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Daddy Freeze Calls Ex-Wife, Children’ Mother A ‘Witch’

May 11, 2015 – Daddy Freeze Calls Ex-Wife, Children’ Mother A ‘Witch’

Check out what Nigerian OAP Daddy Freeze said to his estranged wife on his birthday:

“The LORD’s goodness is awesome. His love conquers all. This birthday has been my best in over 15 years!!! The LORD has removed the monster that tormented me all this while. The cause of all my misery and affliction, the plague in my tent, the thorn in my flesh, the source of my torment that bedeviled me, taunted and teased me, yet was the force behind my ordeal. Thank you LORD for setting me free! ~FRZ”

The dude chopped the thing nonstop for 15 years now that he has found a young blood, his ex wife has suddenly become a monster…. Oga Freeze make u fear God ooo.

Even if you must curse her out, why not hold it for the sake of your children….SHIIIIIIH

E be like say Daddy Freeze don chop vegetable belle full.



  1. Regina

    May 11, 2015 at 7:37 AM

    Freeze must be a fool, u have bewitch by yourself, how can u call your exwife, children and mother as witch. God save your soul.

  2. Saphire

    May 11, 2015 at 8:33 AM

    Freeze abi freezer…repent or watch out for ur downfall…u ar saying all this because of the little endorsment frm car company abi..if u dnt have respect for ur ex wife..atleast respect God and give Ur children some sense of belonging…stop calling their mother uncall for…real men dnt talk too a real man and move on….i saw the way Bruce Jener and his resent ex wife Kris is talking and having fun..i wish i was born in that part of world..ur marriage dnt work…that dosnt means u guys ar enemies…check out Nickk cannon and maria carey….u can keep ur distance if u so desired but nt keeping enemy atleast for the sake of the kids…God bless u and ur new home..but be a good dad and friendly ex…and God bless nigeria

  3. bab

    May 13, 2015 at 9:06 AM

    So it is now dt ur wife is a witch after 15 goo years. u re an ungrateful fellow. Are u a perfect man urself. U have no iota of respect for ur kids. God is watching u.

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