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Boat Carrying 600 African Migrants To Europe Sinks In Egypt, 29 Dead, 421 Missing

boat 600 african migrants sink egypt

September 21, 2016 – Boat Carrying 600 African Migrants To Europe Sinks Near Egyptian Coast, 29 Dead Bodies Recovered, 421 Others Missing

At least 29 bodies of Africans migrating to Europe have been recovered off the Egyptian coast near Kafr al-Sheikh.

According to the Egyptian military, around 150 people were rescued alive out of the 600 African migrants heading to Europe.

Yesterday, 68 Africans heading to Europe were arrested by the Egyptian military after they were caught off the coast of Matrouh.

Last week, 2 Africans trying to cross from Egypt to Europe were caught.

Another 400 were caught last month while trying to risk their lives on a rickety boat on perilous voyage to Europe.



  1. D Hunter

    September 21, 2016 at 5:29 PM

    Sometime, some shallow thinkers will just decide to go tread their lives away in the bid for a greener pasture only to end up in the bellies of some hungry angry Whales, Sharks, Crocodiles, Octopus etc…
    May their souls RIP.

    D Hunter.

  2. Big Aunty Koks

    September 21, 2016 at 5:58 PM

    Ewoooo !!! You can be sure Nigerians are there, and in lsignificant numbers since they say that one out of every five persons in the world is a Nigerian. Recently there was news item about a Nigerian lady giving birth to a bouncing baby on one of these crowded boats ferrying immigrants to Europe.
    A point comes in events occurring that things go from being described as”beyond” to simply being” be join”. The situation has become so desperate now it is a National shame. Our people are fleeing home in search of better life and are dying trying. The Government should formulate policy to arrest the situation by providing good alternative to encourage her citizens stay back and build their lives on these shores that Almighty God has blessed us with, putting so many resources at our disposal to make us flourish if only there is political will to tap those resources. It is out of character for Nigerians to stand by and watch their people suffer. Authorities that be please do something for it is heartbreaking !!!

  3. Koolz

    September 21, 2016 at 7:52 PM

    Well my words are simple,.. There is nothing like greener pasture in trading your life to mammywater (River Goddess) in bid to gain access to a greener pasture that you will hardly see at d end of d day.. Since Africans don’t listen at all, the fact remains that, if you make it, then good luck and if you don’t then OYO (On Your Own) to you all… Do not scream when river beast begins to hunt you guys, since you guys are running from D Hunter on land..
    RIP to the deceased anyway. I don’t know when my African brothers and sisters will learn. Could this be a curse? Huh! So sad….

    And So…..

    #LGO: Life Goes On … Still#

  4. fifelomo

    September 21, 2016 at 8:42 PM

    For how long will some people keep searching for what’s not lost? All in the name of getting a greener pasture? You ended up bn a food for another creature. It’s a pity. Rip to all that lost their lives.

  5. Tendy

    September 22, 2016 at 6:49 AM

    Ehyaa, RIP “21st century_Jonah”. This sea traveling ain’t for everybody na, just calm down and endure d trying period rather than going to another country all in d name of looking for greener pastures.

  6. Truce

    September 22, 2016 at 8:22 AM

    people will never learn. how long will this foolishness continue. Rip to the dead.

  7. sola olaniyi

    September 22, 2016 at 8:47 AM

    R.I.P to the dead

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