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Charles Awurum: I Met My Wife In A Dramatic Way
Charles Awurum: I Met My Wife In A Dramatic Way
Excerpts of legendary Nollywood actor Charles Awurum interesting chat with Saturday Beats.
How did you meet your wife?
I met my wife in a dramatic way. It was on a New Year’s Day. You know what they say about not wanting to miss church on the first day of the year so that you don’t miss church throughout the year.
I prepared to go somewhere and then buy fuel on my way to church so I wouldn’t miss church for the year.
On the way to church, I met a lady coming out of the church. I was discussing with some people when I saw her. Immediately I saw her, I stopped her and asked “are you my sister?” She laughed. I told her that if she was my sister, I would wear black clothe because of her (as I didn’t want to lose her).
But that if she was not my sister, I would marry her. Everyone there kept laughing because they thought I was joking. I didn’t spend 10 minutes in the church. I entered into my car and drove off.
What happened thereafter?
After service ended, I drove off to her parent’s house. She is also from my village. I didn’t tell her anything. I told her to see me off. When she saw me off outside their compound, she wanted to go but I told her to follow me home. When we got to my house, my mother shouted at me that I should not disturb her sister’s daughter. They had given up on me getting married because I had disappointed them more than four times. After the back and forth, then she said she was not my sister. I said okay that meant I could marry her. After that, I saw her off to go home.
Early the following day, it was my mum who went to their house to meet her parents. She told the father that she came to seek the hand of his daughter in marriage. The father kept laughing because my wife is the last child of the family. It was after I came back from the football pitch that I found out about what my mother had done. In my village, we used to have a football competition during yuletide. We played and had fun. That was how it all started.
The next day, we went to their house and did all the necessary things. Four days after, we did the traditional rights. We got married later.
Did you court before marriage?
No, there was nothing like courtship and we have been living happily ever after.
Did you have an instinct that she was your wife the day you saw her?
I saw her that day and my mind went towards that direction and I told her my mind. When I told my elder brother what happened, he said no problem I should go ahead. It was after then that I went to their house.
What were the things that interested you about her?
We are from the same village; my family and hers are friends but I never knew her because she was young during those times. But the grandmother was a good person in the village; everybody loved and respected her a lot in the village. She always stood on the side of truth and justice. I went ahead because she is from a good family.
What lessons have you learnt from your marriage?
One of the major lessons I have learnt from marriage is that you don’t need to know someone for many years before you can live happily with the person. Marriage is hinged on understanding. Once you understand yourselves you will be fine. It’s not like there won’t be problems, there will be but understanding helps you resolve it.
What is your advice to young people on marriage?
My advice to young people on marriage is that they must be ready for marriage. I married when I knew I was ready. You should not get married because somebody is on your neck for marriage or you feel you are of age or because you don’t want to lose a person.
You need to be sure of what you are getting yourself into because marriage is not easy. Being ready also prepares you for responsibility. You can’t live for yourself alone anymore. It is also important to put God first.

Funsho Williams
November 30, 2019 at 8:36 AM
u re blessed with a good family
Metu Nyetu
November 30, 2019 at 2:15 PM
I KIND OF LIKE your story.
November 30, 2019 at 7:42 PM
O’ Mr Charles this your laughter deserves AMAR Award of the year for big time crown.
I am so delighted on your lovely family, may good Lord strengthen you in grace.
Desmond Ikechukwu
February 12, 2020 at 9:57 PM
He actually said everything about his marriage the way it was looking at it in that perspective, I mean without adding or removing. I like his style, as upcoming comic actor he is my role model