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British Man Dies Of Heart Attack While Masturbating At Strip Club In Bangkok Thailand
A British Holiday marker has died of extreme masturbation in Thailand.
The unidentified man said to be about 60 years of age was catching mad fun last night at a Thai strip club in Bangkok when he suddenly slumped and died.
According to rescuers, the elderly tourist was enjoying himself as naked women performed on stage at the strip club located in Sow cowboy district of Bangkok when he suddenly slumped.
A witness said the man was masturbating with a sex toy that looks like a police baton before he died of heart attack.
After all efforts to bring him back to life failed, his corpse was transferred to the mortuary.
British Embassy in Bangkok has been contacted.

J Martins
April 20, 2018 at 5:53 PM
D fool should rot in jail. Decency is out of d dictionary of most men in the western world.
Keep it real
April 21, 2018 at 1:07 AM
@ J Martins “A dead man rot in jail”???
I need exact the same WEED you had pls!
April 20, 2018 at 7:11 PM
Hmmm, what a dirty way to die!
April 20, 2018 at 8:11 PM
Pleasuring himself with sex toy? why not get real human so that if he dies on her he must have gained something real. What a shameful way to die. Anyway most Europeans and Americans that go on vacation to those Asian countries go there to have sex with Asian women.
Big Aunty Koks
April 20, 2018 at 9:34 PM
Na wa o! I can imagine the red faced blush of their embassy people .