Daily Inspirational Thoughts
Staying Positive In A Negative World: How To Focus Your Attention On God And Open Yourself To Unlimited Possibilities
How To Focus Your Attention On God And Open Yourself To Unlimited Possibilities
By Jerry Savelle
It has become very popular for peopIe to tell all of their unfortunate childhood experiences. It’s one of the great audience “attention getters” on talk shows today.
We’ve even got psychologists who plant an idea in people’s minds, and then the person says, “Oh, that’s the reason I can’t do this. That’s the reason I can’t achieve. That’s the reason I’ve been held back all my life.”
Well listen! If you’ve been abused or mistreated, God has a solution – get born again. “Oh, that’s easy for you to say. You don’t know the pain. You don’t know the scars.” Let me ask you this: Are you going to let it control you for the rest of your life?
You can be healed. You can be delivered. The same Jesus that can heal sick bodies can heal wounded spirits. It doesn’t matter what kind of childhood you had.
It’s time to get in the Word of God and tell the devil, “This is where you get off. This will not be a crutch in my life anymore. I don’t care what my past was like, my future is bright in God.”
Turn all those negative excuses into positive reasons for achieving. The Bible is absolutely full of stories of men and women who were failures but God made champions out of them.
Have you ever taken a close look at the Jesus Christ Evangelistic Association Team? How would you like to have a faith ministry and you have a man on your team known as “Doubting Thomas.” This was a healing ministry and Peter would cut your ear off if you made him mad. This was a ministry of compassion, but James and John would call fire down on you. This was a ministry of prosperity, and Judas was stealing!
Jesus spent hours one day sharing with His disciples about His relationship with the Father. He said statements such as, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.” “My Father and I are One.” “It is the Father in Me that doeth the works.”
And when He got through, Philip said, “Show us the Father. Jesus said, “How long am I going to have to be with you?” Don’t laugh, some of his descendants are living all over America.
This is a negative world we live in. If you follow the course of this world, then it begins to control your destiny. The world is endeavoring to plant negative seeds on the inside of you in one way or the other.
The character involved in this is Satan and he is out to restrict you by saying that you’re a failure, you were born on the wrong side of the track, you were born in the wrong family. He’ll even tell you that you shouldn’t have even been born.
You can believe that if you want to, or you can overcome it with the Word of God. Romans 12:1-2 (Message) says, “Don’t become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking, instead; fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out.” Before anything happens outwardly, something must happen inwardly. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7).
The Bible won’t do any more for you than any other book unless you open it up and let the words jump off the pages and get into your heart. And that only comes by fellowship and meditation in the Word of God. You’ll begin to see yourself as a champion in Christ Jesus, capable of doing all things through the Mighty One, which strengthens you.
Everything you do starts with a decision. Are you going to live like the rest of the world and be controlled by its circumstances or live by the design that God has planned for your life? Success in your life begins with a decision.
To go with the flow of this world to live with limitations but to go with the flow of God is to open yourself to unlimited possibilities never before imagined.
Jeremiah 29:11 says,
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Make the decision today that you will not allow the world to dictate what your outcome will be. Your outcome is mapped out by God Himself and your future is bright.
To flow with God is to open your mind and think bigger thoughts than you’ve ever thought in your life. You’ll be able to dream new dreams. You’ll begin to achieve things that the world says are impossible. You’ll begin to believe that you can conquer every obstacle that stands in your path. If God is for you no one can successfully be against you.
You can’t “hang around” God very long and think small. He said to me one time, “If you think small, you will disappoint Me.” The Word challenges you to rise above the circumstances of this world and to get a brand new perspective of your potential in Christ. I’m not talking about what you can do. I’m talking about what the Greater One inside of you can do.
Romans 12:2 says,
“Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
Notice the responsibility is on you. God’s not going to step in and see to it that you’re not conformed. The Holy Ghost isn’t going to make you renew your mind. It’s up to you. Don’t be like the rest of the world.
As you saturate yourself in the Word of God, your thinking will begin to change. You’ll no longer be a negative person. Just because everybody else talks sickness and poverty doesn’t mean you have to. You may be the only light in that arena of darkness – so shine!
Let me challenge you to do this exercise. It will be a great help to you. Make a list of everything that Satan has told you in the past as to why you can’t be successful and why you can’t be prosperous. For example:
1. Not enough education.
2. Not enough money.
3. Not enough time.
4. Bad childhood experiences.
5. Abused.
6. Born on the wrong side of town.
7. Born to the wrong family.
8. Born at the wrong time.
9. Born at all.
Once you make that list, then compare it to what God’s Word says and decide whose report you will believe. Every one of those excuses can be turned into something positive.
What’s holding you back? What’s keeping you down? Well, it’s time to get rid of it.
Hebrews 12:18 says,
“Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.”
Study your Bible again.
Most of the people in the Bible were not qualified when God called them. They didn’t have the credentials. But God takes what the world discards and turns them into champions, praise God!
There is a way to stay positive in a negative world by focusing your attention on God.
Don’t let the world dictate your destiny. Turn every negative excuse into a positive reason for achieving and watch what God will do with your life.
Moyinoluwa Ilori
July 18, 2018 at 7:21 PM
Thanks you sir @ naijagists com
I want more of this. please share this daily. I need it.
God bless @ Brother Jerry for this timely words of inspiration.
Juliet Uchegbu
July 18, 2018 at 9:19 PM
Thank you @ writer.
This world need more of this
July 20, 2018 at 6:41 PM
Thank you for your word of inspiration. And yes, it is very important we stay focused and positive in this world which is turning into negatives all the time. We used to live in a world that was so positive and joyful, but now almost everything around us is negative and bad. As you said, we need to focus our attention on God and open ourselves to unlimited possibilities. We have one life to live, only a few people are given the second chance of coming back or escaping death. Focusing on our past makes things worse, but sometimes we need to draw on the past experiences to enable us to draw something from the lessons learned. We need to live in the moment and look up to God who is the Author and Finisher of our faith and Life. Everybody has a painful past and some even have very horrible ones, but we need to allow the pains and horrible incidents make us stronger. The pain of the past gives us a story to tell and share. We have scars. I have been a victim of several things, but I am glad I have walked with my head up to conquer most of those painful moments. I still have my own demons to conquer, but I don’t dwell on them, rather I reflect on them and say, hey life must go on. It took me a long time and way to get where I am today, but I am glad that I am turning all those negative excuses into positive reasons to achieve, and be where I am and where I am going. A positive attitude and mindset contributes to success in life.
Adding to yours – What we can do:
1. Respond rather than react to unexpected changes. We need to ask God to give us the key gifts to help us respond to unexpected changes; and that is faith in Him, clear vision of what He wants us to do next, and the energy to move from the negativity to positivity. It might be difficult for some people, but with God’s help we shall overcome
2. We need to be accountable for our lives. We have to let go of a victim’s attitude because blaming others for what happened to us won’t make or help our lives better. Moreover, we have to avoid self-pity and excuses for not changing. Whatever has happened to us in the past we have the choice and power to change it with the help of God
3. We need to examine our soul and take an honest look inside our soul in other to identify what is hidden there, like bitterness, anger, hatred, jealousy, malice, pride and unforgiveness. Let go and let God, because without that there will be no happiness in our lives
4. We need to know that obstacle and problems will be coming anytime, any day and anywhere, so we need to build resilience to conquer these evils