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how to grow your blog from scratch 2019

NaijaGists Creativity Center

4 Best Ways To Grow Your Blog From Scratch In 2019 (Brian Dean Reference Guide)

how to grow your blog from scratch 2019

4 Proven Ways To Grow Your Blog From Scratch In 2019 (Brian Dean Reference Guide)

Over the past 24 hours I have received a lot of questions from people looking for ways to grow their blogs from scratch in 2019.

Just hours after I made known my intention of returning to Canada, I got over 28 questions from fellow bloggers looking for ways to grow their blogs.

After over 15 years of experience in this field, here are my 4 proven ways to get your blog from scratch. (Read How To Make Money From Blogging).

(1) Learn Search Engine Optimization.

If you want to make your blog dynamic, go and learn SEO aka Search Engine Optimization.

I may not be able to cover this in full in this post but it is about how search engine rank your site. (

Learn to create SEO optimized articles.

If you want to learn more about this, type the world SEO on google.

I also highly recommend Brian Dean article titled Learn SEO Fast. You will love it.

(2) Learn Keyword Research

This involves knowing what people are searching for online and creating contents that will provide solution to their queries.

It is broader than ever but another Keyword Research tips from Brian Dean will be of great help.

(3) Search Marketing / Backlinking

This is optional because I don’t do it. Back-linking is putting your link all over the net. Even though many believe it is an unnatural way to market your site and can get your site de-indexed from Search Engines, SEO gurus like Brian Dean encourages bloggers to do so in a White Hat way.

This great Backlinking Guide from Brian Dean will be of help.

(4) Create Original And Quality Contents

The lifeline of any blog is great content.

You must ensure you write long article that add value weekly.

You can get ideas from others but don’t copy them word for word.

Ensure you write great articles weekly.

If you can learn these 4 strategies, you will see your blog flying higher in search engines.

One more thing!!!.

Stop Building Backlinks! Allow Google To Find Your Contents Naturally.

A lot of sites have been sand boxed by Google because the authors are building unnatural backlinks.

So stop following the bad guys encouraging you to build backlinks.

Instead take your time to create quality contents that others can like and share, in no time Google will find your contents and rank it appropriately.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that building backlink can be time-consuming, I don’t really encourage people to do so because it is unnatural and time consuming.

I personally don’t build backlink and I will never encourage anyone to do so.

Just allow Google to find your website naturally as you create great contents that solve problems every week.

Watch this interesting video by Income School that elaborates on this topic.

In conclusion, to grow your blog, learn SEO, do Keyword Research, understand Search Engine Marketing and create great contents.

To take your site to another level, you can also create a great YouTube Channel to build fans and subscribers base.

I have seen bloggers quit blogging for vlogging (video blogging). If you prefer that, it is also a good idea.

Just make sure you stay focused and create quality videos weekly. Read How To Become A Successful YouTuber for more.

One more thing, don’t waste your time by creating several niches site. Choose one niche (topic) you love to write about and create master piece contents on it.

Create one site around the topic you love to write about and create great articles weekly.

Simplicity is the key to becoming  a successful blogger.

Why complicate it when you can make it easy???. Think about it.

Happy blogging friends!!!.

What Am Doing Currently!!!

Doing My Last Minute Shopping As We Embark On Our Return Journey To Canada. Remember us in your prayers friends.

Lots of love.

NG writes from Ikeja Lagos State Nigeria.



  1. George Ekwe

    March 13, 2019 at 10:03 PM

    Down to earth guide. I love the way it was presented.
    I lost an authority box to sandbox two years ago yes I did black hat seo.
    I have leant the hard way.

  2. Sanusi Tope

    March 13, 2019 at 10:05 PM

    Can you design website like yours for me.

  3. Rosy

    March 19, 2019 at 5:43 PM

    Nice one. i’m not a good writer.

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