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15-Year-Old Mummified Stone Baby, Calcified Foetus Removed From Womb Of Indian Woman 15 Years After Abortion [PHOTOS]

15 year old mummified baby removed from womb

November 30, 2017 – Aborted Baby Turns Into Stone Baby, Calcified Fetus In Womb Of Indian Woman 15 Years After Abortion

  • Baby Aborted By Indian Woman 15 Years Ago Turns Into Stone Baby, Calcified Foetus, Blocks Her Intestine
  • Improperly Aborted Baby Turns Into Mummified Baby In Womb Of Indian Woman 15 Years After Abortion
  • 15-Year-Old Mummified Lithopedion Baby (Calcified Foetus) Removed From Womb Of Indian Woman

A woman in India is still in shock after a baby she aborted 15  years ago turned into stone.

The 52-year-old woman who refused to be identified has been carrying the stone baby (calcified foetus) for the past 15 years without knowing the source of her ailment.

Though her gynecologist confirmed that her abortion was successful at that time, little did she know that the foetus had turned into stone.

Over the years, she had visited several doctors who gave her pain killers and pills for acid reflux disease but in the last three years, she had been continually vomiting.

Her condition forced her to see a special who discovered the rare fetus blocking her digestive system.

Dr Nilesh Junankar, the laparoscopic surgeon who carried out the two-hour operation to remove the foetus said:

An interesting miracle of nature happened in the woman’s womb.

Instead of allowing the deceased foetus to rot inside the abdomen and expose the mother to potential infection, her body mummified it, turning the baby into a Lithopedion aka stone baby through the process of calcification.

The medical term for stone baby is Lithopedion. Only 300 cases of it has been reported in hospitals across the world.

Calcification is the process whereby human body accumulates salt needed to fight infection.

lithopedion babyCalcified baby.

The woman who has since been discharged from Junankar Surgical Nursing home in Nagpur city, India thanked the doctors for freeing her from a decade of pain.

This is one of the rare dangers of abortion.

[Photo credit: Dr Nilesh Junankar]



  1. Sam Aihekhu

    November 30, 2017 at 10:23 PM

    this is unbelievable. Any explanation as to why this happened?
    May be it is a judgement of God for killing an innocent baby.
    If she did kill him/her she/he would have turned 15 this year.
    She should be mourning the loss of her child. Let this serves as warning to you ladies carrying out abortion. Dis is hwo u end a life u can’t create. May God forgive you all

  2. Oyinkansola daniel

    November 30, 2017 at 10:30 PM

    disgusting thing to see. She will never be able to conceive again.

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