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Brother Of Nigerian American Woman Who Committed Suicide By Jumping Into Lagos Lagoon Breaks Silence

nigerian woman commits suicide 3rd mainland bridge

Brother Of Nigerian American Woman Who Committed Suicide By Jumping Into Lagos Lagoon Breaks Silence

Olu writes from the US

I pray to God Almighty that my sister OLUWATOYIN is very much alive. She is too nice a person to even contemplate taking her life, with a loving and forgiving husband and wonderful kids, not to talk of her amazing parents. She is hardworking and goal-getter who has has so much to live for. Romans 3.23 says “we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Like Jesus said to the Pharisees ” anyone who has never sinned, let him be the first to cast the stone.” Whilst I am not in any way in support of adultery and fornication as these break God’s law, I will also be the first to admit that the percentage of us who have never been involved in one sin orr the other in our lifetime is pretty negligible even amongst the most vocal on this forum.

Jesus did not come into this world to condemn the sinners but to save them and point them in the right way to go. It beggars belief as to why people are so quick to condemn others whilst they have their own dead cockroaches in their closets waiting to be exposed anytime. I wonder where those that are gloating in her demise will turn when they finally realise that she is in fact alive. Shame on you all-especially the ladies who are acting as if they too have been 100% faithful to their spouses.



  1. Motunde Aya Olubadan

    June 12, 2018 at 11:12 PM

    Olu bad brother. U are the type who got her into this mess in the first place.
    How can u be quoting bible for such offence.
    Oniranu like you is a disgrace to your family

  2. Ayoade

    June 13, 2018 at 12:32 AM

    Please people don’t let us quick in judging others though I am not justifying her actions but let have human feelings. Yoruba ni gbogbo wa pata ni mola eni tile bamo ba ni barawo. May her soul rest in perfect peace.

  3. Lola O

    June 13, 2018 at 1:14 AM

    Birds of the same feather. Are you insinuating that women not only commit adultery but give “bastard” children to our husbands? Your morals must be very poor in your family. Please leave the Bible out of this crap. If you know God’s word very well, why don’t you practice it in your family or preach it to your sister? Imagine the husband hearing from his wife’s lover boy turned enemy, that he is the father of two of his teenage children? Do you wish that upon yourself and brother’s? You should bury your head in shame. I don’t wish your sister dead, if only for the sake of her children. Look how long she was sleeping with the idiot and continued until nemesis caught up with her. You should be very proud of your sister’s escapades to have the audacity to blame others for her willful actions. If Femi was sooo good, why didn’t she go live with him and take his children to their biological father, since she knew all those years? Diaris God o and he rewards everyone according to their handiwork. Yeye people!

  4. Mon

    June 13, 2018 at 1:28 AM

    Nobody is judging your sister and don’t expect people to keep mum, but if she actually committed those offenses and jumped into the lagoon as reported, then she has judged herself. I pray and hope she is still alive and to ask for forgiveness by herself if guilty of those offenses.

    We always like to pick a line in the Bible to justify our stupid act without going in context of the lesson that leads to such word from our savior Jesus the Christ.

  5. Danti

    June 13, 2018 at 1:49 AM

    Oloshi, brother Aja adugbo, this your yeye poem is for the disabled folks, if it holds water your sister wouldn’t have put an end to her life. With all the sad story in last 24 hours, she had shed light on how Incorrigible and disgruntled women operate. May the devil push every woman that does things finish Amen. I know dirty minds and popcorn-headed dummies wouldn’t like my groove,but hey! Danbo nama yin laye!

    • Nifemi Brooklyn

      June 13, 2018 at 1:56 AM

      Thanks @danti and others who have commented, I think the so called brother is disillusional. I bet it no man will forgive such woman.

  6. Sola JS

    June 13, 2018 at 6:46 AM

    Please let her be, who are we to judge and if she is your sister will you ask her to commit suicide? God does not want d death of sinner but to repent. Stop condemning her. Pls leave her alone.

  7. Chukwu Michael

    June 13, 2018 at 2:05 PM

    Indeed her deeds, the first and the last, are unpardonable.It will take an extra- ordinary strength of character to forgive her.But it is in the interest of her man to put all that behind him, if only to free his mind from the burden of resentment.

  8. Eric Brown

    June 13, 2018 at 2:41 PM

    Nonsense ppl in a failed generation. I hope we all know marriage is sacred

  9. uzoma

    June 13, 2018 at 3:05 PM

    Please people, the woman whose picture appeared here lives in the UK. She looks different from the picture of the adulterous woman who lived in Texas (Dallas) with her husband and children. Someone must have hated the woman who lives in the United Kingdom so much as to label her as the adulterer. The woman who jumped into the lagoon was living in Texas before she travelled to Nigeria and one thing led to the other and she killed herself. Who ever put the picture of the UK woman should think of the embarrassment and pain he/she caused her.

  10. Ama

    June 13, 2018 at 5:42 PM

    God’s problem today is not with the lost, but with His own people who call ourselves Christians. Our culture is decaying, our moral fabric is tearing, and secular, godless factors pressure us from all around. Today we look at the faults of others. But be reminded to look into your own life first and remove any planks that might be affecting your vision. Why would you condemn her brother and even condemn her? What she did is not good, and I am not condoning whatever she has done. If you read the article very well, the brother said, “Whilst I am not in any way in support of adultery and fornication as these breaks God’s law,—–” he is not in support of what his sister did. Rather it is a brother who is hurting, probably even ashamed for the name of the family.

    Who are we to condemn. Let us look over our shoulders and even in our own closets, how many of you who have judged and insulted her or the brother is righteous. As Christians we think it is only adultery, fornication, stealing etc are the only sins on earth, the way you have written about these people by being judgmental is a sin. Nowadays how many men and women are faithful in their relationships?
    We ought to pray for each, our moral fabric is decayed. Don’t let us jump the wagon, rather let us pray that sin can be eradicated.
    Let revival start with us. Father remove any planks in my own eyes today

  11. ShutUpImTalking

    June 14, 2018 at 9:36 AM

    Oloriburuku, hypocrites won’t talk about how men also commit adultery in marriages, they’ll know about the women, they won’t talk about how they impregnate other women outside marriage. But they’ll murder women.No one is saying what she did is right. It’s wrong, wrong ,wrong and wrong. But she deserves to LIVE.

    • Austine

      June 15, 2018 at 2:50 AM

      Please madam, both men/women who involved in such adulterous act is Good, but a responsible who will always dedicated to her husband,women have there own pride, just look how she useless her life in way of satisfying herself.
      If you think what this woman do is right, can you do thesame to your husband?
      what if it happens to be your brother wife, what will you say?

  12. Austine

    June 15, 2018 at 2:41 AM

    I feel so ashamed to see a brother of this woman who commit this adulterous act ,come to public by praising her sister for good doing, by forgetting the of the man who pay her bridge price, who now left without nothing.
    The act of this woman is more than wickedness, She is a harlot and prostitute.
    If you what your sister did is fair , l wish your wife to do thesame to you, for you to know the shame ,pain and disgrace she will bring to you and your family.
    Your is a disgrace to womanhood.

    • Chrystal

      June 18, 2018 at 1:21 AM

      Most of you Nigerian men are so stupid and backward, that you always vomit rubbish online about women, as if they are inferior to you, whether you have dry shit in your yansh or not. You think women are of lower quality, just because you have penis. The brother is 100 % right! You should be ashamed of yourself Austine for judging a deceased woman. You yourself are a harlot and a prostitute if you are sleeping with someone you are not married to. As a woman, I know to close my legs and use my vibrator to take care of myself,and go about my business, and not feed into, oh, you are so pretty and smart! I wish a lot of women are like me, you guys will be doing yourselves. Women should be satisfied with themselves and not take crap from stupid men who abuse them. A good man is a treasure, so is also a good woman. The problem is good men are hard to find. I mean one that is dedicated to one woman, respects her, treats her right. That man is a king and deserves to be treated as such, likewise a good woman. But, from what I have seen, too many Nigerian men are cheats and pathological liars and they treat their women like crap. Stupid men who lack moral compass in all dimensions are polluting Nigeria. Just look at the country and see what I mean. Greedy thieves! Nigerian men’s major problem, is their penis. They have wrecked Nigeria, and stolen money, to impress women, as they run around with too many,,,

  13. fifelomo

    June 15, 2018 at 9:41 AM

    After reading the above comments, I decided to just pass bye. This can happen to anyone. If God decides to forgive her, it’s non of anybody z problems.

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