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Re: Dubai Wedding – Open Letter To 2face Idibia From Angry Fan

2face idibia white wedding dubai

March 27, 2013 – Re: Dubai Wedding – Open Letter To 2face Idibia From Angry Fan

Singer 2face Idibia who got married in Dubai last week Saturday is currently under heavy criticism from fans and Nigerians worldwide.

They claim he devalued Nigeria by holding his wedding in Dubai.

The current criticism came from a fan of 2face Idibia identified as Amina Umar.

Read the open letter below;

“I never knew or comprehend that Mr 2face Innocent Idibia had this spirit of Wickedness in him. We have been encouraging him even he was nothing till now that he felt that he has arrived.

2Face, We all bought every CD you has ever played, paid for all the shows your attended, devout our time to listen to all your songs, even when the songs may not meet out expectations, as an encouragement we continued to listen to them.
Yet you didn’t show us appreciation. 2Face, Let me ask you a question. How many Arabs has bought your CDs or listen to your any of your songs?

Annie Macaulay’s Parents are not Arabs as to say your choose Arabland because of proximity to her Parents.

With your spirit of wickedness, you carry your wedding to Dubai so that Nigerian fans will not eat rice or cake or drink your mineral or even our local beer. You know for sure that most of your fans can’t afford the ticket to Dubai.

You denied your fans who bought and paid for your CDs and Shows the generational opportunity to see a glimpse of your wedding, because your are sure that WE fans are not important, Nigeria is not good enough to host a Celebrity Wedding.
Tomorrow your friends and colleagues in the entertainment Industry who are Naturally Copy-cats will join the trend of wasting our Foreign Exchange in countries that see Nigerians as no body.

Well, let me tell you, get ready to sell your next album in Dubai, perform all your new shows in Arab, with new found Arab fans, as For me, I will not buy or patronise your Music ever, again.

Though it is certain that you are so wicked to us, but we will only forgive you on two condition:-

1] Apologise to Nigerian for refusing to create History in Our Land.

2] You Must take up a Campaign to your copy-cat friends and Colleagues in the entertainment industry to learn how to Appreciate, patronise Nigeria and Thinking Nigeria, First.”
Letter by Amina Umar.

Na wa o… Do you think 2face is at fault for holding his wedding in Dubai?



  1. debb

    March 28, 2013 at 1:32 PM

    I agree with Amina Umar, 2face is somebody we all love so much a list he should have done in Nigeria then he can go anywhere for his honey moon it shows that he has regard for his country or his fans..what will even make him go to dubai for his wedding?

  2. Mik Ogbolosinga

    March 28, 2013 at 2:13 PM

    His not his fault, is bcos he has many wifes and children an he did not want them to show their face @ dat wedding and also he did not appreciate all the effort of his fans and our great contry… Mr. 2face just have to apologise to Nigerians on daily newspaper if he still interested in singing….

  3. Daniel Akpomuje

    March 28, 2013 at 2:13 PM

    Is dat what you call a secret wedding.Its a shame.

  4. fidelix

    March 28, 2013 at 2:34 PM

    Amina Umar, u r right in wot u said nd i al tink dat d condition u gave him is ok! Let him do dat atless 2 show us dat he lv us nigerians nd he shuld explain y d wedding @ dubai

  5. Abu rotimi w.

    March 28, 2013 at 4:34 PM

    What matta 2 me s very simple. Let 2face reconcise wt d plantashumz. Expecialy blackface. 2face, u don’t knw 2moro. Blackface mayb lifted up & b d world no. 1 rocker. Also apologise 2 ur nija fans expecialy me.

  6. Mr Ambition

    March 28, 2013 at 4:42 PM

    I hate it when people address my Boss like this,Every human beings re meant to do mistakes in life,for tuface and the old common and i want to use this chance to tell the world that my Boss tuface is the best dude ever,he is too free,romantic and courageous and what a sexy body he has,why ladies will not trip…Baba we the entire Crew of HYPERTEK RECORDS ENTERTAINMENT Accra Ghana,wishes you a lovely and a beautiful marital life ahead,congrats my Bro……….For those who re inspiring to become a top Model in the world contact us @ De Ambitious Beauty World,Accra Ghana.We will help you to achieve all your dreams as a model just contact us @ +233549162480….we re organizing a modeling show for those who re interested should call is a free our line for more information…..thanks

  7. frank joseph

    March 28, 2013 at 7:37 PM

    na tru talk d guy fail nor b small.nor he 4t na bcos GOd bless am wit owo.

  8. Pat

    March 28, 2013 at 7:47 PM

    Do you really think you will have had a glimpse of the wedding if held in Nigeria. It is his choice to hold his wedding ceremony where he chooses. He will not be the first celebrity or last to marry outside their country of resident or origin.

    So stop whinning.

  9. katchy

    March 28, 2013 at 8:31 PM

    whose business is it????eeehhnn why r u guys beefing the real nigga..he has done nothing wrong…tuface…more power to ur elbow…if una wan enter music enter nd mke ur own money nd tell me if u will do ur wedding in naija……..mstchewwwww

  10. DAVID

    March 28, 2013 at 9:52 PM

    plz pardn d guy,he jx wantd hz wedng 2 held there.he stil love hz fan n nigeria.api maried life 2baba.,

  11. Anicet Feranmi

    March 28, 2013 at 10:43 PM

    J’aime 2 baba par ce que ils tros janginty merci pour avoir les comt

  12. Sunny young

    March 28, 2013 at 11:29 PM

    May be he got an earlier info d@ his children’s mama’s may spoil d show 4 him. Howeva, em no try @all.

  13. Dan

    March 29, 2013 at 2:35 AM

    Pls u guys shld leav 2baba alone,hw wud u xpet him 2 do his wedin in naija as a celeb,he’s supos 2 do his wedin wit a pinch of taste dts wt he did. Most persns runin dr mouth nd showin indignatn wud do d worse if dey’r opportuned,they wud chose d heavens,d most xpensiv place 2 do dr wedings…in my own opinion ntin is bad abt wt he did…hw many of 2face fan wud atend d wedin if it had bin in lag,port or abj?lets b sincere…we dnt send dis artist per say,let dem do dr tin lets enjoy d gbedo.

  14. Densy

    March 29, 2013 at 4:56 AM

    Wel! He knw say he impregnantd many 9ja gals dats y he shftd d nonse kold weddin 2 anoda country so dat no 1of dem cn aford d visa 2 dere nd spoil d nonsense. IDIOT! Dats y i lyk psquare pass odas

  15. Omodarah

    March 29, 2013 at 5:07 AM

    Well,I guess he did that at dubai so as to avoid some other ladies he impregnated so that they won’t raise their hands whenever the pastor ask “who among you is not in support of this wedding…”?

  16. Quinzybrown

    March 29, 2013 at 6:53 AM

    Una just dey shout 4 nthg, he don do am make una go kill unaself na free world we dey bside if u want 2 eat rice, go to his house or u go buka go chop, i kno say u girls go dey angry but no vex.

  17. Livinus Ebuka

    March 29, 2013 at 7:31 AM

    Just like d Pharisees, who preach wat dey cannot practice.
    2face hs shown hw much he loves Nigerians n Nigeria as a country.
    Unlike wat he preaches in his music.
    Wen re we going 2 stop giving wrong impressns 2 d Internatnal Community abt dis country Nigeria ?
    It’s a shame !

  18. Mbah Ogechukwu

    March 29, 2013 at 7:37 AM

    2face what u did is not fair to our country Nigeria and to your fans

  19. Johnson

    March 29, 2013 at 8:46 AM

    We are doing dis bcos we love u all! 2face idibia… unfair so try to apologize to all ur fans da’s all

  20. Lord De Lona

    March 29, 2013 at 9:45 AM

    Tu Face. You know say you dey craze for head. We fit drop you oo. Make u know wetin you dey do. Abi u wan make we vess for you. You better release an album now pleading for forgiveness or else you will suffer for it… ANGRY!!!

  21. Chinagorom

    March 29, 2013 at 9:56 AM

    What nonsense are u people talking about, the time he was preparing for this wedding i taught he made it open, then why dont u uma come up with this before hand. I see no reason why tuface idibia should hold it down here bcos no matter how many millions he has he will not be able to entertain his guest. Can u imagin what happen, in a case of giving out 250 cards he has more than that in his wedding. So nigerians can u please reason with him. And enemise of progress should stop posting nonses here.

  22. Chima Onyecherem

    March 29, 2013 at 10:34 AM

    Yes it’s meybe there is No good holter here in nig or big place. Am angry for you b/c you No regard me and other fan. Try to show appirciation or your nxt albom just go to arab sell them. Just for me not to eat rice.

  23. steven nworie

    March 29, 2013 at 10:52 AM

    stella okonkwo wat do u mean by secrete weddin,or ur trayin to tel us dat he chater a privat jet 4 to dubai or wat,2face mst apologis to Nigerians becos we neva xpect dis 4rm him

  24. timi

    March 29, 2013 at 11:34 AM

    2face no try abeg

  25. Gift

    March 29, 2013 at 11:40 AM

    Look¡n at t¡nz properly..ah’d say der’s nuffn wrng ¡n hav¡n ur weddn abroad..many of us,¡f g¡ven d opportun¡ty,wud do same..fnk¡n of ¡t…tz hs cho¡ not say¡n ¡t wudnt ve bn nyc ¡f he had done d weddng here ¡n 9ja..buh we cnt tell hm where n wat 2do s¡mply cus he’s a publ¡c f¡ sure we all r ent¡tled 2our d¡ff op¡n¡ons n cho¡ces…am s¡ttng on d fence ¡n ds dou..abroad..9ja..any1!


    March 29, 2013 at 2:44 PM

    Chenzy,quinzybrown,okpomojo,ambition,gift, chinagorom,katchy n pat.D fact da u hav freedom f speech does nt mean da u pple shuld run ur mout anyhow. F u dnt knw say keep quit en no one wl jail u 4 dat. Im an Idoma by trib en wat 2face did z very stupid act 4 God sak.

  27. jane

    March 29, 2013 at 2:58 PM

    Imagine seeing a lots of lady’ s hands raised up to oppse when the pastor ll ask who have any reason while this two can’ t be joined 2gether…….2face reason for going abroad is dat most cant buy tk to dubia, or even get the tk cant no d location.too bad 2face, u should have put ur fans first.

  28. iyke

    March 29, 2013 at 6:04 PM

    what u pple should knw is that if that wedding took place in 9ja, only d invited guest will be allowed in, he can only make free concert 4 his fans. some american stars go place like mexico 4 there wedding. he had his traditional wedding in 9ja, so 4 some good reason h decided dubai. please dnt hate him, suport him, he is our pride, God bess 9ja, if we all critize our criminal leader like u all doing now, on this isue, that have nothing to do with our future, 9ja 4 bi like paradise. 1 luv my pple

  29. ewurum precious

    March 29, 2013 at 9:20 PM

    its unfortunate it hapnd dis way..2face d only tin u wil do is to say sorry to ur fans even if nah one fan complaind…even blackface ur plan b guy..u no invite am..dats bad…fail to apologise na down fall be dat

  30. Ochogwu

    March 29, 2013 at 10:28 PM

    Sha Amina umah u get point dare 2baba my mentor explain urseif o

  31. Pope Francis1

    March 30, 2013 at 7:44 AM

    I knew is only him dat cn do such rubbish act so dat other wil nw copy frm him. Go ahead nd publize to Arabian’s hw u devalued ur country. Bt lets always keep in mind dat he/she who devalued his/her country, has automatically devalued him or her self as wel. Ungrateful human being, u better remain there ooooo! Cos comin back to Nigeria wil nva bring any happiness to u rada shame which u brought to urself.

  32. Pope Francis1

    March 30, 2013 at 7:51 AM

    I knew is only him dat cn do such rubbish act so dat other wil nw copy frm him. Go ahead nd publicize to Arabian’s hw u devalued ur country. Bt lets always keep in mind dat he/she who devalued his/her country, has automatically devalued him or her self as wel. Ungrateful human being, u better remain there ooooo! Cos comin back to Nigeria wil nva bring any happiness to u rada shame which u brought to urself.

    • iyke

      March 31, 2013 at 11:51 AM

      at pope francis, u love 9ja, c d name wey u get, shame to u. dat 1 na 9ja name? pope wey dey rig comot africa, abi u no hear say dem talk say africa no fit be pope. but na we dey contribut pass, we build d church our self, and contribut to vatican, is that far, y una no dey c say una country don fall apart, y are u all proud of a country rull by evil spirit, make una open una eyesooooo,

  33. wisdom

    March 30, 2013 at 9:48 PM

    if u aks me i will say yes he is bcos me i was thinkin it will be in lagos i va kep my tp 2 lasgidi 4 2baba wadding but we all has seen hw it go which is vary bad

  34. ma

    March 31, 2013 at 4:04 PM

    congrat 2face. Wish you all the best


    April 1, 2013 at 7:54 AM

    The deed has been done.. The earlier we accept and face it, the better for us. What the FINEST guy did could seem Babaric to us, buh to him its ok. Plus or minus, He is stil our industrious son! Am appealing we take it easy on him.. There is a saying that when a child goes wrong, you scold him/her and embrace him/her back. Lets temper justice with mercy plsss

  36. sean

    April 2, 2013 at 12:35 AM

    @ Iyke …..stop saying rubbish from that your dirty mouth….Nigga remains d very BEST as long as am concern,after all 2face makes his profit in diz country.that’s an evidence that there something good abt Nigeria.let’s all tell d truth,2face messed up….shikenah!!

    • iyke

      April 4, 2013 at 6:18 PM

      at sean, ur so blind so c that 9ja is falling apart, this is money in 9ja, so much, that we all know, what is d need u have money and u dnt have of mind, ur always in fear of armd robbers, kidnapers, d witches around u, or do want to talk about boko haram, or schools, university. d crime in university cult and co, some robber were cought while robbing pple of their belongings. and they told d police that their are nt criminals, their are cult members, have u ever had d crimes comited by this cult members, d way they kill pple like chicken, and our government do ntin about that, meaning legalize? insecurity all over, in 9ja life have no value, no steady power supply, our road are full of dead trap, no portable drinking water d cheapest, in germany where i live u find water every where, any time, i go to a bar order a drink, keep it on my table, and go to toilet, come back pick it up and continue drinking, i do hope u know what i mean, i want u to know that all this things i mention above, are necesity, and too cheap 4 our government to provide 4 us, they keep fulling pple like u every time, bob marly says, u cant fool d yout of today, u may fool them once, but u cant fool them everyday, if u love 9ja, then u must accept d truth, and fight 4 fredom, u dnt love 9ja more than i do. open ur eye please, God bless 9ja

  37. Noah ojo paul

    April 2, 2013 at 11:12 AM

    All of una wey dey yab 2face make una go work hard or else na poverty go kill una. I believe sey if na u get dat kind money and fame una go fit marry 4 heaven. Una do too get low mentality. Leave my guy alone. Una no fit fall am whether una lyk am or not. If una lyk make una no buy his cds. Una evn get money 4 d original? As 4 amina, pray make God giv u ur own husband cos na bad belle u b. If u wan eat rice u no fit go buka? Idiot. All of una no serious at all cos na all of una get skeleton in ur cupboard. 2baba na real don u be. If u no lyk wetin he do make una go hug transformer, who cares? Who evn knw una self? Go wise up or na thunder go fire una.

  38. chimoni

    April 2, 2013 at 2:05 PM

    Mr 2face you try well well ok! but all the same goodluck. we ur Naija fans still love u despite u disregarding us

  39. spiv jay

    April 4, 2013 at 5:07 PM

    2BABA…apologize oh..
    Its not fair truly.

  40. tessymaris

    April 19, 2013 at 1:07 PM

    Pls u guys shd leave 2face 2 enjoy his honeymoon although he did not do well but let all forgive and let him be, cos no one is perfect. 2baba reason well next time lov u and ur pretty wife.

  41. innocent

    May 19, 2013 at 8:40 AM

    it seems u hav al 4goten a song he sang b4, whch says, “as u c me so, i no send u oo bt dat 1 no mean say i no dy wish u wel oo, i mind my own business i dnt giv a shit” u can say wat u wnt to say, to me o is he’s life……. 2face remain my best… Afterall he is my namesake.. 2face innocent idibia,,,,, fire on. Bt u no try ooo @ all, u dnt even respect we ur fans @ all…..

  42. Bobmark

    May 22, 2013 at 9:11 AM

    Some of those guys don’t think at all,look at p-square’s super fans song,….”super faaaaans… matter where you are/you made whom we are,you are all super star…..and now we are saying thank you to all over the world”…….,that shows they are trying to appreciate every bit of support the fans gave.every noble in Nigeria are responsible 4 corrupting this country,didn’t the senates who are suppose to querry his discion present several gifts worth millions…….,mind you,if you sing sing n sing all day without ur fans frm 9ja…..we all know what will happen to that album.
    Give us the respect to be proud of You.

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