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Biafra Avengers Militant Group Threatens To Kill Buhari’s Daughter Zahra, Family Over Nnamdi Kanu..

biafra avengers kill buhari daughter

July 9, 2016 – Biafra Avengers Militant Group Leader Ogone Ogochukwu Threatens To Kill Buhari’s Daughter Zahra, Family Over Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Imprisonment

In a new video released by a new militant group called Biafra Avengers, a self acclaimed leader of the group who identified himself as Ogone Ogochukwu threatened to kill Buhari’s daughter, Zahra.

Here is the transcript of the video that was recently deleted by YouTube.

“This video is for you the corrupt leaders of the zoo called Nigeria. Buhari’s family will die soon, and most especially that one called Zara, that is the name I gave to my dog. Buhari has been holding our director. “I want Buhari to know that nobody has the monopoly of violence, this is the time for him to lose some members of his family. Release our director, Nnamdi Kanu now, if you want any negotiations and you must release him before the end of this month. Today is the 7th of July.”

“If he fails to release our director, Nnamdi Kanu in the coming days, we warn, we will do what we want to do, and we will carry out our mission. After Buhari, we will go after all the governors in Igboland. “Buhari should tell his military or Boko Haram members to release Biafra-land now, before the end of this month, otherwise what will become of you people, you will never forget it.

Today is the 7th of July, I just want to give you serious warning, there should be no flying in Biafra-land. Biafra-land is hereby declared no fly zone’, if you try it, we will bring you down, get the warning now,”

I have no mum, I have no dad, I have no one to look unto, and so if I die today, what is the point? We are not losing anything. But we will make sure you lose your family, Buhari you will lose your family.

“Today is the 7th day of July 2016, I promise you that Aso Rock will burn; Rochas Okorocha and all the governors in Igboland, your lives are in danger.

“We hereby warn all fake Igbos not to speak for us, we know those that are speaking for us, we will do anything to restore Biafra, more groups are coming, Buhari, you have not seen anything yet. The worst is coming if you fail to release our director. “We have a link with Niger Delta Avengers. Nigeria will burn to ashes.

These are the words of the self-acclaimed leader of the new militant group.

Ogone Ogochukwu said he has nothing to lose if he died fighting for Biafra.



  1. olaniyi

    July 9, 2016 at 5:10 AM

    Confusion everywhere at what point did nigeria got it wrong?

  2. olaniyi

    July 9, 2016 at 5:13 AM

    At which point did nigeria got it wrong?

  3. Endure

    July 9, 2016 at 5:34 AM

    Then what if nnamdi kanu is released from custody what is he going to do? My friend go and get seated somewhere! I don’t no why buhari is still keeping that man there. Is he afraid of this people. This man called kanu can do nothing. Release him ! And let them go and do whatever they want with him. The fact is nigeria can never and will never divide. You bunch of criminals. The issue is, this people are not even fighting to favour there homeland,they are only there for there pockets,thieves. If you don’t won’t buhari why not wait till 2019 and allow ballot from voters to push him out.

  4. Dapo Oyemekun

    July 9, 2016 at 5:51 AM

    This fool is already protecting himself, I bet you will be caught within one week

  5. D Hunter

    July 9, 2016 at 6:30 AM

    Excellent question there from Olaniyi. First of all, God bless you richly.

    Now, to answer your question proper, Nigeria got it wrong the very moment about 80% folks of this country who are now greatly regreting their folly and weeping in silent day & night voted this fulani herdsman into power who in turn has rapidly turned what used to be one Nigeria now into what I called:
    Government of the NORTH, by the NORTH for the NORTH.

    The lopsided appointments and compulsory unceremonial retirements of Christians high officers in high positions will tell any sane man the intention of that Nebuchadnezzar we have for a president.

    Olaniyi, are you still there? Permission to take a sip at my rich Tea, its getting cold. In fact, I invite you and my Oga Metu, to come dine with me.

    D Hunter

  6. p.a salami

    July 9, 2016 at 6:41 AM

    What an insult upon injury what is it talking about this notorious armed robber called himself ogoni ogowachuku this man is talking like a lifeless chicken without head this man is an empty barrels get rid of him and others in their group as they did to their boss kanu without looking back useless man without life

  7. Efe Timipreye

    July 9, 2016 at 10:15 AM

    I blame Buhari for even thinking of negotiating with these criminals called militants…..u don’t negotiate with terrorist! After all the destruction of the nations source of income then u are asking for ur leader to be released. U can never be heartless than ISIS or Boko Haram but our military men are dealing with them seriously today, even ISIS chief executioner popularly called the bulldozer was arrested not even by American troop but Syria soldiers. My friend go sit down! Mumu! U think say na Jona dey there abi? I just dey pity for igbos bicus very soon u guyz will turn to refugees in another mans land just mark my word. I know some idiots are solidly behind u but they will soon regret their actions soon.

  8. betty

    July 9, 2016 at 12:06 PM

    empty threat. instead of coming online to rant y can’t u break d prison ur director is so that he can’t escape? rubbish

  9. sola olaniyi

    July 9, 2016 at 12:14 PM

    these militants are nothing but criminals

  10. Uche

    July 9, 2016 at 12:28 PM

    If British people can be on their own from EU i wonder why Biafran can’t be on their own.

    • RAPO

      July 10, 2016 at 3:27 PM


  11. Laura Kabaka

    July 9, 2016 at 12:30 PM

    What you trouble-makers Nigerians should know,understand and learn is,that,that never in history would problem be solved with violence.You guys must learn to give peace a chance.You ****s are wicked hates and live hating one another.It is a penny in the ash for you people to live yr lifes in wickness and violence.A nation can never be built in violence and bloodsherd.May God have mercy upon you people and upon nigeria.Amen.

  12. ALEX&RIA

    July 9, 2016 at 2:05 PM

    GOD pass all of you who doesn’t want the progress of this nation Nig.

  13. Lam

    July 9, 2016 at 4:48 PM

    my brother, you know very well as a Christian that vengeance is not yours but God’s as it is written Psa 94:1 O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself. God through his son Jesus Christ is the only one whom vengeance belongs to. so table your matter to God and sheathe your sword for heaven is your bound and nothing is as important as heaven at last.

  14. Truth

    July 9, 2016 at 8:32 PM

    Am an Igbo but this people do not represent all the Igbo peoples mind.
    Am in support of one nigeria. Let’s see the good in other peoples culture not the bad side.
    We are created by one God who overlook our pride and arrogance and yet shows his mercy.
    Let’s pray for our leaders instead, they are human like us. No one is perfect. I rest my case.

  15. buzu-k

    July 9, 2016 at 10:17 PM

    @truth who ask u if u r igbo or not and do u think dat igbo prople want u to be one of them.and thank u d-hunter for the briliant answer u gave to olaniyi,chukwu okike abiama gozie gi.

  16. jamsolong

    July 10, 2016 at 12:42 AM

    this guy just trying to be popular. He was impressed by niger delta avenger activities and trying to create confusion for himself. His mama might hiding him under her bed by now and he would be crying like baby for fear

  17. anonymous

    July 10, 2016 at 12:54 AM

    Cowards and betrayals called *******s are already in panic…this is time for resource control or deltexit

    • Lawani Monday

      July 10, 2016 at 8:18 AM

      The endtime is coming very close, it is said and it has to be fulfil. Prepare for rapture and repent to make HEAVEN bcos noting can be to all this happening.

  18. OneGod Chigoziri Biafra

    July 10, 2016 at 6:47 PM

    Those talking of one Nigeria are the enemies of Nigeria. They don’t want to see the progress of these a***. If I should ask, why do still want this *****to remain as ONE? I know even if Biafra is restored, Biafra itself might not be perfect, but the truth be told, the Biafrans said they want to be independent they should be allowed to go for crying out loud. Haha! Wicked people! Many of you refuses to think very well before**** on a crucial matters like this. What do you still need the igbos for? Haven’t they tried in putting the country to this level it attained? Does it mean Nigeria won’t be able to continue without the defunct Biafra (igbos)? You people are bunch of ***** and jokers.
    You can only keep*******. Gush!
    I support Biafra RESTORATION!
    Thank You Lord for restoring Biafra!
    God you truly the Most High……

  19. Jilo

    July 12, 2016 at 3:48 AM

    This guy is threatening not only the President but the entire Nation. When people like Ogochukwu overstep their limits his associates keep mum but when he’s eventually arrested it is going to be tribal war. No Country will allow its sovereignty be deliberately threaten by any hoodlum like Ogochukwu. He intentionally invited death upon himself. His case will be worst than his master Kanu. You don’t threaten the family of a sitting president and expected to go scot-free. Some powerful people that were planning treason underground were caught and wiped out not to talk of you that come out violently to pronounce your dangerous intention. I understand you are being frustrated for the demise of your parents but that doesn’t mean you have to use this avenue to join them in hurry. Don’t worry you will soon be caught and dealt with accordingly

  20. Maryf

    July 19, 2016 at 12:46 PM

    You dare not try to arrest the president’s daughter before you join your director (kanu)in jail

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