Crime News
Bribe-Seeking Policeman Who Seized Okada From Rider At Akobo Ibadan General Gas Exposed
August 8, 2017 – Police Officer Who Almost Killed A Lady Who Refused To Give Bribe At Akobo Ibadan General Gas Exposed
This officer is currently in trouble for attempting to extort money from a motorcyclist in Ibadan Oyo state.
The unidentified officer on duty at the General Gas area of Akobo Ibadan allegedly seized the motorcycle below from and Okada man who allegedly refused to “dash” him something (bribe).
In the process of trying to collect bribe, this corrupt officer put the passenger being carried by the motorcyclist in arm way.
Here is how the passenger narrated her ordeal on Instagram.

Big Aunty Koks
August 9, 2017 at 2:27 PM
I would like to see the policeman’s face when he is shown this story written about him. People forget that cameras are everywhere these days and people are snapping away when you are not aware they are.
Explain yourself officer!