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Thanks For Your Comments, Suggestions And Encouragement!!!

nice to be back quotes

My darlings thanks for your comments and messages. I sincerely apologize for my no show in the past 48 hours. It was an emergency family issue that necessitated my travel out of the country.

It was one of the longest trip of  my life. I thought I would be chanced e to update una but internet network at the MMIA Airport failed me at the last minute.

I returned back home early this morning where I have been battling jet lag.

Nice to be back.

Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement.

May I gist una small.

About 18 of my fans thought I had given up on blogging even a very sweet lady wrote an epistle to tell me how our Inspiration corner has become her source of weekly inspiration in the past 3 months…. Whaooo, it is an honour to see that my little contribution is touching lives out there.

Thank you so much for your comments, suggestions and encouragement. I’m blessed to have you all.

Make I start downloading all the gist in my hard drive small small.

Please bear with me, I feel like staying in bed all day, but my schedule will not let me.

News update from our field representatives still have to be edited and approved.

We are working on the back end. Please stay tuned as we update una.



  1. Martins Omotunde

    October 29, 2018 at 8:13 PM

    Welcome back. I too was wondering why you stayed away this long. Thanks for the explanation. It shows you care about your visitors.

  2. Dana Igwe

    October 29, 2018 at 8:55 PM

    My dear welcome back. I miss u. muuua

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