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Bianca Ojukwu Not Remarrying Bcos Of Children, Says Her Time On Earth Is Limited

bianca ojukwu remarry

Nov 23, 2014 – Bianca Ojukwu Says She’ll Not Remarry, Plans To Concentrate On Raising Her Children

Bianca Ojukwu Not Remarrying Because Of Children, Says Her Time On Earth Is Limited

The widow of ex-Biafran leader, Ojukwu and the current Nigeria’s Ambassador to Spain, Bianca has spoken up against her rumoured marriage plan.

In an exclusive chat with Vanguard, Bianca reveals why she is not ready to remarry.

Given that you are still very young, beautiful and as the famed American poet-Robert Frost said, you still have a long road to travel. Do you plan to remarry?

People marry I think not just because they need to come together, live together, raise family together, it is a rite of passage and I think I have fulfilled my part. Why I said that, is, I have gone through marriage, lived with what I consider a wonderful man who gave me 23 years of happiness, of fulfillment, I literally felt I was the luckiest woman to have had a man who gave me utter dedication and, above all, wonderful children.

So my pledge to him is that I will devote my life to taking care of our children, raising them properly, teaching them those ideals that he cherished and held very dear and trying to carry on his legacy. So I don’t have any compelling need to remarry and, in any case, my time is very limited; so I am trying to channel it properly towards raising my children.



  1. Don Omoniyi

    November 23, 2014 at 12:25 AM

    Of course if she remarry she will lose the honour conferred on her by Ojukwu titled
    She can just mess around secretly at least she is far away in Spain

  2. Ayo

    November 23, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    It’s just all mediocrity in Nigerian,how can an ambassador strike a pose like hers behind the nation’s coat of arm,it simply means she doesn’t deserve to be in that position,she better go and assist Nike Oshinowo.

    • OLA

      November 24, 2014 at 3:33 AM


  3. prince

    November 25, 2014 at 10:10 AM

    nigeria coat of arm is worthless compare to the woman status

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