“Arrest Pastor Adeboye, Kumuyi, Myself & Other Nigerian General Overseers” – Pastor Tunde Bakare
Nov 12, 2012 – Arrest Pastor Adeboye, Kumuyi, Myself & Other Nigerian General Overseers Says Pastor Tunde Bakare
Highly controversial yet truthful Pastor of the Latter Rain Church, Pastor Tunde Bakare is yet in another controversy.
In an effort to make his heartfelt pain for Nigerians known, he was alleged to have suggested the arrest of All Nigerian General Overseers including himself.
In the sermon the man of God said all GOs must be arrested and locked up in prison so they can feel the sufferings Nigerian are going through.
Here is what he said in the sermon:
“All General overseers and religious leaders must go to prison, so they can feel the Nigerian situation. Lock Pastor Adeboye, Pastor Kumuyi, myself and others up in a Nigerian prison, may be if we come out we will change and put the interest of our people first. Preaching greed is sin, we have the confidence of millions of people and continue to fail them, that must change”
Seriously Pastor Bakare must be given a spot in politics perhaps a chance to contest for Presidency again.

November 13, 2012 at 8:38 PM
gist is good as information whch easy d mind n left d soul.
jesus is comming soon' this are the signs
November 14, 2012 at 3:33 AM
This are the last days’ just watch the END of this man.
Beloved do not be confused trust in the Lord– Let God be the judge. The Pastors are doing the work of the lord spreading the Gospal. Let them buy jet or anything. Let God judge not we.
As of me I got healed by going to church. Through our pastor I know the word. I am a living testimoney.
Nigeria’s problem are not Pastors but UNITY.
November 14, 2012 at 6:53 AM
my belove brethren
God called the pastor so let’s leave the work of judging them for God who called them. Bcos the holy book say Judge not that u may not be judge. We have the holly bible as our constitution and our mirrow with which we can examine our self. So there4 i beseech you my belove in christ look unto God the author and finisher of our faith. Look unto Jesus who came to show the way to the father. Pls my brethren build not ur faith opon the pastors for they may fail you
imargine what this man of God is saying now. Don’t 4get when God will judge the world he will not judge anybody as a church instead judgement is personal so don’t lose ur faith bcos of what is happening in the church. Bcos Heaven is real and God’s judgement await evry body
November 14, 2012 at 7:22 AM
Wow…! sometime when am going through what people comment here, I will get confuse, the nigerian are reasoning is far far low, some time i don’t blame then, it is lack of exposure, insulting high profile men for nothing…what this pastor said is the truth and nothing but the truth…when you travel outside country you will see how men of God behave, church pay then salary, pay there house rent and some necessary thing…church will will now use the rest of the money to help the poor, visit motherless home and less privileges…but here in Niaja the case is different, pastor will live in a mansion, driving luxuly cars, sending the children to big school, even have bodyguards, the retest now is private jet…who will pay for packing space of the private jet…?the answer is simple the poor masses, who will fuel the jet…?the poor masses….reason why am not confuse about the behavior is that….our legend BABA FELA Have already see it coming in 80s sing a song…suffer suffer for world..enjoy for heaven…but those G.O are already enjoying on earth…my people try and make our country a better place…GOD BLESS NIGERIA
November 14, 2012 at 7:54 AM
Dis man has smtin he’s not teling us. If he thinks so let him cast the first stone, how can a pastor say somthing like this. Hes nt saying the truth. Shine ur eyes 9ja.
November 14, 2012 at 3:38 PM
i will keep respecting you day in day out.he is saying the truth,atleast he celebrated his birthday without jets and other stretch limo,LOW KEY.God bless you pastor.
Josephine Esu
November 15, 2012 at 2:59 AM
Y d issue of private jet dey pain dis man. Is it his money dat purchased d jet? If he thinks he,s beter dan others, must he blow his own trumpet? Na wa o. Once a pastor starts developing interest in govt and politics, he has denied his calling.
November 14, 2012 at 8:43 PM
well he is right may be the lord has touched his heart and may use him to make a change we need change make people aware.
Josephine Esu
November 15, 2012 at 2:53 AM
Is it bcos pastors are not in d prison dat Nigeria is corrupt? What does Bakare mean? D problem of Nigeria is not inside d church but inside govt.and politics.
Look, whoever is buying private jet did not embezle govt funds. A pastor,s members buys a jet for him and I dont see y it should pain Tunde. Let him stay in d church and mind his business there. Is he confused? Y mix up church matter with politics? No matter what he does, he can never serve two masters. Arresting G.Os makes no sence. Let him speak for himself. If prison dey hungry him, he doesn,t need to force GENTLE MEN OF GOD to go with him. Nonsence. Besides, if he needs a private jet, he should go get one and stop all these notice me atitude he is puting up. It wont help him one bit.
November 22, 2012 at 2:43 PM
May God have mercy on us all.
November 22, 2012 at 5:38 PM
End time is near
adetona samuel
November 23, 2012 at 3:47 PM
Some men of God really needs private jet because of their heavy schedules in the year. But some are buying private jets so they can feel among and it is not a priority for their ministry yet. However, let everybody know his GOD bacause God knows how to settle everybody. In time past, it used to be as poor as a church rat, now it is to the extreme. Let every man of God do what seems right in their sight but God will bring His judgement. All this is happening because THE GOVT HAS FAILED and the church as capitalised on it. Anybody that wants to go into the prison is free !!!! but God has a way of bring NEBUCANEZZARS to prisons without walls…
December 11, 2012 at 2:59 PM
sir,it takes GOD nothing to arrest reveal whatever is all men will carry their cross and will be judged according to his works.but the truth must be told…….we should all amend our ways before its too late…..not about religious leaders its all about individuals.judgment will start from the top so all religion leaders should go back to GOD,pray for forgiveness,wisdom and divine spirit of GOD to direct them.
ajani muyideen
December 28, 2012 at 10:01 PM
Pastor buying a private jet, don’t love the things of this world more than the hereafter,has ur members in ur church are living more than $2 a day. Fair God, bcos this jet will never carry u to Paradise.
Precious sunday
January 8, 2013 at 5:29 PM
God knows what he is doing. he has develop is people for greatness .he is the mastermind of his .all nigerian be wise and courageous .serve God with all ur heart.u will see his wonders.God bless u
January 12, 2013 at 10:22 PM
i wonder why the comment of a man that has verbal diarrhoea should provoke these responses. a man of wisdom is not quick to speak. who is he trying to impress? empty vessels make the greatest noise. how has adeboye , kumuyi and others affected the sufferings of the nigerian massess? most of the pple suffering do not even give to these men of god. a man without control on his tongue and who is always eager for controvesy is no good. sebi he is a pastor? let him pray to his god to deal with dem and expose dem if that god still listens to him. did he not criticise buhari and later became his running mate? he is just a noise maker and attention seeker.
January 18, 2013 at 10:01 AM
I think before anyone could share his sentiment the person has to consider his antecedence,his previous utterrances and his recent political acts.Going by history it is believed that Pst Bakare rebeliously broke away from his spiritual father.He has lost touch with his spiritual call.I believe the mercy of God is still on him.
otunba adekunle
January 22, 2013 at 12:01 AM
its you who need to be intouch with your spritual touch ,because you are living in illusion with you so call spritual pastor
otunba adekunle
January 21, 2013 at 1:48 AM
step up man
January 21, 2013 at 4:11 PM
I’m not going to say much coz from d time white pple came to nigeria they were the one brought so called religion to this country our fore father are worshipping traditional religion and they were living fine,see now all churches av turned to bussiness venture in the name of miracles.They av brain washed all our ppl with their so called miracoulous to aim money. God ssave Nigerians from all evils we are doing to ourselves.
step up man
January 21, 2013 at 4:06 PM
I’m not going to say much coz from d time white pple came to nigeria they were the one brought so called religion to this country our fore father are worshipping traditional religion and they were living fine,see now all churches av turned to bussiness venture in the name of miracles.They av brain washed all our ppl with their so called miracoulous to aim money. God ssave Nigerians from all evils we are doing ourselves.
otunba adekunle
January 21, 2013 at 11:56 PM
you are right my brother ,we are paying big prize for acepting their religion not their technology like india did
January 22, 2013 at 1:20 AM
All this m**** follower will not agree with pastor Bakare,The man is talking sence.We Nigerians are deceiving ourself in the Name of God.
January 22, 2013 at 1:30 AM
Nigerians ,We are in religion bondage,go to other part of the world ppl are facing reality of live,here in Nigeria is miracle and prayer.God did not come dawn to fix America problem,China fix their road and energy,India developed their technology,If you like pray for the whole year at redeem camp,God we not come dawn to fix Lagos Ibadan Express Road.Let us fight corruption and face reality of Life.
lady B
January 22, 2013 at 11:37 AM
This is really sad,because so many nigerians are suffering.Its not by taken the pastors to prison dt really matters,my own opinion is that….if pastor bakare wants to help the masses,he should starts by first discarding all his properties and use it to help the poor masses who could not afford to feed once daily,and all d other G.Os should do dt instead of acguiring jets and expensive cars with church money.God help us in this country.
January 26, 2013 at 9:57 AM
I think what he is saying is just an analogy. He is saying his mind. I wonder why a nigerian pastors are not are not taking their clue from jesus christ. Who was not even know from his disciples, not until judas iscariot showed him to his murderers. But the cases is no more the same. I trust Tunde Bakare. He is advocating for change even as a christian and that is what paul is known for. Very stubborn and that is why he was hated by all the rulers. Being a pastor is more reason to bring the kingdom of God to this earth. Its also important to think of the people you lead as a pastor. To me o, am not judging anybody o, but any pastor that is living at the expense of his church members is not a good leader, but mind you a lot of pastors are good investor how raise their funds themselves. So if they buy 100 jets and not by robbing peter to pay paul I think that is no bodies problem. Also, Jesus christ rode on a ass anyway but it was just for a moment. My god help us all. God bless us all.
otunba adekunle
January 27, 2013 at 11:09 PM
very intresting comment you got it ori e pe
nwoye mccollins chinedu
February 1, 2013 at 7:50 AM
good morning pastor,may the good lord bless you.sir i need your prayer and your blessing .i need a prophecy to my life.
sir i will go to the us embassy on the 4th of feburary monday for my visa interview and this is my 4th times ,please pray for me this my last hope help me man of God.i believe in God.
February 4, 2013 at 2:08 PM
omo nna. you pple no dey change. you dey ask for prayer now. if u are asked to bring money or sow for your miracle u go start to cry alarm. you no fit pray? i beg my pple see how trouble dey start o!!
February 21, 2013 at 10:23 AM
Pastor Bakare was only trying to send a message to the church leaders in Nigeria. That he mentioned the likes of papa Adeboye and Kumuyi does not mean a slight on their personality but to denote those of them who has made it big in ministry, besides, he only ment that they(the big wigs in ministry)should try feel the pains of the ordinary folks by putting themselves in their shoes.
The man of God is still very focused and intact, he is only operating from a high level that so many may not be able to comprehend, like Apostle Paul, who stood and rebuked Apostle Peter to his face nad even in the public for that matter, and Peter took correction despite the fact that he was Paul’s senior ministry and age wise.
God can choose to use any body to speak to His church. But for the likes of Martin Luther the protestant, there will not be penticostals today and the truth, probably, will not be available to us the way it is today. He suffered humiliations, rejection, persecution and denials but was determined and resilient. Then, many did not see reason with him but today, you and i, the church world at large are enjoying the result of what he labored for.Let us broading our scope and pray that GOD gives us an insight into what He is passing to us through his servant pastor Tunde Bakare.
God bless you all.
March 21, 2013 at 4:30 PM
@ mega bros i agree with you! You r right. May God help us all in nigeria! Amen
olayinka babatunde
March 22, 2013 at 11:01 AM
why the fuss about all this.when the shepherd is incarcerated what become of the sheep?abeg everybody be thrown into jail xpecially everyone in govt,afterall at one point or the other we all have sinned.
olkemi balogun
April 12, 2013 at 3:59 PM
I reject it for all pastors of almighty father,why should pastors be in jail. they we only go there and preach the word of God and pray for there repentance. there notting bad in praying for them atleast from that GOD has known what their feeling is. Our heart is what we can see, i only no my own.
Engr. Stone
May 5, 2013 at 9:20 PM
I think is about time we begin to seperate the busness centers that goes with the cover name church in this Country. and is even surprising that Bakare will even call an HOLINESS Preacher like Pastor Kumuyi in this kind of matter. Well, I believe he was mistaking for him to have called Kumuyi.
June 17, 2013 at 5:56 AM
Bakare must be mad. Pls 4give him he is out of his senses. The election is loose is still affecting him.
June 26, 2013 at 10:13 PM
@Pst Bakare so called Pastor…We Nigeria need to stop deceiving ourself not to judge..we misinterpret judgment with correction in view. Bakare had fail to remember that God can not be mock or put to shame. Bakare with is Political conterpat “Buhari” and the rest of them all sat hidingly and came up with a stractegy that they all thought with there human knowledge that if Nigeria hear it then everybody will embrass it with joy, fight, and gladness as they thought…lol. but in the open Thy Lord is grate…greater than man. what will take heaven away from me politics, money, name, jet, house, job, position, God forbid. Please remind So called Pastor Bakare this what i just quote is in the Bible. there plan A & B is to see to how Nigeria will react to the Suggestion planned to be raised by man of God among them as Human think in there mind that is every person that mount the Pulpit that is man of God. majority are Animal covered with Human skin. Bakare’s conterpat Buahri and the rest which are muslim planned to use the avenue to ruin Christainity in Nigeria cos most man of God praying for the world today are in Nigeria and from Nigeria so they want to capture them by pushing out Bakare to give Nigerians such suggestion and imprison G.O. and G.S. them all in one prison later end their plan B is to set the Prison ablaze including the short forsight Pst Bakare will be set Ablaze along side with them all. and if they achieve that what could have been the hope of Christain today in the World at large. So please help me thank the merciful God that safe Bakare’s life from dealth through this G.O. and God’s intervention because there discussion at the hiden was beyond what they told him when he “Bakare” was at the venue. Them all that are muslim take pleasure in killing there born children with joy so who is now Pst Bakare from another father mother son… tell him to repent now or hell.
patrick ogar
July 8, 2013 at 10:43 AM
For a pastor to publicly call for the arrest of himself and other of his counterpart look strange and call for immediate respond of their fellow members. when Christ pray he said father let them be one as i am one in u and u are in me, so that the world will know that it is you who send me, but now church are not one, their voice are not one, many church instead of preaching the word God to people they preach church,instead of given out what is in the bible they preach on how to make money.imagine a man of God stand in the altar invoking fire on somebody parent that God has reveal to him that his or her parent is the cause of their downfall. the holy spirit is stronger therefore should not be use carelessly. many pastors has become a legal adviser to politicians, oh what a world of confusion.
patrick ogar
July 8, 2013 at 10:50 AM
Until the rotten teeth is pull out the teeth must chew with caution. vanity upon vanity every thing is vanity, only GOD can help us from this power of doom, and conspiracy world.
August 10, 2013 at 2:20 PM
Pas.Bakare is my mentor anytime anyday.This man has been given his best to see a new Nigeria but some foolish Galatians(Nigerrians)think he is doing all this for his personal interest u better wake up people before it is too late.let us deal with issue on ground and stop behaving like idiots
Abiola Isaac
December 17, 2013 at 8:25 AM
Surprisingly, the mentioned men of God are not politician and there was no allegation of these men stealing their congregational money so I wonder where would this arrest come from.
Ordinary musician are flying private jets and there is no noise except when it comes to men and servants of God.
May I say that I’m a product of the teaching of one of the mentioned men of God and his teaching has better and transform my situation. Once a better and now a giver.
I came to that church with people assisting me with cloth but I can’t say how many clothes have given out this year as a result of obeying God through His servants.
They use these jets for evergelism and as long as the people of that church are not complaining, I don’t see why those who are stakeholder would make noise about this.
My prayer Is that God would so prosper me that I will continue to help the poor like my pastor would say and also enjoy the good things of life as given by God.
Our God is not a poor Good so I wonder why we expect His servants to walk in rag when God Himself mentioned in Zechariah1:17 that His city shall be built through prosperity because silver and Gold are His. How can work in the city of the creator of wealth and I will be poor when those who work in Shell, Chevron and NNPC are in money.
People should come out of their ignorant into light as pastors are not responsible for the state of masses in this country but the government. People don’t go to church in the UK but they enjoying life in a way even where the knowledge of God is completely absence. May God gives our people understanding. Stay blessed.
jerry Ezeanyika
June 13, 2014 at 6:14 AM
something id wrong some where. if he hss found out he is in the wrong side of life why not repent and stop this his pages of newspaper repentance which I see as him seeking attention and publicity crazy.
Secondly how moraly justifiable bis it for badmouthing other men of God when he knows them and can reach them and correct them ad fellow brothers .I think he is running diorea of the mouth once again as the unbelievers are not ment to enforce christ life in us and non of these great men has not committed any crime.
lastly I think he should go back to calvary to know Gods plan for him.
Desmond Tutu
June 16, 2015 at 4:06 PM
Pastor Bakare, receive sense in Jesus name Amen…
June 17, 2015 at 3:09 AM
Bakare is a confused and senseless church goer, his not worth to be called man of God! if you really want change, start by urself, lead by example and don’t force others to be like you. you never condemn the gorvernment that has frustrated it people, your words is pure envy. Bakare christians are facing mass murder and persecution world over, call for odas to assist these helpless christians and not making noise in the media all the time, it seems ur jobless.
Ogbonna Ike
June 17, 2015 at 4:19 AM
Why is that people don’t want to hear the truth, read exodus 20, it’s a direct command from God
June 18, 2015 at 3:00 AM
Yes,it is good!
Their preaching does not convict those thieves who run to them for prayers!
They cannot absolve themselves from this rut!
Usman Abdullahi
January 9, 2017 at 1:52 PM
Truth is always bitter. At least, he has freedom of speech. Thank you Pastor Bakare for understanding our state of mind.
March 1, 2018 at 8:51 AM
I love this pastor. He is real! I chose him over other hypocrites GOs. He knows what he is talking about this GOs are failing Nigerians. In fact all of them are including adeboye who I have some regard for,!