Why Is US Embassy Blocking Nigerians From Booking Visa Appointment?
Oct 4, 2013 – Why Is American Embassy Blocking Nigerians From Booking Visa Appointment?
Questions the US Embassy refused to answer.
1. I am a Nigerian born American citizen. I will like to know why the availability of Visa appointments dates at your website is totally blocked from Nigerians except if they first of make a payment?
2. Visa fees are valid for 12 months only so why are you still collecting visa fees when there are no available appointments dates for visa interview till the year 2021?
3. Can you explain why Nigerians has to pay additional fees to your corrupt embassy staff just to setup visa interview date?
4. Looking at your Embassy website there are no available dates starting from today till the next 8 years so explain how Nigerians who are able to pay bribe to your staff gets to setup appointments within hours of their money changing hands with your corrupt staff?
5. Why did you block the available dates of appointment from the Nigerian public except if they made a payment?
6. Why do you do things you cannot even dream of doing here in the States?
I am asking you Sir, can you ask Americans to pay visa fees when you have blocked all available dates of interview for the next 8 years?
Here in the US the first thing one does when he or she wants to travel, rent a car, hotel or movies is to find out if the service he or she is seeking is available before making a payment. So why should Nigerians make payment first and then only to find out there are no available dates for the service they paid for till the next 8 years while the payment is only good for 12 months? You are the worst amongst the most corrupt official in US history.
7. SHAME, SHAME AND SHAME on you Sir, for they level of corruption you have introduced to US Embassy in Nigeria. It is now a place for everyone to hang out and do business as usual, from your security men to they gate men, everyone is looking for someone seeking to get appointment date.
Every Nigerian should join hands to ask these questions till we get an answer from the US government.
It is a SHAME that things are done completely different overseas than they are done here in THE US.
[Article by Justin I]

October 4, 2013 at 1:08 PM
The pain of a Nigerian citizen from an American perspective
Tokunbo Rainbow
October 4, 2013 at 1:40 PM
The answer to your question is this:
US and UK don’t want Nigerians in their country anymore
They’ll do anything to prevent them
So it’s time for us to develop this nation
Uzoma Richard
October 4, 2013 at 2:00 PM
This is the problem the credit card fraudsters, the Bank fraudsters, the Robbers, the Drug dealers and the 419ers brought to us. I am saying this because I live here in the United States and I know what is going on. Go to Texas and see the healthcare fraud Nigerians are commiting. People from other African countries given the same license to operate healthcare business are genuinly progressing well; but most of our Nigerian operators use it to defraud the government. The bill the government 10 times the cost of any service they perform not knowing that they are being monitored. I went to school here in the United States and work with the government so let no one saying this guy is saying this because of this or that. This does not mean every Nigerian here is a criminal but those that are are the ones destroying our name. A lot of Nigerians are in good jobs here and holding it well but those that behave like Nigeria senators and reps and governors are the culprits here. It starts from home.
9jer man
October 4, 2013 at 2:43 PM
@Uzoma you are a slave look what you are proudly saying so you are trying to tell me that American citizens in other country don’t do all this you mentioned here,who are the first to introduce Bank fraudsters? and who are the first to start Drug traffic?even if you live there and work there so that means that you can not defends your country in any level,Lebanese is the most rated fraudsters in the world but America did not stop them from coming to America and you are here talking around nonsense,open your eyes we are not even beging America to stop what they are doing only if our people will open there eyes and see there is nothing in America i know that very well i was born in taxers as for your information and Nigerians have not do half of what the Liberians are doing there,so be proud of ur land and beeing slave to America,if is for me alone to hail with America they are nothing but Sodom and Gomorrah a day will come when God will destroy them as it is in bible.
October 4, 2013 at 9:03 PM
Nigerians are not the biggest fraudsters in the world but they are the lousiest. In the UK the Asians defraud in large scale but you know what? they do not make noise but rather are discreet. However, when a Nigerian gets a little money he will throw big parties to show that he has arrived. He will continue his lousiness until he gets caught. He will then implicate his business cohorts to get them in trouble as well. Asians do not grass one another if they get caught and that is why they always get away with stuff like this. Our image is not that good abroad especially in the area of honesty. We just need to change our ways. I won’t be surprised that the people perpetrating this vile act at the embassy are actually Nigerians themselves.
Uzoma Richard
October 7, 2013 at 1:42 PM
9jer man you are a classic example of high end fraudster and what is ailing Nigeria. You called me a slave for saying the truth. The Bible says “only the truth shall set you free”. Look at the referrences you mentioned that defend their people when they commit crime. Those countries do not defend their people when they truly commit crime, the give them up to preserve their good name. 9jer man could you please answer these questions: (1) Are you proud of the way the robbers, credit card fraudsters, health care fraudsters, 419er, bank fraudsters are rubbishing the image of Nigeria? (2)Do you dip your finger in a 180 degree hot water simply because you saw somebody do the same? (3) Since you live in Houston Texas what percentage of foreigners in jail are Nigerians because of various kinds of fraud? (4)What percentage of Africans in prison all over the the world (malasia, singapore, Thailand, Philipines and here in America especially Texas) are Nigerians? If you can genuinely answer these questions, then I can talk to you as a person of reason. I used my real name in my comment. Why not use your real name instead of pseudonym? If you use your real name (no lies) I bet you either have been to jail because of one criminal activity or the other or someone close to you has. It is because of people like you that Nigeria is not progressing in the real sense of it. Remember, the hottest part of hail is reserved for those who see the truth and turn away from it. A word for you. From your use of English and spellings, I do not think you even went to school. You maybe one of those who are here to commit criminal acts
iron bar
October 4, 2013 at 3:03 PM
am yet to understand ur stand..if u were born there and hvnt visited ur country of origin..blame it on ur parents and for the corrupt naija embassey in lagos and abuja.its better to get rid of those criminals and hire vibrant and honest pple to do the job.the giver and taker of bribe are liable.if u dnt gv bribe ,they dont take..lets chage the mindset
October 4, 2013 at 7:16 PM
GOD bless America I like that.
October 4, 2013 at 7:21 PM
If you bothered to watch or even read the news, you’ll notice that the US government has shut down whilst they figure out their financial crisis. It has nothing to do with scammers or fraudsters.
October 5, 2013 at 2:50 AM
Thank u patoya u said it all.
Uzoma Richard
October 7, 2013 at 1:33 PM
9jer man you are a classic example of high end fraudster and what is ailing Nigeria. You called me a slave for saying the truth. The Bible says “only the truth shall set you free”. Look at the referrences you mentioned that defend their people when they commit crime. Those countries do not defend their people when they truly commit crime, the give them up to preserve their good name. 9jer man could you please answer these questions: (1) Are you proud of the way the robbers, credit card fraudsters, health care fraudsters, 419er, bank fraudsters are rubbishing the image of Nigeria? (2)Do you dip your finger in a 180 degree hot water simply because you saw somebody do the same? (3) Since you live in Houston Texas what percentage of foreigners in jail are Nigerians because of various kinds of fraud? (4)What percentage of Africans in prison all over the the world (malasia, singapore, Thailand, Philipines and here in America especially Texas) are Nigerians? If you can genuinely answer these questions, then I can talk to you as a person of reason. I used my real name in my comment. Why not use your real name instead of pseudonym? If you use your real name (no lies) I bet you either have been to jail because of one criminal activity or the other or someone close to you has. It is because of people like you that Nigeria is not progressing in the real sense of it. Remember, the hottest part of hail is reserved for those who see the truth and turn away from it.
October 9, 2013 at 1:39 PM
Ogbeni uzoma, go and look for somewhere to sleep jare! Leave story, na nija here u dey jare! U no dey for any texas.. U don’t just write shits under blogs.. Pple all over d world visit blogs. Witting all dis piece of shit won’t change a thing!! Pray for d nation if you care n keep quite joor. Amateur maga.
Uzoma Richard
October 15, 2013 at 2:26 PM
Segun, since you doubt my residence, give me a call at 609-633-6400 ext 3337.