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6000 Nigerian Pastors Rally, Pray For Buhari To Win, Blast Clerics Who Collected N7B Bribe From GEJ
March 18, 2015 – 6000 Nigerian Pastors Rally, Pray For Buhari To Win, Blasts Clerics Who Collected N7Billion Bribe From Jonathan
Despite allegations that some pastors in the country collected N7 billion to support President Goodluck Jonathan’s presidential ambition, at least 6,000 pastors in the Southwest are mobilising for the emergence of Major General Muhammadu Buhari as president and have declared seven days praying and fasting for God to grant him victory at next week’s poll.
The pastors under the aegis of Christians for Governance, Pastors For Change, held a news conference in Ikeja, Lagos, southwest Nigeria, where they openly endorsed the candidacy of Buhari and Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, who is a pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
The clerics are drawn from various churches, such as the Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, Catholic, Orthodox, among others.
They declared that they were not part of Jonathan’s largesse and that nobody gave them money to support Buhari, but acting by divine intervention from God who told them that Buhari would be the next president of Nigeria.
The movement is being supported by Rev. Moses Iloh, Archbishop Magnus Atilade, Ayo Opadokun and many other bigwigs in Christendom.
Addressing the news conference, Bishop Kayode Williams, National Coordinator, Christians for Good Governance, said they have about 6,000 ministers who were part of the group calling for change in leadership as the present government had failed the nation.
“We want to observe seven days of special prayer on the seven mountains in the Southwest political zones comprising six states to pray for the victory of Buhari and Osinbajo in the 28 March presidential election.
“We are using this opportunity to call on all pastors who believe that the time has surely come for change in Nigeria to exhort, mobilise, instruct and direct all our members from our churches, numbering 186,000 churches in the Southwest zone to adhere to this divine instruction from God,” he said.
According to him, “we shall intensify our intercessory prayers to God so that there will be peace in the nation and that the election will be free, transparent and peaceful. We are asking our archbishops, evangelists, elders, deacons and deaconesses to join hands and make sure that the prayer programme is very successful.”
Williams said if Christians pray, they believed God would grant Buhari and Osinbajo victory at the polls so that men of integrity and discipline could come to power to change things and fight corruption.
He lamented that in the last several years, Nigerians had hoped for improvement in national infrastructure and basic necessities of life with high expectations for stable and uninterrupted power supply, employment for the youths, significant reduction in maternal mortality rate, among others, but that nothing had been done ever since.
“No one can do the same thing and expect different result. Nigerians must therefore get a change in baton. It appears that many people at the top do not feel what an ordinary Nigerian feels: No job, no money, no light, health problem, sorrow and frustration everyday due to massive corruption at the top. All these must change. Nigerians deserve good life in the midst of all the resources that God has endowed us with,” he stated.
On allegation that the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, collected N7 billion through its leaders, Williams said he was not aware of any money collected, but noted that every rumour has an element of truth.
[Reported By Kazeem Ugbodaga, P.M Lagos]

Odunaike Benson
March 18, 2015 at 5:06 PM
These are the true servant of God. May God reward your sincere and heartfelt labour of love
Moses Inyang
March 18, 2015 at 5:17 PM
6000 men of God, Buhari has been declared the next president of Nigeria no shaking
Adebayo Tajudeen
March 18, 2015 at 5:53 PM
March 18, 2015 at 5:55 PM
Go buhari we support u
Sammy Joseph
March 18, 2015 at 5:57 PM
May Our Lord’s will for God-fearing President/leaders come to pass in Nigeria & may we have free, fair & credible general elections IJN. Amen.
March 18, 2015 at 6:07 PM
Every pastor is saying God says. I dont know why these pastor cannot just hold on to their calls instead of meadling in politics. What if Jonathan eventually wins, what will be the faith of these so called 6000 pastors. More so when did these pastors up to 6000 ( if it is true ) have ever gathered and prayed for this nation before for God’s intervention? Why always pastors in the midst of confussions all the time? Why dont we hear about imams and traditional worshippers. Please let’s stop dragging the name of Jesus in the mud. If as alleged God has spoken that Buhari is the next president, why the prayer again? Why not simply wait for the will of God to come to past?
May God have mercy on this nation.
March 18, 2015 at 7:50 PM
and una want us to believe say una no collect money! pros, thank u, u don talk all my talk finish, all we need most is unity, and sick 4 confedration and revolution kill or drive all dis criminal out of 9ja. bcos dat is d real change
Prophet Gbenga Rotimi"KINI IWO NFE"
March 18, 2015 at 9:23 PM
If i may ask, are they praying for the releasing of our girls or for peace to rain in Nigeria?, am not agaist their coming together but not for politice. Pastor-Politician(P.P) all in favour of money and power,they have put what the Lord has them to do aside, they eat and drink with darkness.
I don’t blame them, few years ago, one prominent G.O in Nigeria said,” christian should go and join politice”, is this how to preach the gospel?, when you see them on alter, one bible verse they back it with political affair.
Christianity in Politice is there any different between pig in thirty water and dead dog?.
Prophet Gbenga Rotimi"KINI IWO NFE"
March 18, 2015 at 9:38 PM
If i may ask, are they praying for the releasing of our girls or for peace to rain in Nigeria?, am not agaist their coming together but not for politics. Pastor-Politician(P.P) all in favour of money and power,they have put what the Lord has them to do aside, they eat and drink with darkness.
I don’t blame them, few years ago, one prominent G.O in Nigeria said,” christian should go and join politics”, is this how to preach the gospel?, when you see them on alter, one bible verse they back it with politics affair.
Christianity in Politics is there any different between pig in thirty water and dead dog?.
March 18, 2015 at 9:56 PM
True talk professor. We shall c d end of all these
March 18, 2015 at 10:01 PM
As a true christian who love his country so much with no tie with either the state or federal government, I really appreciate those 6,000 pastors for their holy gathering to pray for the unity, peace and progress of our beloved nation – Nigeria. Only those who are insensitive, selfish, racist, religious fanatic and corrupt pastors that part and parcel of corrupt practices of this do-nothing president support his failed policies of six wasted years. How can any reasonable, sensitive and passionate pastor support president Jonathan reelection bid when Nigerian masses are living in abject poverty than ever before with no hope of a better tomorrow? This president has no godliness in him because those godly fruits are missing from his and the First Lady characters. The bible says, ” By their fruits we shall know them. ” The fruits here means human characters, utterances and his behavior or action as the president of the largest and most popular black nation on earth. President Badluck Jonathan promised us during his 2011 reelection bid that he will not seek for reelection come 2015, but he lied because today, he is bribing Kings, political godfathers, fake pastors, bloggers just to mention in order to create confusion, chaos, and political unrest for him to hang on to power against the will of Nigerian people. He also promised to eradicate poverty in 2011, but shortly after he was reelected in 2011, he wickedly jacked up the prices of petrol and kerosene by 75 % just less than three weeks he was sworn in for the second term. More than 150,000 innocent children, mothers and fathers have been murdered by Boko Haram terrorists on his watch. Our educational system and physical infrastructures are in terrible shapes. More of our people have been driven into abject poverty, unemployment rate among our able youths is nothing to talk about. Yet, he is spending money that should have been used for the welfare of millions of suffering Nigerian people to bribe to criminals who cannot guarantee him election victory. As a knowledgeable Christian, I would rather cast my precious vote to a competent, discipline, patriotic and passionate leader like General Mohammad Buhari for the betterment of us and many generations to come rather than voting for a cultist president who is masquerading as a Christian. President Badluck Jonathan is a shame of a nation, and it will take a man of courage like General Buari to rescue our declining and already sinking nation from six years of Jonathan’s failures. My fellow Nigerians, the power of the ballot is in your hands, and we must come out on March 28th, 2015 to rescue the destiny of Nigeria from this destroyer of her destiny called Jonathan.
March 18, 2015 at 10:03 PM
Praying for gmb? to impose his sharia on all ok be ready to deny christ after he win 2015 or you head will be coutof because a muslim christains are unclean together with unbeleiver.
March 18, 2015 at 10:49 PM
Hallelujah. It shows our God is on the throne. I am a christian but i equally believe in Buhari. His being a muslim dosent count. He is a just and honest.
March 19, 2015 at 7:42 AM
Let the dead burial their dead.pastors let the politians do their politics
Omachoko Joseph
March 19, 2015 at 10:33 AM
I believe in GMB, I hate sentiment be it religion or tribal. Are we talking of being a christian or someone that is God fearing? GMB all the way, no shaking because God is in the know.
March 19, 2015 at 11:18 AM
Indeed Amighty God at work, This present corrupt,blood surcking government must be detroned because they are not of God. Power must change hand for peace to rain IJN. Six years is more than enough for any credible human being to develop a nation rather,what nigerians witnessed and is still experiencing are many but few to mention: bokoharam, kidnaping, fulani headsmen, total black out, persistent rise in exchange rate,masive fraud, corrupt & indicted individuals in different arms of government,treats from asari dokubo,tampolo,shoki dance with some nollywood etc.All these must end.
March 19, 2015 at 12:24 PM
The lord said to his Angels,who will decive Ahab so tht he will be killed?some said so many things on how they will decieve him,but one said a different thing from what others are saying,The lord ask him how can you decice him, he said, I will put lies in the mouth of all the true prophets of God in Isreal, and they will decive Ahab, then Ahabd called all the men of God in Isreal and ask them, can i go to RemotGillied and come back victorious?all of them said in one voice, Go,the Lord will give them unto your hand.6000 pastors, are you seeing clear?Did the Lord spoke to you?Buhari, are sure that the 6000 pastors hear from the Lord, Thank God that the almighty God is not interested in politice, but if He is, i dont think he will endrose Buhari, a man with so much innocent blood in his hands.
Matthias Nelsons
March 19, 2015 at 2:20 PM
Lying spirit has taken over these so called pastors. why bring the name of God into this? some years back, a well known man of God in this city said God said he will rule this country, that OBJ will hand over to him, the rest is now history. during the last election we also have a popular man of God who was a running mate to this same Buhari, he also said God say! for your information Pastors, our God is not a God of confusion who will say and not bring to pass. I keep wondering the God you so called pastors keep referring to. march 28th is around the corner, you are all in for a surprise. End time pastors. I don,t blame you so called pastors, is the ****** Nigerians that patronize you people that i blame.
March 19, 2015 at 3:18 PM
This is only way they can support change unlike those pastors whcollected bribe..God is able..Change is able..
Ganja man
March 19, 2015 at 5:04 PM
Take whatever a westerner says with a pinch of salt. They are born-hypocrites and fair-weather colleagues even their pastors. Who is a christian in the west sef?? Abeg make d 6,000 go wash penis and do sallah. We know ourselves.
Who could inherit and equally face all the problems he met? Jonathan must win.
March 20, 2015 at 12:23 AM
u dey maaaaad true true
March 20, 2015 at 12:26 AM
buhari will win no shaking
T babe
March 21, 2015 at 3:04 AM
whether pastors says or not “Our God is the Ominipotent n Ominiscience” if “Nigerian as a whole” will stand against buhari some few years back! then now same people see vision 4 him, i hv 2 say that i’m really sorry! Do they want us 2 believe all dis drama? bcos 2 me it is not wat we re expecting frm them. (God of ISRAELITES) has never change his words GEJ will still be d president of Nigeria after march 28th 2015 let’s it not a competition election. But an elder said don’t let’s wat happened 2 u last week happen again dis now week… buhari has make some of d citizens of Nigerian cry badly THAT WAS THEN BUT, Not Anymore…
Pls let us think b4 we react on issues