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Edo State PDP To Pay Abused Widow N250,000 – Governor Oshiomhole Under Fire
Nov 30, 2013 – Edo State PDP To Pay Oppressed Widow N250,000 – Governor Adams Oshiomhole Under Fire
PDP party members in Edo State have used Governor Adams Oshiomhole‘s misbehaviour to their advantage.
Days after the governor abused a poor widow for hawking illegally in Benin city, an endowment fund has been set up for the oppressed widow.
The woman in the video has been invited to PDP secretariat in Benin city to collect 250,000 naira in order to relieve her of pain.
Here is an official letter from Edo state Peoples Democratic Party:
Edo PDP watched with consternation Governor Adams Oshiomhole’s brutal, inhuman and merciless treatment of a widow street-trader whose wares he ordered seized and who he unfeelingly told to ‘…go and die’ even as she knelt down in fervent protestations and appeals to his pity on a helpless widow.
The governor’s actions are appalling, insensate, disgraceful, indecent, cruel and below board. It is clear that he does not care much about the well being of the people as he pretentiously avowed. Our hearts go to that hapless widow in this her time of travails and through her, to other widows who have been oppressed by the unfriendly policies of the administration in Edo State.
The PDP, Edo State will not let any Edo person ‘to go and die’ if it can help it, especially not hardworking people like that widow who are engaged in lawful enterprises that are, in themselves, not easy to carry on.
To this end, our party has instituted an endowment fund for all widows and oppressed people in the state and by this release, we invite the widow captured in the video of the encounter with Governor Oshiomhole to come to the PDP Secretariat on No. 70, Sapele Road, at 11am on Tuesday December 3, 2013 to receive a first-installment sum of N250,000.00 to cushion the pain, trauma and loss occasioned by her mistreatment and the seizure of the items she sells.
Governance is about the people and as a responsible National Institution, Edo PDP cannot be unconcerned about the wrong treatment of indigenes of the state to whom the present administration promised heaven just to win their votes. We will continue to stand in the gap to ensure that Edo people are deservedly fairly treatment
If Governor Oshiomhole believes that Edo People sinned by voting him into office, let him remember that he will account for his actions, if not to the people because he apparently does not think much of them, but to God Almighty in the short or long run.
We thank all those who have been humanely concerned about the plight of the widow and have stood out vehemently against the crying shame that was the insensitive action of a governor who seems bent on repaying electoral favor with ingratitude.
Chief Dan Osi Orbih
Chairman, PDP
Edo State.
Attention all widows in Edo state, PDP is giving away free money……make u organize sharp sharp.

joyce williams
November 30, 2013 at 4:40 AM
Beds of the same feather
This is a temporary solution @ pdp
November 30, 2013 at 7:42 AM
Hmm,joyce why are you always bias.As a lawyer to be,u v to show a good example.Dont know you are like this.i use to respect this man,but after watching that his inhuman action on a poor widow,who even knelt down to plead for his favour,i totally disrespect him.what will she have done,or feed on if,pdp members haven’t stood up to her aid?i don’t care if they use this gesture as a means for them to be elected in the state,what I care about is the kind gesture they had shown to the poor widow.of what usefulness,is a governor without mercy?what of if he happens to be God?laws are meant to be broken sometimes.To make it even worse,his “go and die statement,is enough to get him out of that position is occupying.An ugly widower himself,calling a poor woman nasty name.what a country!news travel so fast,i already received the video almost immediately it happened in USA,we so ashamed of a governor like that,even the Caucasians has heard about the cruel behaviour by a nigeria governor.i thank God,am not from that state.what a shame!
November 30, 2013 at 4:43 AM
I’m tired of this dirty politcis in edo
Why haven’t u set up the fund all this while
November 30, 2013 at 5:01 AM
opportunity. It is never help, it is political campaign.
November 30, 2013 at 5:08 AM
@ joyce+polics. You are just like Oshiomo heartless beasts for not appreciating pdp efforts to help the widow. May I remind you that the widow help from everyone . you included
November 30, 2013 at 5:20 AM
oshomole u should go & die too God punish ur mouth
November 30, 2013 at 5:31 AM
D devil u knw is beta dan d angel u dnt knw!!!!!PDP all way na una we knw self.
ovie edo
November 30, 2013 at 6:14 AM
PDP should shoutup their mouth and think of better things to do , when now they want to help the Widow , is PDP not in Edo state for 8 years or even more what have they done for the state , so PDP go to hell.
Rachael Benny
November 30, 2013 at 6:19 AM
We are all bound to make mistakes in trying to get things right.Oshiomhole is not an exception.Edo State PDP know this,you cannot use Oshiomhole´s human error as a yardstick to measure his wonderful performance in the State.PDP was there for eight (8) good years nothing happened.You cannot deceive people by setting up a fund that will make no sense at the end of the day.Ithink it´s time for politicians to stop toying with people´s intelligence just to be in power.
ovie edo
November 30, 2013 at 6:19 AM
Nobody is saying that PDP should not rule again but PDP should think the mislead they have mislead the people of edo state and what they have deprive the people of Edo state when they were incharge of Edo state , PDP have a rethink and admend your ways so your party can be of standed to the people of Edo State but not this issue of the Widow .
November 30, 2013 at 6:54 AM
220.000 is very small, why not complete the money to 2.2mil.
November 30, 2013 at 7:08 AM
N250,000 is nothing, she is suppose to get 10 Million cool cash. “Public Embarrassment” Where are the people that fight for the poor in Nigeria?
November 30, 2013 at 7:45 AM
Well,her tears turned to joy and that’s my concern,my only fear is if she will get the money as promised.Am gonna praise the name of the Lord louder than ever because he lives and sees all.
Metu Nyetu
November 30, 2013 at 7:55 AM
Hypocrites! If Osho flogged Edo ppl wit rod, PDP wil use scorpion. Edo ppl, dnt b taken in by dis facile rescue by PDP.
November 30, 2013 at 9:14 AM
Pdp should go and sit down, the devil we know Is far far beta than pdp, people deceive people, oshio carry go and sin no more
November 30, 2013 at 10:08 AM
I still can’t believe osho baba said that, I wish I was there to put my hand across his mouth as he was about to say such word. Kai!
November 30, 2013 at 12:16 PM
if this poor widow pray to her God your own has finished. you better apologies if not wahala de o
November 30, 2013 at 12:24 PM
Wen dey ned vote dey went 2 widows nd women bt he (adams) hv goten dia vote nd dey bcam reched. He wil surely pay, i bliv d widws of edo hv all heard it nd d words 4rm dia mouth shal fight adams.
November 30, 2013 at 1:32 PM
PDP at it again! Such an opportunist party…a case of the kettle calling the pot black. Are you saying your party is only becoming aware of the plight of the widows in Edo State? I hope this money being promised this woman is for good, and not for something else?
usnan sultan
November 30, 2013 at 3:17 PM
Our governors love insulting people..especially if he knows you cannot retaliate..
Samuel seson
November 30, 2013 at 3:28 PM
OSHOMOLE must be stupid
November 30, 2013 at 3:31 PM
F*** PDP they r full of evil criminals looting our world hard currency since olusegun obasanjo’s regime osho this thing don fall ur hand wella, Bezo u ****** said well only but dis time thanks but no thanks
iron bar
November 30, 2013 at 3:33 PM
after the assault,this tells u that govt is part of the` problem not solution..they can alleviate the problems of the working poor.mind u if only the widow who claimed her late husband was a police officer would hv been lifted up a little bit if the shabby pension system or other compensation measures to assist the bereaved.shame shame
November 30, 2013 at 4:03 PM
I feel pity for her, I have seen it all my mother is a widow and we had our share of suffering as a child but as a widow it does not exclude her for obeying the law. The law comes first and she knew the law quite alright but still did what she wanted to do. Those were harsh words from the Gov but he is trying to be firm and show the public that you cannot break the law and go free. Yes her husband is dead that does not mean she should endanger everyone else. My heart goes to her but she should do what it is right and God will everything work out for her good.
December 1, 2013 at 7:22 AM
Ruth4boaz , your comment make sense compare to others. keep it up.
November 30, 2013 at 4:37 PM
hmm politicians and there wahala
November 30, 2013 at 5:03 PM
Osho Baba,may d almight
y God punish u 4 all ur evil deeds.
November 30, 2013 at 5:53 PM
The State Legislature and the people of Edo State should call for immediate resignation of the governor for publicly making such a derogatory remarks. This issue should not be treated with levity or a quick-fix remedy. Of what effect would 250k be compare to inhumane treatment melted on the woman. The administration took an oath to serve and protect its citizens at all times instead, turn its back on them that brought him to power in time of needs. Human right activists should file suits against the State and the governor on behalf of the victim.
kelechi precious
November 30, 2013 at 6:30 PM
Huh i wither oo, what a world filled with inhumanity! Can u imagine a terreterial zone where the Government is meant to be for the people turn out to be against the people. Oshomolo or whatever they call ur name ur reward is in heaven, because u won’t tell me if that woman happan to be ur mother then u wouldnt have treated her the way and manner u did, surely ur reward is in heaven. Is TIT for TAT no two ways about it.
November 30, 2013 at 6:34 PM
It was a regrettable mistake made by Oshomole & he has apologized 4 it.
No one is above mistakes.
God just want to expose his (Oshomole’s) anger d@ he has not delt with as a person
November 30, 2013 at 6:49 PM
He acted like the formal governor of Imo state, Ohakim the bastard.
November 30, 2013 at 10:05 PM
wrong statement and point of correction the devil u know is better than the devil u don’t know which means oshiomole has finally showed the other side of him may God help us in 9ja.
December 1, 2013 at 4:52 PM
People sometimes can push one to the wall. Announcement was passed and also warning to stop hawking and selling on the highway. What the woman did was disobedience.Although the governor allowed anger to control him which was bad.
On the other hand I feel what the woman did was acting. Coz if you check all the goods seized from her…. all were sealed. So does that mean she does wholesale or retail. I guess someone that hawks should get her goods readily available for buyer.
In short….the governors statement was bad. We should learn to bridle our tongue even when we are angered.
December 1, 2013 at 7:00 PM
THANK YOU PDP. THE WOMAN CAN CONTACT ME ON [email protected] for assistance
Justice Okosun
December 2, 2013 at 9:22 PM
Wether the widow was acting or not has nothing do with this dehumanizing act demonstrated by this MANDATE BEGGER,Oshomole.But this is nt an aveenue for PDP to rejunate their lost political skills