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British Soldier Killer, Michael Adebolajo’s Family Releases Press Statement

michael adebolajo family press statementMichael Adebolajo(Right)

May 30, 2013 – British Soldier Killer In Woolwich London, Michael Adebolajo’s Family Releases Press Statement

The hurting family members of Michael Adebolajo, one of the British-Nigerian guys accused of killing Lee Rigby, a British Soldier in Woolwich, South London last week has spoken up.

The picture of Michael Adebolajo is not as popular as that of his murder accomplice Michael Adebowale who was charged this morning. (See his pic on the right above)

Michael Adebolajo is currently under arrest in a British hospital.

The Press statement below was released by his family’s legal counsel on May 28th, 2013.

Nothing we say can undo the events of last week.
However, as a family, we wish to share with others our horror at the senseless killing of Lee Rigby and express our profound shame and distress that this has brought to our family

We send our heartfelt condolence to Lee Rigby’s family and loved ones.

We wish to state openly that we believe that there is no place for violence in the name of religion or politics. We believe that all right thinking members of society share this view wherever they were born and whatever their religion and political beliefs.
We wholeheartedly condemn all those who engage in acts of terror and fully reject any suggestion by them that religion or politics can justify this kind of violence

We unreservedly put our faith in the rule of law and with others fully expect that all the perpetrators will be brought to justice under the law of the land. And we pray for Lee Rigby’s soul to rest in peace, for the Lord to comfort his parents and loved ones and provide all of us affected the strength and fortitude to cope with this tragedy.

In all the circumstances and in respect to on-going police investigations, this is the only statement we wish to give. We ask that we are not contacted for further comments



  1. ocpeace

    May 31, 2013 at 6:59 AM

    the statement fail short of disowning the criminal micheal…+2348057323826

  2. Emeka

    May 31, 2013 at 12:59 PM

    I do understand d big shame dat d idoit has brought 2 d whole family bt l pray dat his sin dont affect u ppje.

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