Crime News
Congolese Father Who Killed His Children In Houston Texas Blames Voodoo & Evil Voices In His Head
Congolese Father Who Killed His Children In Houston Texas Blames Voodoo & Evil Voices In His Head For The Murder
61-year-old Jean Pierre Ndossoka, a Congolese-American man who allegedly killed his son and daughter in Houston Texas few days ago has blamed voodoo for his evil act.
The alleged assassin father who attempted to take his own life after slaying his 1 year daughter Annabelle and 8 year old son, Marcel said in a courthouse that he did something wrong after following the instruction of the voices inside his head.
In a note he wrote behind a tempered glass at the Harris County Jail house, Ndossoka blamed the children mother and his estranged wife for the murder.
He stated that the mother of the murdered children will carry his sins and that of the 2 innocent kids.
In a suicide note he left behind before shooting himself, Ndosokka wrote “I am dying with my two children”.
He was found with a self inflicted gunshot wound in his car following a failed suicide attempt after the gruesome murder.
Ndossoka who has brought so much anguish and pain to his family has been dubbed an assassin father.
What a tragedy!!!… May God comfort them.

Nifemi Brooklyn
August 16, 2018 at 7:58 PM
He is a crack addict that is his problem.
Let the US deal with drug abuse and gun control for peace to reign
Big Aunty Koks
August 16, 2018 at 10:54 PM
It is good that the self inflicted wound also affected his ears from where he heard the evil instructions from the evil spirit. Hopefully a few of those evil voices he heard and acted upon would be destroyed along with the injured ear. Mchweeew!!!
August 17, 2018 at 6:46 AM
You are right @nifemi he is a junkie and of course mental. At 61 what a wasted destiny!
August 17, 2018 at 11:54 AM
Ahahaaaaa lol @Big Aunty Koks
August 17, 2018 at 12:47 PM
It is becoming dangerous. Africans are now imitating white Americans. Whether on crack or not, whether drunk or not it is unheard of for an African to kill his children. That devil in his head should have made him kill himself alone. Whatever the wife might have done to him, he should not have taken it out on the children.
Lola O
August 17, 2018 at 8:11 PM
He is suffering from some psychotic mental disorder. Hearing voices in his head is hallucination. What normal parent kills his own children, especially at his age? Mentally ill patients are not given adequate care, monitoring and restrictions and allowed to walk freely on the streets, unless they pose a risk to others or themselves, even in America. Oftentimes, it is too late to realize the extent of the person’s illness by the time they kill or injure innocent persons. As Africans, we attach a lot of stigma to mental illness so family members tend to hide it and conceal the information, rather than get medical help for the person. While not ruling out remote control voodoo from his native country, mental illness mostly contributed to the unfortunate actions of this man. We should all be aware that the brain can succumb to illness, like every other organ in the human body. Medically, it is understood that no human being is 100% beyond mental illness. We need to be aware of the symptoms and get help for the person before it worsens. Oftentimes in America, the law does not allow the hospital to detain the person, or if the person has no medical insurance, the level of treatment available to him or her is limited. God have mercy on that family.
August 17, 2018 at 8:11 PM