 2015 at 1:33 PM
I bless the God for giving us a man like Fr. Mbaka in this our generation. for many who call themselves men of God will dare not come out and tell Goodluck Jonathan because of their selfish interest.
August 12, 2015 at 12:22 PM
PLS PLS ND PLS ,,,let,s pls stop all dis nonsense dat we are talking ,,,de thin is dat we christians dont love our selfs ,,,if u check all dis comments u will still find out dat does dat are talking bot gud nd bad about (rev fr mbaka) are all Christians dis is not de reason why God creat us 4,,,remember wen God said dat we should love our brother as we love our self,s and again dat we should continue 2say de truth ,,,,yes fr mbaka said dat goodluck should resign and let buhari take over ,,,,have u 4gotin wen fr mbaka was warning goodluck not 2follow all dis governs dat dem will letter fall ur hand and will still laugh at u,,,still mbaka who said dat ,,,,goodluck is not a bad person dat his a good person but he cant rule nigeria ,,,,dat nigeria is biger dan goodluck,,,,and u ppl should remember dat goodluck was not de first president dat fr mbaka warns,,,,but why ppls are saying all dis is because goodluck is a christian ,,and u remember dat fr mbaka said dat if president buhari continue dsam mistake dat goodluck mad ,,,dat he will still warns him,,,,,why am saying all dis is dat we should pls stop condemning fr mbaka because he only say what God send him 2say he dont care way da ur a christian or muslim ,,,,,dat,s why i love him so much,,,,mbaka pls keep it up