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I Stole Lagos Bridge Railings To Save Money To Return To Enugu – Scavenger Tells Police

scavenger steal bridge railing lagos

April 27, 2016 – I Stole Lagos First Mainland Bridge Railings To Save Money To Return To Enugu – Scavenger Tells Police

RRS officials have arrested two men caught stealing railings of the First Mainland Bridge aka Carter Bridge.

23-year-old John Omeoha and 23-year-old Godwin Nwankwo were nabbed while bringing out 17 bars for reinforcement mean to firm up the bridge from a manhole.

The suspect told the police they were desperately hungry and looking for means to get fast money.

One of the suspects, Godwin Nwankwo who came from Enugu told the police his mission was to steal the railings, sell it to raise enough money to return to Enugu.

Her him:

“This year, I have entered the hole four times.

From the money I made from those sales, I have saved N5,000 in my bank account to assist me to travel out of Lagos. Yesterday, I went there again. I invited my friend, Omeoha. We stole 17 bars which we planned to sell to scavengers in order to raise funds.

Unfortunately, just as we were bringing out the metal from the manhole, RRS operatives sighted us and arrested us. My plan was to raise money to enable me relocate back to Enugu, where I repair handsets before coming to Lagos.

I want to leave Lagos because my life has been meaningless here. “I broke my waist while working with a gas pipeline laying company in Lagos. That was where my problem started. I spent two months in hospital. When I was discharged, I was advised not to do hard work. So, the easy way out for me is to scavenge for a living. That is why I need to move out of Lagos.



  1. fifelomo

    April 27, 2016 at 5:02 AM

    Not everybody will make it in Lagos. Do you have anything to do in Lagos before embarking on the journey? There are other jobs you can do, which is of less stress, but you have chosen a fast one which is stealing. Stealing government property all in the name of going back to your village is nt an excuse at all. You are nothing but a disgrace to yourself.

  2. Metu Nyetu

    April 27, 2016 at 5:59 AM

    Oh! That’s a pity. Sorry, you hear? But you will still be shown the road to the prison. Mtwwwwwww!

  3. D Hunter

    April 27, 2016 at 6:33 AM

    Since you claimed you were a phone engineer, why didn‘t you start same trade in Lagos to raise money for you exodus, why taking to stealing to achieve just that?

    The worse was that you guys went to steal something that will have a nagative effects on the masses.

    When you get to kirikiri prison, you will explain all that bullshit to the inmates for a rousing welcome.

    My strolling continues…

  4. Big Aunty Koks

    April 27, 2016 at 7:20 AM

    Jail these thieves and give them free ride in”Green Maria” vehicle to Enugu to serve their imprisonment term in the Enugu Maximum Security Prison since that was their intended destination. Tiff Tiff people with plenty tori tori for mouth. Mchweeeeew!!!

  5. sola olaniyi

    April 27, 2016 at 7:30 AM

    Wonder why some people believe they can’t make it anywhere else in Nigeria except Lagos..

  6. John Emeka

    April 27, 2016 at 10:31 AM

    Wot a story and life..
    pple in dis country re living in hell especially d poor average ones.
    U could hv just continue ur phone engineer work knowing fully well hw tough lagos is 4 even an average nig.

  7. betty

    April 27, 2016 at 10:40 AM

    Story story u are a thief and u must be punished

  8. Maryf

    April 27, 2016 at 4:55 PM

    The hardship in Nigeria is becoming something terrible, but it shouldn’t be leading people to stealing. Now they will vomit what they’ve saved so far and even spend more. I ask, what’s the gain from all these stealing? Men please wise up and do something good with your time and life. Total Rubbish

  9. Sharon stone

    April 29, 2016 at 9:34 PM

    Mumu u will nt only return 2 enugu but prison.

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