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Regina Askia Denies Facebook Letter, Femi Fani Kayode Apologized To Igbo Ladies

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August 15, 2013 – Regina Askia Denies Facebook Letter, Femi Fani Kayode Apologized To 3 Igbo Ladies Involved

Ex-Nigerian actress and beauty queen Regina Askia has denied the letter written on Facebook yesterday about Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Femi Fani Kayode and Igbo women saga.

The beauty queen who addressed Femi Fani Kayode as sir said the Facebook page that started the whole letter is not her own.

Read their conversation below;

Top of the day. There is an article being circulated by Naija gist as being written by me. I bring to your notice now that I did not write that article. I do have my take on this whole Igbo hating brouhaha but you already know how we stand so you have an idea. Issue has been reported to Facebook offending party warned and blocked.

Written by Regina Askia Williams at 3:34am on August 15, 2013

Femi Fani-Kayode’s Response

Thanks for letting me know dear. I knew it couldn’t be you. I would suggest that you write on your fb wall that it wasn’t you though and reach Naijagist too. The matter was brought to my attention early this morning. I have just issued a statement apologising to the three ladies anyway.

Written by FFK at 4:01am on August 15, 2013

Femi Fani Kayode urged Regina Askia to write a letter on her original Facebook wall denying the letter and to contact

Here is an official apology letter tendered by FFK for mentioning Igbo ladies he dated in one of his articles

‘Chief Femi Fani-Kayode hereby expresses his deepest regrets for mentioning the names of three distinguished Nigerian ladies that he was once associated with in his last article titled ”A Word For Those Who Say I am A Tribalist”.  He meant no harm by doing so and neither did he at any point make references to having had any sexual relations with any of these ladies when they were associated with him as is being suggested by some members of the public. He was simply trying to emphasise the fact that he has nothing against the igbo people and that his friendship with these three ladies in particular over the years provided some evidence of that.

For the record he has not seen Madame Chioma Anasoh, Chief Adaobi Kate Uchegbu and Ambassador Bianca Onoh in many years and he admits that it was inappropiate for him to have mentioned their names in the essay, to use them as a point of reference in a public discussion or to make any references whatsoever to the nature of their past association. All references to them have been erased from the updated version of the essay.  Chief Fani-Kayode has reached two of the ladies concerned and he has personally conveyed his unreserved apology to them both and to their families for his indiscretion. He shall endeavour to reach the third lady to do the same in the next few days. Chief Fani-Kayode has nothing more to say on this matter and would prefer to remain focused on issues of national importance and not of a personal nature”. 

Mr. Bisi Lawal, Press Secretary to Chief Femi Fani-Kayode

Nice to know they have both reached a settlement and all the igbo women involved are ok now.

Now it’s time to set a new pace.

We are all Nigerians, let’s love each other.



  1. OLU (USA)

    August 15, 2013 at 5:43 PM

    Thank you Ms. Askia, since the battle field has been cleared, is it o.k
    for us to start fooling-around with IGBO women now, without the fear of our
    manhoo been cut?

  2. Moses jones

    August 15, 2013 at 5:43 PM

    That s very good let come to gether an fight people that want to destrol our fatherland.

  3. dan

    August 15, 2013 at 11:02 PM

    Thank God for realizing ur mistakes.let join hands and make nigeria great.

  4. Eve

    August 16, 2013 at 8:55 AM


  5. Oluwatomisin

    August 16, 2013 at 10:49 AM

    Tanx Regina, very good of u. I alwaz wonder why some people cannot let peace reign in this country, i don’t knw what they intended gaining in libelling and slandering?

  6. sagamu

    August 16, 2013 at 12:35 PM

    Thanks. Lets go pumping Igbo ladies again and this time Femi, please SHUT UP.

  7. [email protected]

    August 16, 2013 at 3:19 PM

    There is a sayin in yoruba land dat say; it’s de wisdom of both elders & de youngs dat mak de city of ile ife. Regina has prove dat she is wisa, reposìble inteligent dan fani kayode, truely dis man is not a yorubaman he claim 2 b becos yoruba use their wisdom 2 unity, lov, care & protect pp around dem nt de he is usin his own. Hop he & oda lik minded person has realise their mistake. Almays learn hw 2 refer 2 pp wit respect & diginity. Onece again on behalf of entire yoruba race l beg my lgbo bro & sis 2 4giv him he may nt b as mature as u think he is.

  8. hottie

    August 16, 2013 at 10:42 PM

    funny how people just come up with stories…and who said Regina Askia is Igbo?…she’s Akwa Ibom and has no reason to be taking panadol for igbo women’s headache….People, always get the facts before jumping to conclusion and raining abuses on an innocent person.Love u Regina.

  9. hottie

    August 16, 2013 at 11:20 PM

    SMH at Igbo and yoruba fight..When would your competition ever end?..Please o..Regina Askia is not Igbo, she’s proudly Akwa Ibom and so has no reason to be taking panadol for Igbo women’s headache…see all the abuses rendered on the Innocent women..smh

  10. mba

    August 17, 2013 at 10:12 AM

    femi fani-kayode the mad dog have finally surrinderd and his cross sword boasting shatterd b/4 his face in shame.hahahaaa,femi said he have no match,he s d best.well,water don pass garry and d stupid man bent 2 his knee begging igbos.THANKS to those who fight him dirty.i love u all

  11. Ferd

    August 17, 2013 at 7:36 PM

    FFK is a confirmed mad man and never slept with any of those ladies. He just looking for cheap fame. Real men does not talk like him. Frustrated idiot.

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