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Baba Tee’s New & Ex Girlfriends Fighting: Dupe Odulate Denies Wearing Yetunde Oduwole’s Cloth

baba tee girlfriends fighting

July 8, 2015 – Baba Tee’s New & Ex Girlfriends Fighting: Dupe Odulate Denies Wearing Yetunde Oduwole’s Cloth, Calls Her A Broke Ass

In response to Yetunde Oduwole’s claim that Baba Tee’s new girlfriend is wearing her cloth, hear what Dupe Odulate said in an email:

Firstly I will like to make it known what I do, I am a Civil Engineer, Graduate from Yaba College of technology in 2012,i am born and bred in Sagamu with a silver spoon,maybe she doesn’t know,she should go back and ask the Odulates’ . Evry bit of what I say here,i will back them up with a photo evidence. I have been going to London since 2007 even before babatee.

I do my shopping in London,i don’t rely on men to pay my bills like Yetunde does. I bought that cloth from Debenham many years ago, then I use size 14, but the one I took was size 18 because I remembered I could not return to d ‎store to exchange it due to the time I had to run other things before I return to Nigeria, so I really don’t like to wear it. I am way taller and bigger than Yetunde. How can her cloth fit my body?, Is it as worse as that I can’t afford to buy clothes to wear?.

baba tee girlfriends fighting

Or will I even be so daft to wear her cloth and post it on Social media?(God forbid me wearing her clother)Hmm!, Yetunde is just an attention seeker, I can’t even wear used clothes, not to talk of wearing a cloth that a woman that bleached her skin had worn!

There is no single cloth that belongs to Yetunde in Babat’s house when I got there, Yetunde is a broke ass, babatee sends money to her monthly,she used to set up her kids to beg from babatee as well.I will also attach to this mail‎ photos of tellers used to make the payment.

At first she called me a witch in several messages she sent to babatee,i was silent about it, Secondly she lied in her interview that I sent her threatening messages, i was only silent about it, now she accused me of wearing her own cloth?, what an insolence?, to me, its a great ridicule, my friends that read just laugh and told me u that we come to your house for shopping. hmm!,I could only wear the cloth now because I av gotten bigger?, Is Yetunde size 18 cloth ni?, where on her body will she put it? Or is d cloth made for only her?. Mine is Debenham and am not sure she can ever shop there,maybe hers is primark self or her usual online 5pounds store, I don’t know what she is feeling like.

How can she claim she had a cloth from 2007 and I wear it 8years after?, Was she size 18 that I have 8years ago?. She should even stop the make believe thing,stop the fake life and live in a real world.she should just shut up and let us live.

She is 44year,old enough to be a grandma self. She claims that she is not hurt about babat leaving her yet she follows our lives closely,that picture was only posted yesterday. I have a lot of things to nail her and make her rot in jail in that UK but I will just leave it as a warning first.

She should be careful as she does not even know who I am and what am capable of doing. She should not mess up with me.I know the dos and donts of UK and also know the dos she is not doing and the donts she is doing. Let’s leave it like that for now.

The cloth she just bought

Payment slips Baba Tee used to send money to Yetunde Oduwole in the UK



  1. Yvette Omoregbe

    July 8, 2015 at 5:23 AM

    bunch of f**ls fighting over a broke man

    • Bench

      July 8, 2015 at 8:34 AM

      Yvette, how is you dey? I am hope say you fine. I was saw your missing call for night but I don sleep that time. I no de do mid night call. If you want to calling me make you calling me for morning or for afternuun. I am a busy human beens.

    • Lara

      July 10, 2015 at 1:19 AM

      Abi o my sister, I was about saying that too myself o, bunch of lunatics, exposing their stupid YANSH for the whole world to see, AWON WERE TUUTUU.
      By the way the stupid top there are talking about is a debenhams brand, Yeye people, no be even Versace or Gucci,awon were pataki, every Tom, dick and Maria can shop in debenhams, to the current girlfriend, why u dey show expired visa? To prove a point that u have been to London over a £10 top? se person wey dey 9ja no fit wear debenhams top? Dey show teller, on top Wetin?
      And that stupid aunty agbaya too shedding tears on YouTube over a man young enough to be her younger brother, se MAN don finish from the world ni? It is not how hard you fall but how fast you pick up yourself and dust yourself.
      And this new girlfriend too, RUTHU ABOKOKU, instead of you to lie low and don’t interfere in people’s problem, after all you don’t know how they started and what transpired between them, as young as u are, your parents should have warned you to about all these, to stay away from both of them, but you are running your mouth like someone that has hot puff-puff in your mouth, I pity you, carry another person matter for head, put your own for hand

    • Lara

      July 10, 2015 at 1:24 AM

      Awon mumuu

      • Lara

        July 10, 2015 at 1:31 AM

        Abi o my sister, I was about saying that too myself o, bunch of lunatics, exposing their stupid YANSH for the whole world to see, AWON WERE TUUTUU.
        By the way the stupid top there are talking about is a debenhams brand, Yeye people, no be even Versace or Gucci,awon were pataki, every Tom, dick and Maria can shop in debenhams, to the current girlfriend, why u dey show expired visa? To prove a point that u have been to London over a £10 top? se person wey dey 9ja no fit wear debenhams top? Dey show teller, on top Wetin?
        And that stupid aunty agbaya too shedding tears on YouTube over a man young enough to be her younger brother, se MAN don finish from the world ni? It is not how hard you fall but how fast you pick up yourself and dust yourself.
        And this new girlfriend too, RUTHU ABOKOKU, instead of you to lie low and don’t interfere in people’s problem, after all you don’t know how they started and what transpired between them, as young as u are, your parents should have warned you to about all these, to stay away from both of them, but you are running your mouth like someone that has hot puff-puff in your mouth, I pity you, carry another person matter for head, put your own for hand

  2. mulikat

    July 8, 2015 at 5:36 AM

    Baba Tee,himself is fat,ugly no money man,hwo many films he make self,where another ugly young gal fighting with beautifull older woman self.abeg,stop that nonese,that clothe is to biger than u,cos in 2007,u are silm younger u cant use size 18,are u killing me.when u go to shop,u close ur eyes,that clothe fit the ex than u,just look that pics very well,for first and last Baba Tee,should give Yetunde all are clothes,then finish……hwo much is ur naija salary self,i am this and that, and yetunde live on men, i have copy of money Baba Tee ,send her. dont go that area,in naija,no documents u cant get,pls pack well.

  3. susan

    July 8, 2015 at 5:54 AM

    Abi o is not only that the guy is broke the guy is also ugly haba why waste ur time fighting over such person? Why will u fight over a man? Haba afterall is not yet married to eithher of u this yetunde of a gal doesnt have work 2 do I don’t even blame her bcos her faher don work 4 her now all she can do is sit down and eat the money without even knowing how it came 2 be so why won’t she be disgracing her self in public over a man that is not yet married to her

  4. Bench

    July 8, 2015 at 6:58 AM

    This is make me to be remembers when six girls was fight bicos of me. Is vex me say na for dream it was hapun. I am a wisher say it go hapun one day for the world.

  5. betty

    July 8, 2015 at 7:07 AM

    Fools,you two her,the lady just expressed herself over the wrong accusation and you are the critising her,she should just keep quiet and act like a fool like u.mcheeew.babe,i like that you gave it to her jare,just leave haters beside and enjoy your life jor.some pple self wey dey comment,dem go be like monkey,only God knows how their bf go ur faces make we see.I just hate pple bringing others becos she is not married to him,she shouldn’t talk abi?.shior. Or bustline is that u presenting urself as mulika?.lolx

  6. Taofeek saliu

    July 8, 2015 at 8:38 AM

    The guy is even ugly and fat
    What wrong with you girls

  7. Micky Mouse

    July 8, 2015 at 10:00 AM

    who cares to know the truth ugly ass, no shame in washing ur dirty lining on social media, u shop from UK and all what not does that define a better living, whats special about UK. Two fools fighting

  8. Jacob Flow

    July 8, 2015 at 11:46 AM

    What in this world is wrong with this three Ignoramus.. Imagine this baby girl happy that she as been going to London since 2007 and so what .. so what do kids born in the UK will have to say.. They will have Tag their forehead LONDON CITIZO,Also you graduated from Yaba Tech.. So the HELL what…So what should an Havard Graduate say then….. I read all her RANTS to the old cargo and its just a shame that this two are fighting and fussing over this good for nothing boy BabaTee. This dude is broke as a.. Who is even calling the boy a NOLLYWOOD actor, I have never seen dude in no movie for real… Its just a shame for this two girls acting crazy…I hope they go get a life and do better. Who cares where you buy ur damn cloths, Pls save me those bullcrap lines.

  9. susan

    July 8, 2015 at 1:05 PM

    @bettey or wat ever ur name is just as she is insulting this lady 2day some day somme other lady will do same to her haba na her husband? Abeg na them sabi if they like they should tear them self into piece na their problem wetin even be my own inside and pls always check ur. Write up b4 posting it excuse it pocket lawyer

  10. iburstyohead Boi

    July 8, 2015 at 2:59 PM

    Bunch of broke asses,don’t bring abt dat stupid fake ass money talk on ere bitch,
    And 4dose other 2retards,who tink they balling,definitely its all abt dat Wande Coal Tiny Dick nigga Tee.
    Men fuck this shit.

    Broke asses seeking cheap ass attention.
    Yall know what

    Yall 3Broke asses should get a dick,put it in your mouth,and fuck what yall say..

  11. vien

    July 8, 2015 at 3:51 PM

    stupid people

  12. tope

    July 8, 2015 at 4:32 PM

    Yetunde good for u, when u won’t listen to me, see the shame u Brut to urself. Dupe why are u dis ugly

  13. femi

    July 8, 2015 at 8:46 PM

    most of u ladies supporting yetunde are just like her,bunch of rubbish nii gbogbo yin, yetunde also she is broke ass babe dat just wandering about in d street of london and she is not mature enough and stop stalking on them,they are both young couple pls leave them alone,most of single babe in london are like yetunde and most will be alone forever and ever,baba tee am really happy dat u are out of d shit relationship if not hummmmmm u will just be like dat till end of your life,please get marry and enjoy your black ebony babe.

  14. angee

    July 8, 2015 at 8:54 PM

    Yetunde is d legal wife of dis stupid tee messmarising her. I know dat this marriage produced two male children. An watever those tellers r for, has to do wit d responsibilities of tees two children, which is d right tin to do. Yetunde is a british citizen for over 17 years, as a matter of fact, she single handedly took tee to uk. Yetundes farmily rejected tees hand in marriage to yetunde cos he was a no body. But yetunde insisted , took care of him, an took him to uk, tee is a born cheat. An has bin cheating on yetunde even wit her own close frds, years back, he impregnanted a girl, he claimed to b his frds girlfrd, only for yetunde to find out on d day of d naming ceremony. Yetunde has moved on wit her life since over 7 yrs now. Lol sister dupe, dont rejoice yet. There is dis proverb dat says, a cane used on d 1st wife is hanged on a cage waiting for d second wife, exept tee is a changed man today we wil surely hear ur story soon. Shebi una b star, we d moon , will always read about d stars.

    • Funmbi

      July 24, 2015 at 2:29 PM

      Its sad how pple like u just say wat u dont know, i know babatee too well,yetunde had those children for his ex husband,she didnt take baba tee to the UK, babatee went to UK with Tayo Adeleye and they were stranded,then Moji Olaiya linked them with Yetunde to stay in her house and that was how they started their love life,all the stories u said is bullshit and lies @angee

  15. Shaddy

    July 9, 2015 at 1:13 PM

    Both of Una no get work…wats the subject of the matter? Man!!!!! Smh

  16. adupson

    July 10, 2015 at 1:24 PM

    Dupe, my advice to you is to leave Baba Tee and Yetunde to sort thier thing out. Pasan ta fi na iyale ni o nbe laja fun iyawo. You support men that are useless and evil, just stay focus, get preg and nurse your baby and pray baba tee will not leave you or abadon you. You star is shining now and pray its shines forever. men her dogssssssssss

  17. beyolexzygabe

    July 12, 2015 at 3:40 PM

    First..baba tee iz an ugly fat ass…well I no blame d galz cos dem sef ugly…bird of d same featherz flock 2geda…..and second..wotz xo special in u goin 2 d uk xince 2007 and 2 top it all…u won cme mention skul u comot from…na comon “YABATECH”..mama pack well…d new gf pisses me off more..she went 2 far in exposin xo many finnzz…no one asked her 4 any pics …y puttin up sme trash pics…well all of dem pack 2geda no mature …..and to top it all “BABA TEE AND HIS NEW BABE GO BORN NAIJA REMAKE OF SHREK IF THEY CONSIDER HAVING KIDZ”

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