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Ghanaian Pastor Kofi Danso Impregnates Jamaican Woman, Church Member, How DNA Test Exposed His Secret Sins
Miracle Arena Founder, Prophet Kofi Danso Impregnates Jamaican Woman, Church Member Chris-Anne Bartley In Toronto, How DNA Test Exposed His Secret Sins
How Judge Rejects Pastor Kofi Danso’s Publication Ban Request And Compared Him With Bill Clinton For Denying Romance With Chris-Anne Bartley
The secret sin of popular Ghanaian Pastor Kofi Danso has been exposed after his former church member, Miss Chris Ann Bartley presented a DNA test to her lawyer.
According to information from Media houses in Toronto, Pastor Danso who is the founder of Miracle Arena church in Etobicoke reportedly impregnated Miss Bartley who left the church last year.
She delivered a baby boy in February 2018.
Insiders allege that trouble started when Pastor Kofi Danso allegedly rejected the pregnancy.
The paternity of the baby was confirmed in a DNA test presented to Barrister Theodora Oprea, the lawyer Miss Bartley hired to handle the case.
In a court affidavit released on Tuesday, Danso claimed that he never had intimacy with Miss Bantley.
Justice Fred Myers of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice referred to Kofi Danso rejection as Bill Clinton Moment, referring to the former United States President’s false denial that he had sex with Monica Lewinsky, former White House intern.
Pastor Kofi Danso requested a publication ban so as to protect his asset but his request was rejected.
The scandal-ridden prophet is married to Joanne Danso.
Their marriage is blessed with three children.

September 13, 2018 at 6:27 PM
1 Samuel 16:7, But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” The heart of this pagan church is not pure. And He has judgement, and mercy – for those repentant – for those who seek a new heart. I pray for Kofi Danso on these words.
September 14, 2018 at 12:33 AM
Melly his wife us in the con too. She sits there with this fake ass smile on her face. As if all is well. Tbe ppl who still attending are fools. Kofi heart is evil. Now hea at the church every day still telling people how ti live. And worst of all…still acting as if hes filled! Damn wicked duty con man.and the sons are all retarded. All gangs if thieves. No better than a common criminal
Whenever i see them i get so angry. And still giving FB sermons. Its sad that people do not kno wro g fr right any more. That asshole coukd never get another cent from me. And those fake ass prayer warrior need to seek Jesus
September 14, 2018 at 4:07 PM
Hi, Lydia I know that minister Issac was a former gang member/criminal growing up to T.O but now hes a family man . But I don’t know anything about minister Mervin or Minister MD. I really like Minister MD and he is very nice in person and I really hope that he leaves that church
September 15, 2018 at 2:04 AM
Yeah….I was about to mention that Issac had 17 counts of guns and ammunition charges plus drugs. What the hell. Hes now head of security. Hes as fake as they get. Full of himself. MD is more down to earth but he is soo far up Kofi ass he cant see straight. Im not convinced Issac is changed. People change bec they are backed into a corner but revert back to their old ways. Melly did u know Robin is part owner n invested his real estate money in Kofi con. So much for the Miracle Arena Multi cultural center that we were suppised to pay for LMAO.
September 14, 2018 at 5:13 PM
as far as I am concerned there is noooooooooooo discernment in this church. They are all asleep. Look how many spiritual people came to that church (so-called) MOG and u mean to tell me they could not see through Danso. Sonnie Bado, Richard whats his face. That guy also whats his face that sings so long bye bye. And so many more. They are all fake too. Bec people who are filled would have known this man was running a con on us. Pure thief in clean clothes parading as if they are MOG. bunch of losers. Kofi I hope u stop sleeping with the girls now. Bec Chris Ann was not the only one. And some of those bitches need to keep their legs closed. Learn respect. Lets do a class action lawsuit and get back our seeds. He took it under false pretense. We thought he were sowing into our lives but the con man wanted it for his private jet and to support his concubines.
September 15, 2018 at 4:12 AM
Melly, when Emanuel left i was suspicious. And what about Jackie…and the flag dancer (the guyanese lady). So many people left. There was a stuck up Jamaican gurl named Nadine who always sat at the front beside the other Guyanese one that Kofi is also screwing. She also stopped co ming. Her hair was akways comb in a bun (Nadine) claimes she was a doc of some sort. Alopecia doc. LoL. Many others too much to recall now but they kefy abruptly. And not to mention the ones he kicked out. But if Kofi think he can fool God! He better think again. He better go back a Ghana go run from alligator ( AS HE ONCE CLAIMS) lying sack of shit. He disturbs me so much and to see the so called ministers stull running behind him as if he is God- that makes me more sad
September 16, 2018 at 4:59 PM
Yes, I remember those people, . Do you know Chanelle and the twins Rowena and Andrena and do you know Minister Andrea? It seems like theres no one person that can see through him.
September 17, 2018 at 1:46 AM
yes, I do. The twins take him as their biological father. How the hell can u not see through evil??? If u are filled with the Holy Ghost? I questioned so many things at that place and i know his wife knows his tactics. She knows how he does to manipulate the people. Even when he was reading those address and stuff. Stupid people did not realize this was the same info they gave him. He can see a little, yes! But it is all manipulation. That is why his office is filled with recording devices. And we were not allowed to enter with any phones or anything like that. So that we had no proof to say that this is what I told him prior
September 16, 2018 at 12:25 AM
Kofi Danso bet the boy wasn’t his but lost the bet. He should take a page out of the book of Drake. Once his DNA test confimed a son from the porn star, he claimed his own publicly and told his story through lyrics. Drake did better.
September 19, 2018 at 5:35 PM
Congrats to Kofi wife, gave birth to twin ??girls Sept 13th now she has 6 girls. I pray and hope they change for the good and the children though.
September 24, 2018 at 5:35 PM
I remember back in march he said that his wife was having twin boys . Karma I tell you is really coming for him, lol.
September 20, 2018 at 5:26 AM
So much for the fake prophecy of having boys.. lol Kofi must feel like shit. Tbe only boy he has he denounced. POS
September 21, 2018 at 12:56 PM
To Mich: I totally agree on everything you said. I also agree with a class action lawsuit too.
September 26, 2018 at 4:30 AM
I dont think he knows the diff between right and wrong. And I rem that he said he was having boys as well. Kofi has some serious repentenace to do. I wonder how he really feels? As far as i can see its business as usual. Melly, do u notice some of the choir n a few members are missing? Or us it just me
September 28, 2018 at 1:14 AM
I haven’t been watching miracle arena since the scandal came out . Do you know which choir members left?
October 15, 2018 at 7:30 AM
melly did u see that Richard man is back at MA. I just came across it now. And the church was full. Wow! I wonder how much money he paid this man to show up. Don’t they ask him hey! What the hell is going on??? Kofi is parading as if all is well and the people are still in full swing. I just clicked on it for a min and clicked off. The Devil is a liar. People are so desperate for miracles they cling to any false prophet just to hear a prophecy
zamza za
November 2, 2018 at 12:52 AM
Please has he (or his wife) made any public repentance (or even speech) about this whole situation?
November 2, 2018 at 3:30 AM
I am praying for his repentance; and believe it should be in public to the congregation at least in part, and surely in truth. Initially, he spoke from a written statement on the Friday evening when the story hit The Toronto Star. That speech was incomplete, vague and positioned him as a spiritual ‘victim’ being pursued, while lacking repentance and disclosure. The public record stands, and followed in detail the Sunday following. I am not aware of any actions or words since. They are in my prayers daily.
zamza za
November 30, 2018 at 11:06 PM
I have much respect for him, but this is very bad if he hasn’t done or I’d anything to his church at least about this whole situation… meanwhile he is still preaching and performing miracles.
Lord please give this man light and wisdom.
zamza za
November 30, 2018 at 11:08 PM
Please Cathy do you have you link to the written statement he spoke from?
Thank you.
November 5, 2018 at 3:12 AM
Cathy save ur prayers for people who need it. That Lucifer/False Prophet is a narcissist. He does not feel as if he did anything worthy of repentance. The whole congregation need help. Sickening. They all act as if it is fake news. Nasty ass pastor.
November 19, 2018 at 6:26 PM
There was one time I went to the church he had one of those consultations where you go to see him and put money in an envelope. You are not allowed to take in any recording device into the meeting. I told him I needed help in my life and asked him what did he ‘see’. He was very annoyed and asked- what do you mean! I see nothing. I was the one who told him about my problem. He was not able to tell me one single thing. I left. Then he said come to Friday’s meeting. I said -why! he said come and I will tell u. I do not have any time right now. I showed up on Friday he called me out. He pretended to prophesy however, he only repeated what I told him. AT one point he forgot my husband’s name and u can watch the tape he leaned over in my ear and asked me the name. I hesitated and he got very agitated. He put his mike down from his mouth so the audience could not hear. Then I told him a pet name n he was prophesying all nonesnse. And the stupid ppl in the church was going crazy! I was laughing in my mind. But bec I admired him I did not tell anyone.
November 21, 2018 at 3:05 PM
Thank you for sharing your experience – the truth is what we are all seeking here. Grace to you. Miracle Arena is a cult in the technical use of this word. Many of the members idolize and adore PKD to the point of being blinded to the reality of his not being fit to lead and pastor without public and whole repentance. I watched a short clip the other day – a woman rushed to him to kneel down and polish his ‘red’ shoes in the middle of his preaching. This is not normal nor about God. Prayers for all of their freedom from spiritual oppression.
November 22, 2018 at 4:32 PM
A constructive action would be to file a complaint with CRA concerning their charitable status. Read : https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/charities-giving/charities/contact-charities-directorate.html#complaints
zamza za
November 30, 2018 at 11:10 PM
Sister Tonya thank you for sharing this.
Please how can we watch the tape where this (the “staged” prophecy over you) happened ?
Any link? Thank you
hater of KD
November 22, 2018 at 6:29 PM
They are all hypocrites. Sis Andrea. Jackie and all the tight pants boy who claim they are men of God. Still the poor little girl who holds the camera still can’t get her status. Yet this hypocrite pretends as if he’s anointed. If God was like man that drop dead long time. Wicked POS!!! He brainwashes the people and take every cent from them. The biggest con man alive. KOFI DANSO.
November 25, 2018 at 4:10 AM
The engine is revving at MAFAN. They having some youth event tonight with Director X as a guest! Director X aka hip hop music video producer (Drakes boy), director of Superfly (R rated movie), and self proclaimed practitioner (now spokesperson) of the silva method of meditation (paranormal mind control)! He is not Christian nor a role model for a church youth. This is pagan marketing to draw in more youth unawares of the darkness therein. They also doing some ritual with red scarves. Smh. This is as bad as the news of Jamal Bryant taking over Eddie Long’s church in Atlanta as senior pastor. People, this is the land of the living we are witnessing. Jesus is coming again soon. Amen
December 3, 2018 at 4:31 PM
Yeah, I heard about this through some of the member of Miracle Arena from Instagram.
March 14, 2019 at 3:53 PM
Does anyone know what happened to Minister Vuysile? She used to sing in the choir at Miracle Arena and was for a long time.
August 22, 2019 at 1:21 PM
One year ago this scandal came out and people still choose to attend this church and for the life of me , I just can’t comprehend why.at least some of the original chiropractic members came to their senses and left
August 24, 2020 at 7:22 PM
What happened to minister cecile