Crime News
Evans Takes Police To Victims Detention Camps In Isolo & Gowon Estate, Blames Father For Ordeal
Evans pictured yesterday
June 19, 2017 – Evans: I Became A Kidnapper Because My Father Refused To Send Me To School
Evans Takes Police To Kidnap Victims Detention Camps In Isolo, New Igando & Gowon Estate, Says Father’s Refusal To Send Him To School Pushed Him Into Crime
According to Guardian, notorious kidnapper Chukwudumeje George Onwuamadike alias Evans on Sunday claimed he gave his father N3million cash, a Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) and a Hilux Van before he stopped visiting his hometown, Umudim, Nnewi in Anambra State.
Evans made the allegation when detectives took him to one of the dens his gang used for the detention of victims.
The bungalow situated at Green Street, Jakande Estate, Isolo, was rented by the kingpin, through his gang members in 2010 and he paid the rent yearly.
The other two are situated at New Igando and Gowon Estate, the suspect said.
Evans, who said he believed his father must have started the pig husbandry from the money he gave him, blamed the man for what he turned into.
“Before I stopped going home, I gave my father N3million and I bought him jeep and pick up van. I believe that part of the money I gave him was what he used to establish the piggery business. Had it been my father had taken good care of me, I wouldn’t have become what I am today.
“I dropped out of school at JSS2, when my father refused to send me to school. I have been fending for myself since I was 10 with the support of my mother, presently my mother is paralyzed. She’s on sick bed.
“My wife was only lying that she did not spend part of my money. She only wants Nigerians to have sympathy for me.
“I believe in God, that was why I mandated my wife to always wake my children up for prayers. My favourite bible passage is Psalm 23. My wife does not know why I loved the Psalm so much. I loved it because of the sins I have committed. I always asked my children to ask for forgiveness for me and also pray that I should not die young.
“I believe in God, because he’s the only one that can save me from the problem I find myself in. I believe it was greed that pushed me into kidnapping. I don’t believe in Juju.”
Although detectives said Evans held Chief James Udoji and five other victims hostage in the Jakande camp until their families paid demanded ransom, Evans said he only had three victims inside the building.
He said:
“I have just three camps in Lagos where I kept some of the victims, I kidnapped, and the camps are in Jakande, Igando and Gowon area of the state.
“I collected $1million from Udoji. Another victim Emesbos paid me $300,000, while the third person paid N250,000. Whenever I noticed policemen were after me, I moved the victim to a different camp so that I won’t be tracked.
“I rented the Jakande house for N750,000 per annum. I also operated several bank accounts, but I used GTB constantly.
“The house at Igando has two different apartments. I rented the house for N1million per year. I only kept two victims in the house and they are Chief Umeh and the pharmacist, Chief Donatus Dunu, who escaped.
“We collected €23million (euros) from the family. We demanded €300million before they paid €23million and promised to bring the rest. When we collected the money, I told my boys to release the man, they were the ones holding him, because then, I was suspecting policemen were after me.
“I was surprised when I heard that Chief Donatus Dunu has escaped from the detention camp. It was one of my boys that called and informed me about the development. I was still not convinced that Uche and Emeka did not collect money from the victim’s family and released him.
“It was after two weeks that I received a call from my spy in the community that policemen had busted the house and recovered arms and ammunitions.
“I usually don’t go to the house. I have my boys on ground there and they give me information about the development on daily basis. That alone gives me the assurance that all was well with any victim we kidnapped.
“When I heard that the Igando house has been busted by the police, I threatened the camp officer Uche Amadi that I was going to kill him. I just wanted to get the truth about the escape of the pharmacist from him.
“I always controlled my boys on the phone. Most of the detention camps, I asked them to do the findings and get back to me. I usually gave them specification on the houses to look for and I only went to the place after they must have inspected. I don’t just rent any house, anywhere based on what we were using them for.”
Asked how he was faring in cell, Evans said he was being treated well by other suspects, adding that policemen were also friendly with him.
“They take good care of me. I cannot blame them if they did not take care of me because I am the cause of my problem. I am reaping what I sowed.
“I do not have any car called Fathom. The only vehicles I have are Toyota Hilux, Nissan pickup – N7million, Luxus GS460 – N22million, Range Rover, 2016 model – N55million and Luxus GL47 – N9million.
“I did not enjoy all the money I made from kidnapping because I was always on the run. I am regretting my actions in life. I did not go to clubs, hotels because I was afraid that policemen would come after me. If I am given a second chance, I would be the most grateful person on earth and I promise to be an advocate of anti-kidnapping in the country.”

June 19, 2017 at 5:45 AM
June 19, 2017 at 8:22 AM
Who are you to say there is no second chance for anyone? Are you without sin? Some of you are even worst. May God have mercy on u all.
June 19, 2017 at 10:25 PM
If your family was one of the people he maimed or killed, will u be asking for a second chance for him? Why can’t we as a people be objective for once! Why allow sentiments to blindfold our sense of good judgement? Did u read about all the millions he collected from his victims and yet he never thought of giving up the evil business? It’s this type of reasoning that will make nigeria remain the way it this!
June 20, 2017 at 8:50 AM
Thank you. You’ve said it all.
June 20, 2017 at 12:36 AM
I, agreed with you…. But on us all, you are not holy either!
June 19, 2017 at 6:20 AM
see stupid talk.. second chance???? after toying with people’s life’s….you dont even need life imprisonment… you need death by firing squad…..senseless scumbag
June 19, 2017 at 7:37 AM
As much as i don’t believe all these was exactly how you said them,cos journalist can always twist statements to make them sweet. It will be better if you will be talking to your God in silent because the more you talk and seek sympathy from people or the law, the more you make people angry.
Daniel Effiom
June 19, 2017 at 7:44 AM
my advise to the government or the the police force they should deploy evens and work with him to get others kidnappers because he will be a good tools for the police force. thanks
June 19, 2017 at 6:16 PM
I totally agree with you…..nice suggestion
June 19, 2017 at 7:52 AM
Why his he seeking for a second chance? No mercy for the wicked!
June 19, 2017 at 8:08 AM
In addition to my comment,i still see this guy as one of the luckiest person on earth,regardless of what may happen to him now,life jail or death.
THE second chance you are asking for has already been given to you by remaining alive, MAYBE one of the reasons is to teach others lesson on the same sermon we hear regularly ‘CRIME DOES NOT PAY’ and another is to make peace with your God before anything happens.
Finally, orientation is a very big factor,parents need to be very cautious,negative effect of divorce, this guy still look like a gifted guy who could have be very useful only IF…he never allow evil robbed him his God given talent.
Nigerians must take note that you must never be using God’s power and Devil’s power at the same time,serving two masters at a time is the most dangerous game,because you must loose at the end.
June 19, 2017 at 8:19 AM
WOW this kidnapper – in- chief is singing like a bird ,i guess he want to carry everyone along with him including his love ones.He is truely evil
June 19, 2017 at 4:21 PM
just employ this man to work for the nigerian police. use his knowledge to catch more kidnappers.
June 20, 2017 at 8:56 AM
Nigerian police have a job to do and that to combat crime..The man should be made to face the law. He is a criminal period..
June 19, 2017 at 8:12 PM
My questions to Nigerians are,the people who pay $1m ,where do they get money ? which Bank did the transaction? when people are suffering and smiling, you took $1m to save only one life!!!
June 19, 2017 at 8:24 PM
If Nigerian Police Force is sensible enough,they should employ Evans and work with him to catch other kidnapers, they won’t regret it one bit. they have already said he is intelligent, so it’s time to work with his intelligence, not to waist it. that’s what most of this foreign countries do,so Nigerian Police should employ it too,just an idea and I think it will work..!
June 19, 2017 at 10:36 PM
I think the police force should work with him. He knows how a kidnapper thinks.
Lola O
June 19, 2017 at 10:44 PM
Such a coward, now blabbing and exposing everyone. He blames everyone but himself for the choices he has made in life – Bastard. What second chance is such a brutal, reckless, merciless kidnapper seeking? Does he realize what he put families of his victims through? I believe they should keep him alive to train authorities as to how these kidnappers operate and lead them to the hide outs of his fellow cohorts. Nigeria was named the most dangerous country in the world to visit, alongside Pakistan, El Salvador, Yemen and Colombia, by the INSIDER Summary, The World Economic Forum Report released online today Monday June 19, 2017. We topped the list of 21 most dangerous countries. What a reputation!
June 19, 2017 at 11:50 PM
Everyone who wants evans dead is as wicked as evans.where are all your faith? A former pope forgave a guy sent to kill him who actually shot him from behind but he survived somehow. The pope didnt just forgive but requested d guy was freed from prison,& it was so. The guy’s life changed completely thereafter. What difference will killing him make in all your lives? Who amongst y’all is a saint? God does nothing but forgives us everyday yet sinful men never forgive.If your sins are followed up, would you live up to this day? Ask yourselves. That’s if u still have an atom of conscience left in your souls.
June 20, 2017 at 8:16 AM
You are blabbing bcuz U weren’t one of his victims. If you were one of his victims you won’t be talking about forgiveness….. Hypocrite.
June 20, 2017 at 9:00 AM
So should we set other criminals in jail free too. They are human beings like him. They also have families too. What is so speacial about this one/
June 20, 2017 at 12:13 AM
pls fellows lets leave morality and religion out of this and allow the law decided wat is to be done for this is a public issue.
June 20, 2017 at 5:56 AM
No matter how sinful he was. God still love him…. His sins can still be forgiven by God if he repent and accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and saviour before death