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How Indian Doctor Wrong Diagnosis Almost Killed A Lagosian..Here Is My Testimony

indian doctor wrong diagnosis

Nov 2nd, 2017 – How Wrong Indian Doctor Diagnosis Almost Killed A Lagosian…Here Is My Testimony

Life was a little rough for my enemy in the past 8 days. I must be candid but thank God for the victory.

I must share this story to inspire someone out there.

As you know me, I hate getting personal but if this will save someone’s life, why keep it to my self.

Hello, this is Vicky… the MD for dis space…(yeyewoman) pardon my sarcasm.

I am alive today not by my own doing but to use my testimony to inspire and also encourage others who may find themselves in similar situation to be careful..

For those who know a little about my story, you all know how I left my village in ****** and relocated to Naija to be with my people and follow my passion.. Yes I love it because life is a lot better here though rough at times.

Enough of story so fast forward to Monday October 16, I had a bit of breathing difficult so I had to head to a private clinic here in Lagos (will not mention name to prevent wahala).

On getting there, an Indian doctor attended to me and he told me it is just chest congestion. He gave a medication and ignore all my suggestions.

Little did I know that if I had listened to his hasty advice, my enemy might have kicked the bucket.

So my ‘Oga on top’ advised us to seek better medical advice to get to the bottom of the breathing difficulty.

To cut the long story short, we took a long trip to Toronto where we met some specialists who diagnosed me with chronic Pneumonia. I was immediately admitted.

At a point, my doctor suggested we go and see a specialist who saw some other abnormalities that had to be corrected through surgery.

According to my ‘Oga on top’, what the ‘Olodo’ Indian doctor diagnosed as common flu and chest congestion kept me in the hospital for more than 3 days.

Will keep it here so as not to scare you because all other things happened while I was in a medically induced coma.

But to God be all the glory.

To you reading this piece, you shall not mourn your loved ones this year and nobody shall mourn you.

The shout of joy and laughter will not cease in your family.

Every appointment with death is terminated in the name of Jesus.

So if you notice any strange thing in your body, don’t believe in diagnosis of one doctor, please seek opinions of others and make sure you try and tell them how you feel. Do not allow them to shut you up.

If your doctor is not the patient type like the one that attended to me in Lagos, please find a better doctor.

They are not doing you any favour, they are only doing their job and if they feel they are too big for you abeg comot for there and see others.

It is well with us.



  1. Olaitan Alabi

    November 2, 2017 at 2:01 AM

    Vicky dear I thank God for your life. It is indeed a testimony and that you are alive means yo u have more to contribute to humanity. good to hear
    So where did you relocate from and when.
    I am running a PhD program in UNILAG originally from Tennessee

  2. Odunaike Benson

    November 2, 2017 at 2:04 AM

    Indians are the worst people to have as doctors. They see blacks as second class citizen but we can’t deny the fact that they are good in medical profession
    I rejoice with you and your family

    • DB

      November 2, 2017 at 9:12 AM

      Yet Nigerians wont stop running to them when they have kidney or heart conditions. There are foolish doctors every where, all over the world. We can only pray not to be victims of their error.

  3. Joyful Amaka

    November 2, 2017 at 4:43 AM

    My dear I thank God for you, please see my other comment and reply to my email immediately, I wanna be your friend please don’t ignore it

  4. Joyful Amaka

    November 2, 2017 at 4:45 AM

    My God Nigerians are really trying, my friend told me the site is owned by naij and i was told the owner is from chez republic. Am really happy to know that vicky is a nigerian living in the same city as me. Which part of Lagos are u based

  5. Joyful Amaka

    November 2, 2017 at 4:48 AM

    So you went through all of this and you are still able to update. u are an epitome of courage and strength pls my dia take it easy life has no replacement.
    get well soon

  6. fifelomo

    November 2, 2017 at 5:01 AM

    Madam Vicky thank God for keeping you alive up to this moment. We shall all live long. Indians are worst people to work with or to work for, talking from experience.

  7. Big Aunty Koks

    November 2, 2017 at 8:00 AM

    Said it before and I say it again, whenever you need medical attention, pray to God that HE leads you to where there is wisdom and by extension….. Solution. All said and done, doctors are humans like all of us and can make mistakes. Welcome back and I wish you full recovery!

  8. Mon

    November 2, 2017 at 9:58 AM

    Now i get it…not yet your time and your guarding angels are fully at alert…To God be the glory.
    Keep on getting stronger.

  9. oby

    November 2, 2017 at 12:32 PM

    thank God for your life my dear. all praises go to Him alone.

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