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Site Upgrade Complete! Thanks For Your Patience

site upgrade completeWe have completed the upgrade of our site.

Mobile, Tablet as well as Desktop users should be able to access the site without any obstruction unlike before.

Thanks for your patience.

Please let’s have your take on this new look.

All suggestions are welcomed.

Note: If you are not seeing the new design, then you have to clean your browser cache and restart your browser.



  1. Kingsley Ogubor

    March 1, 2018 at 10:22 PM

    I followed every details of the new design, it is fast on my end I don’t know about others.
    Kudos to your team or whoever is doing it.

  2. Josiah Jude

    March 2, 2018 at 3:28 AM

    Something strange happened to my browser, i have been issues accessing d site, I just reinstalled my browser
    I like d clean look.
    It is more organized and kudos to your for what you just put on the home page.
    Also I want to let u guys know that the site is faster on my phone. Keep u d good work guys

  3. fifelomo

    March 2, 2018 at 4:38 AM

    Aww a well done job! Loving ng more.

    • NG

      March 2, 2018 at 6:35 AM

      Thanks for the feedback.

  4. teminyglams

    March 2, 2018 at 6:32 AM

    it’s beautiful

    • NG

      March 2, 2018 at 6:35 AM

      Thanks for the feedback.

  5. J. B. Hunter

    March 2, 2018 at 9:36 AM

    THIS SITE Became more like a family to me since joining in 2011 wayback.
    In the course of time, we had had so many commentators on this site in the past that really added flavour to the site.

    Back then, a topic can have at least 35-40 people commenting. Very interesting.
    Honestly, I really missed a very good numbers of them.
    Unfortunately today, NG is the shadow of its former site as we now have very few commentators. Why? What happened? Nobody cares to ask. Its not funny.

    Pls NG, ensure to do something that‘s gonno bring them back again since you have their e-mail addresses.

    Aside that, the upgrade is a good work. And it a kudos from me.

    I take a stroll…

    • NG

      March 2, 2018 at 9:55 AM

      @ J.B Hunter thanks for the commendation. Back to the issue of commentators refusing to comment, we received quiet a lot of email from some of them who took offence at the way people insult them in the comment section but we tried out best to censor most of these comments.

      As a matter of fact, we have more visitors now than then, it is just that most of them do not know how to comment on our old site but with this new makeover, visitors who wishes to comment should be able to do so with no issue.

      @Omokehinde seems to have taken offence at the way NG refuses to post some of his articles which mistakenly went into our email junk folder, not our fault but he took offence. He still visits the site but refuses to comment. That we have no control over.

      @bezo still visits the site but refuses to comment after taking offence on a series of user-submitted opinion article on his “father in da lord”, TB Joshua.
      Some commentators also used to complain about their inability to read news update from their mobile phones due to our old theme but that has been fixed now, we hope to see more reactions.

      We really have no control over past commentators, it is left to them to comment while our main duty is to post engaging topics.
      We really do appreciate loyal fans leaving their comments while encouraging others who visit the site to also have their say.

      Back end statistics shows that 89% of our visitors uses mobile phone.
      The good news is that our visitors number keep increasing daily but their ability to leave comment is totally up to them.

      @J.B Hunters and other commentators, we appreciate you for your honest contribution and suggestions, we hope more visitors who only take pleasure in reading news update can join this group soon.
      Thank you.

    • layeta georgewill

      March 3, 2018 at 3:32 AM

      I don’t see leaving comment or not leaving one as a big deal. I read Punch daily but never see much comment either.. It is no biggie as far as am concerned

    • Boboye Israel

      March 3, 2018 at 7:41 AM

      I came to dis site in November 2010 when I was looking for instruction on joining the army.
      I don’t leave much comment but I visit twice daily. I’m just the lazy type who hates typing comment dt is my problem. I think a lot of people shares the same view.

  6. Sode

    March 2, 2018 at 10:49 AM

    Prefer the former design

  7. Olaitan

    March 3, 2018 at 12:22 AM

    i noticed that the site was upgraded

  8. Boboye Israel

    March 3, 2018 at 7:40 AM

    you have done a really good job with this neat theme. Pls dont over do it. It is ok like dis

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