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FMC Owerri Medical Doctor Attacked By Wife At World Bank Area Of Owerri Imo State

fmc owerri doctor attacked wife

FMC Owerri Medical Doctor Attacked By Wife At World Bank Area Of Owerri Imo State

A doctor in Imo state, Cherechi Okonko, is currently clinging to life at the emergency unit of the Federal Medical Center, Owerri, Imo State, over the injuries inflicted on him by his wife.

His attacked who happened to be his wife, a nurse, allegedly removed his upper teeth, the tip of his tongue and a part of his lower gum.

The couple were living in the World Bank area Owerri before the attack.

The victim, a gynaecologist with FMC, Owerri, was rushed to hospital where doctors battled to save his life.

He was said to be in a coma and later regained consciousness.

fmc owerri doctor attacked wife

The victim in hospital

A worker at the FMC, Owerri, who does not want his name in print said, “An FMC Owerri doctor was assaulted by his wife last night after a quarrel.

He said;

“The woman cut off his nose, upper teeth, the tip of his tongue and part of his lower gums. She then called the guy’s mother to come and carry her son’s corpse.

“Luckily for the doctor, he was rushed to the hospital last night and he was stabilised. Although he is conscious, he cannot talk since he’s on tracheotomy.”

The Public Relations Officer in the state, Orlando Ikeokwu, told our correspondent that the matter had not been reported to the police.”



  1. Ubochi

    February 21, 2020 at 6:26 AM

    Women!!!without God ,we can do nothing why not pray for your husbands ,why are you people disgracing other women by killing your husbands or by distroying some parts of your husbands body on your wedding day the pastor,or refrend father, told u that marriage is for better for worse then why this?

  2. Chinomso Harrison Anodo Elele

    February 21, 2020 at 6:47 AM

    Na waa o, this assaults from women on their husbands are becoming increasingly too much o, does it mean that men have lost their headship of the families or they are possessed, something should be done n fast to change this ideology before they finish us o.

  3. Vincy

    February 21, 2020 at 6:55 AM

    Where are all the human right activists and lawyers ? Because I know that if this attack was the other way round . By now they will be wagging their mouths talking rubbish . I hope now it’s a good idea for the man to quit the marriage and run for his life

    • Her majesty

      February 21, 2020 at 9:34 AM

      Yes it’s wise for him to quit the marriage and run.

  4. Dr.Nwabueze G U

    February 21, 2020 at 7:47 AM

    Very wicked woman.No matter what he does not deserve that.They married out of infatuation.What attracted them to each other have long gone .What remains is dislike and hatred.They should go their different ways.May God forgive her .Drs be careful the type of women you marry.

  5. Emmy-Nze

    February 21, 2020 at 7:57 AM

    Why did she has to treat her husband like that,Men please be careful about whom you called your better to be single,than marry death as a wife

  6. Okoroh Chux

    February 21, 2020 at 9:45 AM

    Marriage has become something different from what God has designed it to be. Marriage was actually founded by God to glorify His holy name. And it was designed to stand on the foundation of morality and chastity in order to achieve the desired goals. But this expectations has been lost due to faulty foundations. Foundations of fornication, adultery, immorality, lewdness etc. Sin is a reproach, righteousness exalts a nation, an institution as well as an individual. All all marriages up till today are founded on faulty foundations. We have all sin and fallen short of the glory of God. However it is never too late to return to God: to His pathways of righteousness and holiness, being obedient to all His commandments, judgements, testimonies and instructions. This is the only sure way for sanity to return on earth.

    • Abbie

      February 22, 2020 at 12:49 PM

      You have said it all……. Seems like the proverbs 31 women are not much due to the lost of flesh and lost of the eyes over worldly and satanic items…..

      We need a REVIVAL…….LORD!

  7. Eby

    February 21, 2020 at 2:51 PM

    Is it that the man sat down and be looking at the wife, the way she was cutting him. I don’t just understand this.

    • Metu Nyetu

      February 21, 2020 at 7:35 PM

      THE VERY SAME QUESTION ON MY MIND. OR DID the woman first spike his food or drink, and put him to sleep before carrying out her wicked act?

  8. uzoma

    February 21, 2020 at 6:44 PM

    It is only when the man was asleep could this kind of attack happen. If he was awake this woman could not have overpowered him to I inflict this sort of injury on him. If the relationship produced children or a child he should only divorce her but if there are no children or child produced he should go for the jugular and send her away permanently.

  9. Ace

    February 22, 2020 at 10:10 AM

    I pray he recovers from the injury. I am sure the wicked witch was after his face, she didn’t want him to be attractive to any other lady after leaving him. How I wish her face can be disfigured too, so she knows how it feels. I pray for your recovery brother!!! It’s a pity

  10. Nikita

    February 25, 2020 at 5:17 PM

    It’s very easy to cast aspersions by people that are not in a relationship. Long standing emotional, verbal, psychological and mental abuse can definitely make a person have momentary insanity. Spouses must always be compassionate and tender towards each other. My two cents.

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