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Yetunde Oduwole Marries Yoruba Actor Baba Tee

Yetunde oduwole and baba tee

Feb 16, 2012 – Yetunde Oduwole Marries Yoruba Actor Baba Tee

Yetunde Oduwole is a popular columnist for City People Magazine.

The 41-year old divorced mother of two, married 31-year old popular Yoruba Comic actor Babatunde Bernand aka Baba Tee

The surprising thing is the wide age gap between the couple.

Yetunde turned 41 on February 14, 2012.

Meanwhile, a close friend to Yetunde’s ex husband is skeptical about her marriage to Baba Tee, “Yetunde is not officially divorced from Babs.

Baba tee and yetunde oduwoleBaba Tee and Yetunde Oduwole

Though they have been separated for the past six years, I can tell you confidently that there is no legal divorce paper.

So, if Yetunde marries Baba Tee in London, then, she has committed a crime. She should have perfected her divorce before jumping into another marriage.”



  1. Justme

    February 17, 2012 at 8:06 PM

    Is i.t because of Money? Baba Tee work hard & pray to God to give u your own wife & money and he will stop running after sugar mummy,learn from soule.What will happen if you are 4o & she is 50 when her wrinkles will start showing hope you won’t be divorced by then and u will be commiting adultery.

  2. Prince Ladesuyi Adedeji

    February 20, 2012 at 4:20 PM

    Why is it that nigeria man marry because of money and not for the seek of love or they have even forgotten that no matter much a lady love once she richer than you the respect will not be as the BIBLE stiplate it that man should the head.So their is no how a women be richer then you and you still be the head of the family. My fellow nigeria men beware!. Am not saying that all that are then man are not submissive but is not all them just about 2% them can be respective in that situation especially if is the combination of age and weath like one we are saying. Please Nigeria men dont sell birthright like Esau in the BIBLE.

  3. AYE

    February 23, 2012 at 12:33 AM


  4. oladajibnoni

    September 23, 2012 at 9:41 PM

    Baba tee,dat nt fair enough

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