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GEJ Jonathan Takes Campaign To Oyedepo’s Birth Place, Visits Ilorin Emir In Kwara State

jonathan emir ilorin

Jan 26, 2015 – GEJ Jonathan Takes Campaign To Bishop David Oyedepo’s Birth Place, Visits Emir Of Ilorin Palace In Kwara State

Less than 24 hours after his visit to Oyedepo’s Winners Chapel, President Ebele Goodbye Jonathan has taken his campaign to Ilorin, Kwara state, the birth place of the highly respected man of God.

Today, VP Sambo and GEJ stopped over at the palace of Emir of Kwara State, Alhaji (Dr) Ibrahim Zulu Gambari, CFR.

He later headed to the campaign venue where a huge crowd of supporters were waiting.

See pics of GEJ at Emir’s palace below:

What is wrong with the above photo????



  1. I

    January 26, 2015 at 5:22 PM

    I can’t stop laughing o! President Ebele GOODBYE jonathan! That is so hilarious! President Goodbye Jonathan

  2. Bilal Nnaji

    January 26, 2015 at 5:27 PM

    If he likes let him take his campaign train to my dream, I will not vote for any politician on Valentine day, I promise to vote for my wife and her ONLY

  3. Toluene

    January 26, 2015 at 5:28 PM

    I love the writer’s jovial composition however this is not further from the truth. Nigeria a nation under siege.
    Please everybody should wakeup. If you have your way flee to neighbouring country before the election there is going to be war.

  4. OmoKehinde

    January 26, 2015 at 11:44 PM

    This does not come as a surprise to those that have been following president Jonathan’s destructive politics of divide and rule. The president campaign has ran out of ideas and visions for Nigeria, and the only game left for them to deploy is to divide our beloved nation along religious and tribal lines. There are so many reasons why that tactic will not work this time around. Why? Four years ago, most Nigerian people from the north and the south of the country knew very little to nothing about a vice president turned president according to Nigerian constitution. President Jonathan used some prominent, highly influential, and billionaire Nigerian pastors to deceive us the Christians, after he was reelected to office, suffering Nigerian people got the greatest surprise from a man who claimed that he will end the suffering of over 170 millions great Nigerians. He paid us back (Christians and Muslims alike ) by jacking up the prices of petrol and kerosene by over 75 % just less than three weeks he was reelected. The policies of religious will not work this time because Nigerian people have seen more hardship, economic setbacks, highest rate of unemployment ever,inflation, insecurity, mismanagement, corruption, leadership failure, mass murder of innocent Nigerians, kidnapping of school children, money laundering operations and insecurity like never before seen in Nigerian history, therefore, kneeling before any billionaire pastors will not safe him from his failed records of six years. Those pastors campaigning for a failure of six years does not know the daily struggles, pains,and frustration of average Nigerian citizens to put food on the table, send their children to schools, pay high rents,pay very high cost of transportation, pay high medical bills for bad treatments, deals with the prevailing issue of insecurity posed by evildoers called Boko Haram terrorists. They have chosen to be on the side of the oppressors of the powerless and voiceless Nigerian people, but our Lord Jesus Christ love the poor and He will surely fight for us. The question we should ask ourselves as we head to the voting booths next month is that, are we better off now than we were six years ago when president Jonathan was sworn in after sudden death of president Yaradua? If your answer is yes, then cast your vote for corrupt and unpatriotic president Jonathan. But if your answer is no,then cast your previous votes to candidate Mohammad Buari who has great records of accomplishment, accountability, patriotic and competency. We must shun religious intolerance and tribalism in the upcoming election, and we must not allow billionaire pastors who don’t feel our pains to dictate who we vote for. I am a Christian, but I will surely vote for General Mohammad Buari and professor Osinbanjo ticket because they represent hope, security, prosperity and unity for our already sinking nation.

  5. musa sule

    January 27, 2015 at 1:28 AM

    Definitely if elections no matter how fair and free it is someone will just not accept it if his candidate does not win. Very obvious. Nigerians need to pray for the best among the politicians to win. Not just the best but the one who love this country called Nigeria not the one l like. After Feb. 14th incidentally LOVERS DAY it looks as if our hospital will have hypertensive cases due to election results. As for me l will go to the voting booth,cast my vote come back home kill a cock and celebrate with family while as l stated above wait for whom God has chosen for us.

  6. D Hunter

    January 27, 2015 at 1:30 PM

    Wat record of acomplishment, accountability n patriotism does buhari hv?
    U‘re campaignin in VAIN 4 sb u do nt knw anytin abt. Do u wnt me 2 open diz ur buhari‘s can of worms 4 u 2 c?

    We ar talkn abt a man wt d love of his con3 @ hrt n u‘re busy campaignin 4 a boko haram king-pin, a typical hausa/fulani unrelentin jihadist n a religious fanatic. A tribalist n a rtd dictactor.

  7. OmoKehinde

    January 27, 2015 at 11:36 PM

    Hello D Hunter, kindly open all the secret files of General Mohammad Buari that you have but are hidden from your corrupt and unpatriotic president and his political operatives. Nigerian people have the rights to know all the hidden or secret deals of our next president – General Buari because the presidential election is fast approaching. I will be waiting patiently for your response. I’m not surprise that non of you supporting or being paid to write or say false propaganda against the General has been able refutes any of my claims against president Jonathan reelection. I guess truth can never be distorted no matter what? Thanks.

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