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I Dumped My Fiancee Bimbo & Married A ‘Bimbo’, My Life Is Stuck In Limbo.. Please Help

my life is stuck in limbo

By Gold Myne

My life is hot, and I don’t mean hot in the good sense, let’s just say my life is hell right now.

I deserve every insult or curse I get in this post, as I have insulted and cursed myself as much as humanly possible. In fact, I have cursed the womb that bore me but I’m still in hell!

My name is Tayo, I am into real estate. I got lucky with a mega deal about three years ago that totally changed my life from just a cool bachelor to a very rich bachelor!

Then I became the target of every single lady every where I went. At a point I stopped going to church because they were all making advances at me and I was in love with my long time girlfriend Abimbola.

Somehow, I still cannot explain it. This lady in my church, Ejiro got me hooked.

It started with a simple ‘lift’ and I was hooked. I remember how I kept thinking she was an angel. Drop dead gorgeous, the perfect trophy girlfriend, and surprisingly godly! She was a hottie.

We got talking after the first time I gave her the lift from church, I told her a lot of things including about Bimbo my girlfriend, she told me she was waiting for God’s plan for her life.

To cut it short, perfect Ejiro the hottie visited me in my home one fateful day and before I knew it, we had sex and I was doomed.

Before I knew it, I had dumped Bimbo my girl of many years. I got engaged to Ejiro and married her last year February. My life has not remained the same.

I can’t even describe her now, she does not raise a finger in the house except to paint her face and eat. I got two helps initially, she has replaced them like 8 times, they keep leaving.

Someone once said I left Bimbo for a ‘bimbo’. Luckily for me, she isn’t pregnant yet. I can’t imagine having a child by her. She nags, she curses, she stopped going to church, she hates my family, she sent all my friend away, I have lost many deals because of her!

I already asked her for a divorce twice and she told me she would kill me! I think she means it… Bimbo is still unmarried, I have apologized some months ago and I just wish this witch would leave…maybe I still have a chance with the good woman I left!

How do I get Ejiro to leave?.



  1. Chioma

    May 29, 2018 at 1:14 PM

    U are indeed in a big mess, you deserve to be tortured by Ejiro. If I know Bimbo, I will personally tell her not to take you back old fool

  2. Kemi Obe

    May 29, 2018 at 1:15 PM

    This is the life of an average Nigerian man, they drop the good ones and eventually end up with the bad ones.
    There is no way forward, Bimbo will not marry u

  3. Ami kamara

    May 29, 2018 at 1:31 PM

    From my gut feelings , I believe I were Bimbo I will not marry you . But again when we look at the world of nowadays , maybe it was something out of the ordinary that Eji used to get you . On the other hand she may have been sent to destroy you . All you need now is strong prayers you know .

  4. Ifeoma

    May 29, 2018 at 1:41 PM

    You need to read through your lines With the word “I AM” Firstly I would like to change your thought of thinking to positivity believing and having the urge you are a great person and a happy person regardless of all.The moment you decides to focus on the net edge of the Had i know, you will be in a era of difficulty.Now that you have found you made a mistake , you need to forgive yourself first before taking up any other step. Make peace with bimbo and let her know you ready to amend.Remove fear, if you feel not comfortable been around ejiro, go ahead and let her go but work it out peacefully if it will involve legal action? Make sure no one is hurt neither you nor her.Renew yourself and work towards happiness.Remember you owe yourself to be happy…
    I wish you all the best.


    May 29, 2018 at 3:34 PM


  6. Leah

    May 29, 2018 at 8:01 PM

    That’s OK! Nobody is above mistake. The most important thing is that u have realized it. I agree with ifeoma that u should first forgive yourself and move on. Bimbo might not even be the best for you. This time around just relax, pray and wait for God to give u the right woman. Ejiro was from the pit of hell to destroy u. Divorce her, go for deliverance and move on with ur life. But be careful of Ejiro cos she can kill. She’s a devil, a very big demon. God bless u.

  7. DB

    May 29, 2018 at 8:04 PM

    Congratulations bro. 1st of all, forget about Bimbo’s return to you because if Ejiro had not tormented you, you would have forgotten about Bimbo. As for your tormentor, just prostrate to her every morning you wake up, serve her breakfaast in bed and love her till death do you part. You asked for a mother to teach you home training and now you’ve got it. You are stuck

    • Kemi Obe

      May 29, 2018 at 9:38 PM

      Lol @ DB you are bad gan…. He is stuck for real

  8. fifelomo

    May 30, 2018 at 6:30 AM

    You called for that. What you ordered for is bn delivered, more than your expectations. You have got peace, yet you decided to buy pieces with your cash. Congrats bro. Bimbo, this ingrate is a no go area! God will heal your wound and answer your secret prayers.

  9. Jilo

    May 30, 2018 at 12:07 PM

    First of all i understand your situation and the reason why that Ejiro girl must go because that was not your initial plan. She was not making an empty threat that she was going to kill you because you married her and she will tear you apart if you try to divorce her. It would have been a different case if you are just dating.That already put you in a real limbo as you have said.

    Now how to disentangle yourself from your Jezebel wife is very simple, you just have to play the game wisely. At this junction the option left on the table is Obasanjo advise to South Africans during Apartheid era. He told them to use African insurance (Juju) against White people that is,to go spiritually. Being the type of person she is, she will be good in that aspect but you have to go through some advance spiritual advisor who can break her wings. She will park her baggage by herself and leave you alone otherwise my brother, if you do it in a legal way, she may end up getting rid of you.

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