IPOB, Biafra And The Unspoken Realities Of Nigeria’s First Coup
July 11, 2017 – Nnamdi Kanu’s Rhetoric And The Unspoken Realities Of Nigeria’s First Coup
By Albert Afeso Akanbi
“Our minds have been poisoned and our accepted beliefs are unnatural and artificial” –Bryant McGill
I am not one of those who believe balkanization would ultimately transform the governments of the nations that would emerge into several magic wands that would solve all the problems facing the people that inhabit the geographical space we today call Nigeria.
This sits among the reasons why I have never given a moment’s pause to the Nnamdi Kanu question. In fact, when he was arrested in 2015, I was in faraway India attending a writer’s residency, and readily dismissed the social media buzz then as another of our many Nigerian Noise Making sessions.
An Igbo friend sent me a video recently, and in that video Kanu came across as insultive, arrogant, filled with hate and somewhat dishonest about most of the history of the same country whose passport I am sure both he, members of his family and countless followers carry.
Nnamdi Kanu is not the first activist that we have seen. We have seen the likes of Gani, Soyinka and even the executed Sarowiwa, whose people of Ogoni have more right to agitation than any section of this country make their point but Kanu is the first to be so insultive and filled with hate for a country that countless of his brothers earn a living from. In fact, at the height of his peaceful resistance to British domination, Ghandi did not because Winston Churchill often dismissed him as ‘a half-naked seditious fakir’ among other insults, for once retorted to the use of invectives to pass his message. Even though I am not trying to insult the greatness of these men by putting Nnamdi Kanu on the same pedestal as them, my point is that he should take a clue from them and make his point with decorum.
The said video brought up a few questions in my mind: is it that Kanu is incapable of interpreting history, is he just being mischievous or willfully distorting what else we know? Even if there is something urgent about his message, should he not be building bridges rather than burning them through his insolence?
Let us take the issue of the first ever Nigerian coup for example.
A lot of people have faulted the amalgamation of 1914 but that is another matter. Many more have blamed what they call the ‘Born to Rule attitude’ of some Hausa/Fulanis on the British, which too is another matter.
Granted that the British tactics of divide and rule and the Hausa/Fulani domination created some resentment in the south in those days, but did the national challenges of the time warrant military coup? Even if their action was ideologically motivated as Ademoyega argued in his book, should they have prosecuted it in a way that appeared like a coup with sectional goal?
In August 1957 the Western and Eastern regions of Nigeria became self-governing, and they were later joined by northern region in 1959. On October 1, 1960, Nigeria became independent with three self–governing regions that saw the nation starting out as a true federation.
Granted that the new country had her own challenges and her new government at the time was not perfect, historians are unanimous in agreeing that some successes were made in the First Republic. For starters, the regions were truly independent, there was healthy rivalry among them, schools were built in Lagos, Ife, Nsukka and Zaria, colleges were established to train teachers and in fact, the Western Region introduced free education in 1955. Still the military struck and the first government ended. How would Nigeria have been had those mostly Igbo officer not struck when they did, how would Nigeria have been if there was no civil war and all the countless coup and coup d’état that followed after the war?
Prior to the 1966 coup, the president of Nigeria, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Senate president Nwafor Orizu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jaja Nwachukwu and the GOC of the armed forces JTU Ironsi were all Igbo men in an Igbo government and the army was said to be 65% Igbo, yet, Igbo officers staged a coup that wiped out the entire leadership of non-Igbo officers.
In Lagos, Kaduna and Ibadan, top government officials of non-Igbo extraction and the entire northern leadership was wiped out. Apart from majority of the coup plotters being Igbo, no single Igbo officer was killed in that coup. In fact, Major General David Ejoor (rtd) who was the Brigade Commander in Enugu then, in his book asserted that when soldiers were killing northern leadership, some were deployed to guard the home of Igbo officers to prevent them from being killed. He also claimed that a platoon was deployed to guard the home of the Premier of the Eastern Region Dr Michael Okpara. It was even alleged that one of the coup plotters, Ifeajuna held discussions with some eastern leaders which led to a mass exodus of Igbo leaders from Enugu before the coup.
After the coup, in very controversial circumstances, JTU Ironsi took power. Despite advice, he refused to try the coup plotters. As if to buttress this point, one of the plotters Mr Ben Gbule, would later lament ‘if we were shot, perhaps there would have been no civil war’.
JTU Ironsi even appointed an entirely Igbo advisory cabinet and then against better advise again, appointed Francis Nwokedi, an Igbo man, as sole administrator ‘to inquire into the unification of the regional public services’. Mr. Nwokedi was reported to be very dictatorial and arrogant in carrying out his duties, yet the leader carried on as if all was well.
If as many enlightened people have argued, ‘the worse democratic rule is better than the best military rule’, was the first coup justified whatever the reasons of the plotters? Did Nzeogwu and his men give a moment pause to what would be the back clash of their actions? As informed Nigerians today know, that first coup was the immediate cause of the war and most of Nigeria’s problems that followed till this day. Yet, the Nnamdi Kanus of this world would have us believe otherwise. They would have us believe that the Igbo sat still and war was brought on them.
In as much as I regret the war and pray nothing of such happens again in this country, I have always maintained that, the blame and atrocities of that war can be placed squarely at the feet of both side, it is only a matter of degree and interpretation.
Today, Nigerians including Kanu are one in condemning excessive power at the centre. It can even be argued that this sits at the core of the agitation for true federalism. But as far back as 1947, our founding fathers, Azikiwe and Awolowo saw the dangers and warned against a unitary form of government. Yet it was Ironsi, Nnamdi Kanu’s tribesman, against the advice of the four military governors of the time that established a unitary government in this country. As if that was not enough, the promotions in the army that followed favoured Igbo officers. This is not taking into consideration the highly provocative attitude of the Igbos to their host in the highly illiterate northern Nigeria in those days.
How can anybody, Nnamdi Kanu or not, reasonable deny the fact that the first coup was an Igbo coup? I believe any story that does not reflect this fact is biased. Objectivity means following the evidence, no matter how uncomfortable for us where it leads. Yet, I have not seen any traces of it in Kanu as regards the issue of the Nigerian Civil War.
There are many law abiding Igbos living and working within and outside Igbo land to whom the word secession is alien. Yet every day Kanu taunts them about living in a zoo and that theirs is the worst country in the world. Does he speak for the Igbo? Was he elected as such?
He speaks of self-determination, are Igbo under the colonial era still? In an independent country where citizens can freely live in any region they so choose, should he not be asking for the right to development instead? Around 2012, this same Kanu agitated for restructuring, what has changed since then that prompted his call for the dissolution of Nigeria today?
The large crowd of youths we see following him around in the east today, in my mind, only buttresses two simple truths: Nigerian youths especially those of Igbo extraction living in the east are fed up with their leaders and the country is long overdue for restructuring. If anything, this Kanu uprising should show every right thinking Nigerian that the time for selfish and dangerous politics is over, and Nigeria is long overdue for a patriotic, sincere and focused government. If this had been the case, I doubt if anyone would have paid any attention to one million Kanus.
Many have argued that the real issue here is marginalization even though it is the entire country that is being marginalized by the rich cartel. Even though I agree with this line of thinking and see the Nigerian situation as a battle between the rich alliance and the poor masses, I believe the government should see this tension as such and therefore do all within its power to redress it.
Truth be told, all the major government institutions in this country are located in northern and western Nigeria. This is also the case with the appointments in president Buhari’s government. According to the writer Chigachi Eke, ‘if the excessive weight of the overfed north does not kill Nigeria, then ultimately the chronic anemia of the malnourished east will’.
This is what we are seeing with the large crowd of dis-satisfied Igbo youths following Kanu all around. Is dis-satisfaction with the system not a very good breeding ground for fertile minds that can be fed with so much hate? Who knows what a large ready crowd of youths whose minds have been poisoned and is been manipulated with rhetoric against their own country are capable of doing? Who knows where all these agitation for a referendum and calls for election boycott will lead in the nearest future if the government does not act fast by showing it is willing to end the political marginalization of the Igbo and as a matter of fact every other section in this country?
The battle line is now drawn. The countdown in the battle for the minds of Nigerians in general and the average Igbo living in the south east has begun. Nnamdi Kanu continues to tour the region spreading his hate speeches against Nigeria, it is up to the government to match him by doing what is patriotic, needful and long overdue, which is to start the process of restructuring this great country.
God bless Nigeria
About the author: Albert Afeso Akanbi is a Novelist, Researcher and Humanitarian. He lives in Abuja, FCT, Nigeria and he is a father. Twitter: @afeso82 Instagram: afeso82 Blog:

July 12, 2017 at 1:12 AM
Well written article……
July 12, 2017 at 1:24 AM
Thank you brother Afeso Akanbi for your wise, powerful and insightful article . Kanu Nnamdi is the worse tribalist idiot I’ve seen in my adult life, and no wonder, he is the leader of movement of the fools, uninformed and haters. He dishes out lies, falsehood, and distorted history in order to gain polarity among his foolish followers. Mind you, I’m not referring to those Igbos who are not on board with his ideas of hatred, violence, tribalism, succession, and civil war. In 2012, he was demanding for restructuring because he sees Badluck Jonathan has the true friend of the Igbos and their messiah because he appointed mainly Igbos as Minister of Petroleum, Finance, Defense, and many critical political appointees were occupied by them as never before seen in Nigerian politics. Can someone tell me, of what benefits are those Jonathan Igbo crucial political appointees are to ordinary Igbos and people living in Southeast and Southsouth regions? Zero benefits to suffering Igbos because as we now know, those crooks looted billions of dollars to foreign accounts for their personal use and careless if their people live or die. As soon as Badluck Jonathan was rejected at the polling booths by overwelming majority of Nigeria, the Southeast roads/bridges and that of the Southsouth remain the worse in the nation. But this wouldn’t prevent the people of Southeast from casting 99% of their votes for a president who cannot point to one completed federal project or road in six years of his presidency in the Southeast and Southsouth regions. What a shame in a country where tribalism rules supreme! Kanu Nnamdi suddenly turned to uncontrolled animal immediately president Buhari was sworn in as president. He insulted Nigeria and often called our beloved nation zoo. It is surprising that the fool now live in the zoo with his father, mother, siblings and other animals like him. The Biafran agitators started immediately PMB became president because their guy Jonathan was rejected by majority Nigerians. I now know that any lying tongue anointed by the demons of destruction from the pit of hell can suddenly become a leader to fellow haters, racists, and ignorants who cannot think for themselves. When you hear or see this guy talks, you can see the insincerity, ingenuity, and a brainwashed master who is using the recession, high unemployment, anger, and lack of economic opportunities of the Igbo youths to fool and brainwash them. What a mess! Before Col. Ojukwu declared Biafra state at the beginning of the civil war, he first ordered all the Igbos living outside Igboland to vacate their dwellings to come back home. Guess what happened? All Igbos living in the Northern region, Non-Igbo region and Western region obeyed him because they all came back home before his declaration. Likewise, if this dumb 419 and foolish Kanu Nnamdi want his Biafra today, he should do exactly what Col Chukuemeka Ojukwu did in 1967 before the civil war, Kanu should call all Igbos living in the north, Southwest, and Southsouth region to sell their properties and come home to Biafra nation-Southeast region. I assure him, if majority of the Igbo people obey his instruction, he will have Biafra nation within a week without firing a single bullet. But as long as over 70% of Ndiigbo are still living comfortably and doing well in business in Non-Igbo regions of the country, then we will all continue to live in One Indivisible Nigeria. Nobody is holding the Igbos from suceeding, this will be a true Igbo referendum to succession that no power can stop. Up to this moment, there is still freedom of movement in Nigeria. Enough of all this noise, falsehood, and lies about Biafra actualization. I have given that foolish guy the ultimate formula to achieve his dream of Biafra state, he should take it or remain quiet forever.
July 12, 2017 at 5:04 AM
Afeso you are a honest Yoruba Man and let me thank you for recognizing the undisputable fact that the Igbo people are been “marginalized” economically and politically as clearly evident by the lack of federal presence or “government institutions in the southeast” which is clearly concentrated both in southwest and in the northeast. It is only an enlightened,well-informed,honest and undeceitful individual that will agree to that glaring fact. Those who are unintelligent,biased and struck dumb are the ones that will never agree to this truth. @Omokehinde sometimes it beats my imagination how you are often quick to denounce the Biafran peaceful agitation using derogatory and disparaging comments to make your point. Your hatred for Nnamdi Kanu has completely be-cloud your sense of judgement regarding the available facts which Biafra agitation is based. If Nnamdi supported restructuring during the time of Goodluck Jonathan which at that time was never realised does not mean he cannot change his stance. Since the call for restructuring by him as well as other well-meaning Nigerians has not been heeded by the federal Government of Nigeria up to this day,any intelligent, progressive and forward-thinking Igbo man will call for autonomy as the did the Niger Delta region. You concentrated your criticism on the past administration but never for a moment reflect your mind on the DEEP CAGE your “Best President” has locked the progress of Nigeria with bad economic policy he blindly introduce as soon as he became president resulting in the deep financial recession Nigeria find itself today. The lopsided ministerial appointment he shamelessly carried out will never be mentioned by you. The shielding of corrupt politicians without trial by the current administration has also gone you unnoticed. Definitely you are a biased individual. Let me make it emphatically clear to you that Nnamdi Kanu championing Biafran secession from Nigeria is legitimate,lawful and in tandem with international law backed by the United Nation. If you doubt it,then I will urge you to make your findings ok and stop your senseless criticism of an activist who is leading a peaceful secessionist movement that bears no arm.
Merit Brown
July 12, 2017 at 8:24 AM
Metu Nyetu
July 12, 2017 at 10:43 AM
A NICE PRESENTATION! A man who faces the truth even when it hurts is among the bravest of men. Many questions may arise as to the rationale behind the first military coup in Nigeria. And now it has been blamed to be the cause of that civil war. I wouldn’t deny its role here, but a greater degree of blame should go to Gen. Gowon who did not understand the difference between federation and confederation. This is the direct cause of that bloody three-year battle.
Anyway, my aim is not to dig up an obnoxious, old past that we dare not give encore. The real question is what has the leadership of this nation done in order that this memory might fade from our lives and thoughts? If we had had a sincere government, hardly would anybody be agitating for any separatist cause today. This whole Biafra struggle and Niger Delta militancy are direct offshoots of the government of superlative irresponsibility and blithe depravity that rules over us today. Kanu, unarguably, is insulting in his approach. But even if his cause achieves nothing else than shocking our slumbering and snoring leadership, stirring them to active sobriety, would we say he had failed? Or would we fail to reckon him among other world renown revolutionaries?
THOSE QUESTIONS MAY be subjective at best. But for those know-it-all pontificators who have written off this Kanu as a mad man, well, you may just be right. If the situation in this country does not make you mad, then you either must be too naive to perceive, or you possess a super-deadened irritability that has endowed you with blithe indifference. Congrats!
@ALBERT, IF THAT’S YOUR PICTURE I SEE there, then your face is as handsome as your diction. Shalom!
July 13, 2017 at 3:01 AM
@Endurance and Metu Nyetu, you guys will remained blessed with increase in your wisdom. shout out to you the writer, though you never mentioned about ABURI ACCORD as pointed out by Metu Nyetu. @Omokehinde,i sight you also,i hope one day you will understand that this Nnamdi Kanu is fighting for you also,unless you are among the cabals, either directly or indirectly.
However,in all that happened,the people who are more afraid of BIAFRA were British and not Hausa or Yoruba,even upto now, and in effect of their fear,decided to patch everybody together as Nigeria, that’s why we are still where we are and every reasonable person will attest that the patching cannot hold anymore because the central government under the indirect rule by British are still suppressing the Biafrans,knowing fully well that it will be one of the Nations in Africa who will openly tell them they are wrong in every ramifications.
Kanu’s movement is extra ordinary and the young man knows what he is doing, God is with him and by HIS grace,Biafra will be without any more war, enough was already sacrificed for it.